Crass Jokes and An Expletive Laden Rant About Migrants
According to a newly obtained audio recording from a private dinner in August, Donald Trump told inappropriate jokes and swore about undocumented migrants, and pocketed $12 million.
An audio recording obtained, but not published it its entirety by The Guardian, has revealed that Donald Trump entertained a crowd at a private dinner in Aspen, Colorado, by recalling his meeting with the widow of Corey Comperatore, the firefighter who was killed in July at a Trump rally in Pennsylvania.
Trump explained that the members of his Florida Mar-a-Lago Golf Club, wanted to start a fundraiser for Comperatore’s family. (Elon Musk donated $100,000 to the fund in July).
Trump: “I said absolutely and they gave me a check for a million dollars. That’s a lot of money. Maybe even more impressively we put out a GoFundMe and we raised more than $6 million for the group that got hurt, which is essentially three people.”
Trump: “So they’re going to get millions of dollars but the woman, the wife, this beautiful woman, I handed her the check — we handed her the check — and she said, ‘This is so nice, and I appreciate it, but I’d much rather have my husband.’ Now, I know some of the women in this room wouldn’t say the same.”
Dinner guests erupted in laughter as Trump continued: “I know at least four couples. There are four couples, Governor [Greg Abbott], that I know and you’re not one of them. At least four couples here would have been thrilled, actually.”

At this dinner, where attendees were required to donate anywhere from a minimum of $25,000 to $500,000 a couple, Trump spent most his of time focused on his racist rhetoric, specifically “border security and immigration.” According to The Guardian, the Republican Nominee “unleashed a foul-mouthed tirade about undocumented immigrants” and assured the crowd that if Kamala Harris wins the election, this “could be the last election we ever have.”
Trump made a point to go through his greatest hits, which included xenophobic claims that he makes a point to showcase at his rallies. He referred to Democrats as “Radical Leftwing Lunatics” and told the elite crowd that the Democratic leftists wanted people to come in to the United States who had escaped “prisons, mental institutions and insane asylums.” Trump also claimed, with no evidence or proof, that the United States is currently harboring “a record number of terrorists.”
Donald Trump continued to make up the story as he went along, telling the crowd that “smart, very streetwise” leaders of Venezuela and other South American countries were intentionally “banishing murderers and drug dealers” to America, in order to lower the crime rates and save money on prisons.
Next, Trump continued to lie to the audience making up concepts and numbers as he went along. Donald Trump said that people had come to the United States after being released from prison in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Trump: “We said, ‘Where do you come from?’ They said, ‘Prison’. ‘What did you do?’ ‘None of your fucking business what we did.’ You know why? Because they’re murderers.”
At this point there must have been some kind of reaction to the foul language used by attendees, because Trump attempted to rehabilitate crass statements.
Trump: “I hate to use that foul language.”
Trump continued: “These are the toughest people. These people are coming in from Africa, from the Middle East. They’re coming in from all parts of Asia, the bad parts, the parts where they’re rough, and the only thing good is they make our criminals look extremely nice. They make our Hell’s Angels look like the nicest people on earth.”

Trump launched into a tirade about how Kamala Harris, the Democratic Nominee for President, is the real threat to democracy, and if she is elected the United States may suffer extreme consequences that will not be easy to overcome.
Trump: “Look, we gotta win and if we don’t win this country’s going to hell. You know, there’s an expression, this could be the last election we ever have and it’s an expression that I really believe, and I believe that this could be the last election we ever have.”
Trump continued: “I’m telling you we have a radical left person that’s going be president – if she wins it’s going to be a disaster – she wants to be president very badly. Thank God she’s supposed to be horrible at debating, although she’s nasty, and she’s supposed to be really bad at interviews. She can’t do an interview.”
Spoiler alert: Kamala Harris was, in fact, so good at debating that Donald Trump backed out of a second matchup.

According to The Guardian, Donald Trump flew to the private event at the $38 million home of investors and art collectors John and Amy Phelan, on a Gulfstream G-550 jet once owned by Jeffrey Epstein, after Trump’s own private plane experienced engine trouble. The dinner was attended by casino mogul Steve Wynn, billionaire businessman Thomas Peterffy, Texas Governor Greg Abbott, Florida Congressman Byron Donalds, Colorado Congresswoman Lauren Boebert and former Colorado senator Cory Gardner.
During his speech Trump made a point to remind the entitled crowd that Kamala Harris supports the “defund the police” movement, “suggesting that she was a typical politician who will revert to type once she is elected.”
Trump: “Her policy is defund the police. She wants to defund the police. She wants open borders. With a politician — and I’ve seen it because I’ve been on both sides of politics for a long time; now, a short time for this side but I was always a contributor — she wants to go out and she wants to defund the police. And they always go back to their original plot. They always do.”

This entire, sordid, song and dance from Donald Trump, allegedly raised $12 million for the Trump Campaign, which is just over one quarter of the total $43 million that was raised by the Trump Campaign for the entire month of August. Kamala Harris, in her first full month of fundraising for her presidential campaign, raised four times that amount, bringing in $190 million for the same month.
While I’m sure that Harris held many private donor dinners in order to reach that total, we can also be confident that the Democratic nominee kept the f-bombs to a minimum, and did not make a widow the punchline any jokes.
Amee Vanderpool writes the SHERO Newsletter, is an attorney, published author, contributor to newspapers and magazines, and an analyst for BBC radio. She can be reached at or follow her on Twitter @girlsreallyrule.
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Lauren Boebert!? These people are slummin’. What do they think a megalomaniac like Trump can do for them? They must know he just wants their money. And more money. Will he throw them in Guantánamo until they open up their offshore accounts?
The contrast between a capable, creative, and courageous leader in Kamala Devi Harris and her rude, racist, xenophobic, entitled, bully contender in Donald John Trump as her Republican opponent couldn’t be more stark. If DJT wins, from the standpoint of living in the CAFO saturated manure filled troughs of our Republican trifecta controlled state of Iowa with millions of pigs, chickens and cattle treated with profane cruelty by indifferent corporate farm owners, this deregulated, corrupt government will be the model on a national scale. Racist, antisemitic, anti-LGTBQIA+ discriminatory language will find its way into legislation. Private schools will profit as the Department of Education will be disbanded and public school districts will be cut in funding. The privileged will be able to send their kids for free through tax payer dollar voucher schemes. Transgender kids will be bullied out of their education, their sexual identities, and immigrants will be arrested on mass and deported and separated from their dependents. Governor Abbott’s anti disability ♿️ legislation will be erected as a model. I can’t imagine such a horrific situation if Republicans were to win the White House.