Feb 21Liked by Amee Vanderpool

This ruling from AL is so completely boneheaded and dumbass. It defies logic and would be easy to dismiss as ridiculous if it weren’t for real life consequences almost certain to pop up. For people that scream and cry about “freedom” these republicons are doing all they can to limit and take away freedom. From absurd questions like, if frozen embryos are people will they count on the census and can parents sue each other over child support to the serious how will this impact miscarriages and stillborn? Will the state now use its power and resources to investigate women who lose babies to determine if they were at fault? Handmaidens Tale coming to a red state near you. For all of our human achievement republicons prove daily we’re just monkeys with keys. People were warned, if the Supreme Mullahs get rid of Roe the consequences could be beyond absurd as red states work their asses off to disenfranchise women. And here we are. Utter stupidity.

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Feb 21Liked by Amee Vanderpool

So we make this clear to every single woman reading this article, the state of Alabama is saying that an unborn fetus has more rights than a female who is living in society.

You as a living female are considered chattel to these people. They think of you as property. They think of the fetus as a person.

Please get that through your thick "but it's not affecting me" heads, because it is.

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Feb 21Liked by Amee Vanderpool

I just can’t stress enough how asinine this is. On the other hand, based on this, I would claim multiple children on my Al tax return for every embryo , or if pregnant claims for,a child as well.

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we are living in the stupidest of times...

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It's still the 21st century, right? 🤔

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If anyone has any doubts that what Alabama did won't be followed by other red states, they're crazy. And, don't think that the Republicans, if they can achieve the "trifecta" of capturing the House, Senate and Presidency, won't try to pass a national law that enshrines the Alabama ruling as part of federal law.

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