A Little Boss Lady Energy Never Hurts
Are you in need of a quick political pick-me-up to stay focused on our community goal of defeating Donald Trump in 2024? Nancy Pelosi never disappoints.
With Congress in constant gridlock and another infuriating presidential campaign in full swing, it can often seem like Washington and politics does not have anything to offer these days in terms of motivation or optimism. The spinning wheels of justice also feel like they are moving so slowly that they have ground to a halt in nearly every case against Donald Trump.
As an attorney and eternal optimist, I can promise you that the speed of litigation we are experiencing is quite normal and is an important component of ensuring a proper conviction, but none of this does anything to bolster anyone’s spirits.
It is times like these when we must search for our own inspiration to keep our minds interested and focused, especially when the primary season was so short and so pre-determined. The risk of checking out is always present, and so I ask you to take a short walk with me down memory lane today to remember when one of our worst times as a country brought us some of our greatest moments as Americans.
When I need an infusion of big bad boss energy and fighting spirit, I know I can always count on Nancy Pelosi, who served as the 52nd Speaker of the House of Representatives, and made history in 2007 when she was the first woman elected to this important position.

I’m Gonna Punch Him Out
(originally published on Oct. 14, 2022)
We need to take a minute to talk about Nancy Pelosi. Just when I think I can’t be more inspired by her leadership and her resolve to get the impossible done, she does something to level up even more and leave me in awe. While Pelosi was carefully measured to the public during the January 6 insurrection and during the critical weeks that followed, we now have video of her more candid moments that were filmed while the attack on the US Capitol was taking place. Watch the video embedded in the tweet below:

”I’m gonna punch him out. That’s what I want, I’ve been waiting for this…for trespassing on the Capitol grounds. I’m gonna punch him out, I’m gonna go to jail and I’m gonna be happy.” This was Pelosi’s actual response to the surging violence and Donald Trump’s threat to further incite a riot by claiming he would walk with his supporters up Capitol Hill. This is exactly how I felt, but even in this moment of terrible stress, Speaker Pelosi was more succinct.
I was live-tweeting the rally that day, just blocks from the Capitol Complex, and posting footage of anything that appeared dangerous or threatening as fast as I could. Early on I was not worried about the actual safety of those inside the Capitol, but I was concerned there could be a riot outside and that many police, press, and innocent bystanders could be hurt.
Just like the country and the political leaders in the Capitol at the time, I had no idea how intentionally stripped down and helpless the Capitol Police Department had been made. I remember watching that Trump rally, where it was quite clear he was attempting to incite violence. Several Trump allies had already spoken to the crowd, including Rudy Giuliani, and purposely stoked the violent and dangerous climate that was all around the Ellipse and soon thereafter, the Capitol.

I remember screaming at the cable coverage of the speakers while trying to monitor things from a Periscope feed and from other Twitter media posts. What started out as retorts that showed my disgust and that started like, “Um, sure-give that a try” and “oh, good thing THAT’S not illegal” soon evolved into “he’s legally inciting violence!” and “Trump better pray no one gets hurt, because he just incited this.” I like Nancy’s proclamation to punch Trump out much better.
The January 6th Committee concluded their final hearing in December of 2022, and toward the end, they played a breathtaking video compilation of Congressional leadership reacting to the Capitol riot in real time. We could see who was working on a peaceful solution and who was not. You can watch this video embedded in the tweet below:

After posting and watching that video a few (hundred) times, all I could focus on was the complete inaction of the Republicans in the room like Mitch McConnell and Steve Scalise, who just stood there and let everyone else protect them. Then I thought about Josh Hawley, who hauled ass out of the Capitol Complex as fast as his legs could carry him after stoking the angry crowd with a fist pump when he entered the building earlier that day.
Compare the actions of Nancy Pelosi in the few clips of what we are now privy to seeing, with the clip of Josh Hawley running away or Mitch McConnell doing nothing. This is why Republicans hate her so much. Pelosi is an effective woman who gets things done and her authority and presence are undeniable — she scares these men to death.

After the devastating blow to reproductive rights when Roe v Wade was overturned just a few months later in the summer of 2022, a perpetual nightmare was implemented for a lot of women in this country. Nancy Pelosi reminded me of the kind of woman I aspire to be, and the woman that I am. I needed some fresh hope — I think we all still do.
Nancy Pelosi was clearly taking nothing for granted, and always working to squeeze every available dollar out before that Midterm Election. The latest fundraising rounds from Pelosi and other top Democrats included the critical strategy of letting everyone know that an infusion of about $20 million could hold the House. Update: Democrats held the Senate and came close to taking the House with this strategy.

While I may have had a fun time emphasizing on Twitter how much I admire Nancy Pelosi and making posts that were a bit silly, it was good to remind myself of why I love this work and what I am doing here. It was also a good refresher on what to do when in doubt and needing a little inspiration.
Nancy Pelosi never fails to be an ongoing source for political energy that is motivating and captivating. Her past actions and sacrifices have provided a great reminder of what we continue to fight for, even now. For this reason, these clips above will remain timeless and act as a reference for what we are capable of, even with our backs up against a proverbial marble Capitol wall. Badass boss till the last.
Thank you, Nancy.
Amee Vanderpool writes the SHERO Newsletter, is an attorney, published author, contributor to newspapers and magazines, and an analyst for BBC radio. She can be reached at avanderpool@gmail.com or follow her on Twitter @girlsreallyrule.
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These are the times that try citizens' enemies (i.e., *republicans*).