I watch on MSNBC on TV and also follow on twitter. Every nite has been great! I hope they do it virtually forever. Beats watching a bunch of drunks milling around the floor making noise at the live conventions. Obama and Kamala were great speeches! actually I love the variation and mixture of modalities... some of the music was terrific..... some, not my thing. I no longer watch Trump on tv and have blocked him on social media,, So I will not be watching the RNC trump mob of gangsters and traitors on anything....... Next week would be a good time for a 4-day power outage!! I would take the summer heat and be grateful that trump was off the air.

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I have watched every minute of all first 3 nights of the Democratic Convention. I have been simultaneously been watching it on MSNBC on TV and The New York Times, the DNC stream and Amazon Prime on my iPad. The TV has interrupted the coverage with commentary at times and I can look at my iPad to see what is being cut. Such as before 9am and after 11pm.

I have been highly impressed with the creative and fascinating production. The roll call vote Tuesday was fascinating in its diversity. There were speeches of immense power such as Barack Obama and Kamala Harris’s speeches last night which were incredibly moving.

I do not miss the chaos and stupid costumes of past conventions. We are in a time of grave life and death consequences now. We need this serious and uplifting convention.

I will not watch a moment of next week’s Republican profanity. I live in Charlottesville and saw the Nazis and white supremacists and KKK in 2017. I do not need to see their toxic hate and lies. The Republicans can go to hell.

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I have been watching every night. I cannot say that I ever watched the convention this closely before. I was not too excited for the virtual format but I think they've done a great job in a difficult environment. I loved the Roll Call and seeing people in their home states and territories; last night's segment on violence against women was powerful and disturbing. Having young people speak about climate change was also impactful. I've been able to pay closer attention to the speeches because there aren't interruptions for applause or whatever rowdiness still happens on the floor at the in-person event. Less talking heads during the session is a big plus of this format. I don't think I can handle the GOP convention because I think it will be dark and negative.

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Yes I’ve been watching. It feels good to hear normal people speak about our country and where we can take it AGAIN. Especially liked hearing from Pres. Obama last night. We need strong voices and his is particularly impactful right now.

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I have been watching. They should keep it in this format going forward. I've seen enough drunken speakers at in person conventions for a lifetime.

I think they WILL win in November, but they might want to add a little to the message. It will be all euphoric etc. when they win, but the damage done is extreme. And that is just what we know now. It is going to take a long time to fix this mess and no one should be looking at this like a silver bullet of some sort. Temper the expectations. Remind everyone that this isn't a 1 time thing. ALL citizens need to be involved going forward.

For a 1st try at virtual conventions I think it is brilliant. A couple of minor miscues but nothing show stopping. I loved the way the roll call was done (PS. What's with the Calamari RI??). Showed slices of America most don't get to see!

I have zero intention of watching the RNC convention, unless I need some dark comedy or something.

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I have watched all 3 nights. I don't have cable so I've watched via Sling & MSNBC. I loved the State Roll Call, the Obama's, Hillary, Elizabeth Warren, all of the life stories about Joe and Kamala, and hearing truth, passion, compassion, and full sentences.

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I'm watching from PBS, good coverage and pundits

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I've been watching on the Dem Convention live feed on youtube on Roku every night. I saw last night, that someone was watching on msnbc and they cut it off at the end. I think it's been a great convention, under extraordinary circumstances, and so glad I haven't missed any of it. Hillary Clinton's message is what we need, but too many who didn't vote in 2016 won't hear it from her. It's infuriating, but true. We have to make a lot of the messaging this fall about the need for an overwhelming margin of victory in ALL races. Republicans will fight to invalidate ballots and suppress the will of the people as much as they can.

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Wednesday night was SUPREME! Watching intelligent, compassionate civic leaders speaking truths after four years of lies and obfuscation is life affirming.

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I( submitted this to the newyork times earlier just keep thing honest)

I must be missing something, reaching out to just the the old has beens, with also ran, and past there prime ex's doesn't address the vital part of the equation, as I said yesterday and what Barack said "Joe isn't going back but looking forward" , well that's a bad omen for the party because under Tom Perez that is exactly what has been has presented so far and I don't see that changing, like going backward on predetermined Platform Items, to reaching out to ancient history is not going forward, but no one seems to care that no one is addressing the young future of the party, victims of gun violence, who are dying to get an education, we are losing the movement of young Latino's who may not vote after losing Bernie for a second time, and still being ignored, young people in general, but young blacks about what black lives matter is mostly about. New voters who may not belong to any party these are the vote Biden will need and the party left then sitting on stoops and curbs but which backed the socialist movement of the progressives, and other then Monday and Bernie try to mend fences, nothing, I hope they wake up and remembers the warning given by Hillary last night, or this will be another 2016...

Roger A McGowan,

TSgt, USAF, (Ret.),

Ret Federal Civilian,

Dept. of the Air Force,

Budget and Logistics

Special Programs

These were my take always the only night I missed was Monday, but watch retransmission of the speakers, I really feel they missing a whole segment that mostly supported Bernie, and have yet to be invited in to the "ole' boys club" my opinion...

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Coverage of headline punches well above TV ratings. All good.

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The TV is on and I'm alternating between it and the interwebs. So yes, in a matter of speaking, I'm watching.

I've either watched or attended every Democratic convention since 1972 and I thought I would miss the applauding crowds much more than I do. When it's just the speaker and the camera, you hear what they're saying more, which, considering the national emergency we're in, is a good thing. And people LOVE to watch videos, which have been great. No doubt folks are finding them online and re-watching them. I know I am. (Last night's video on how women make change was particularly terrific.) The virtual roll call was wonderful, and I hope they do it that way from now on, even after the pandemic is over.

Also am not missing all the empty seats during the first two hours, and am not missing delegates, when they do show up, milling around and chatting each other up and not paying attention to the podium.

I can't imagine that the Repubs will do this nearly as well, although they could fool me... but they haven't had nearly as much time as the Ds had to pull it off, and Benedict Donald will be yanking their chains for changes up until the very last minute. I'll let social media keep me apprised of how they do.

Programming note: The lead-up on MSNBC this week with Joy, Rachel and Nicolle is must-see TV. I could listen to their discussions forever.

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Yes, I’ve been watching and appreciating seeing representation of women and BIPOC people. Loved the roll call, too. The semi awkward platform using live video makes it feel like seeing video of friends and family - like we’re on a big national zoom call. I like it and the speeches have been very moving, too. A great job in challenging times IMO. Really curious to see the RNC shitshow but it’ll likely stress me out too much to watch it

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So agree! I won't watch a second of it, I can't take the hate.

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Yes, I have watched a good portion.

Voting Blue No Matter Who on all choices state and local.

Too much talking at the convention from the pundits. Not enough from the actual participants. I have super enjoyed the keynote speakers not holding back and telling it like it is. We need to get it out there that 45 is a liar and a con man with no plans to lead us anywhere. We danced around it too much in the upper echelon of our campaign for the last six weeks. I hope Kamala continues. I would like to see them be specific every day and call him out for the lies he has told THAT day. Obama's speech was the best considering him being 44 and having the steel to say it like it is. I will catch the lowlights of the RNC to be clear in my mind that we are laser focused on 45 and his disastrous policies.

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Not watching. Dem 2016 convention was great and GOP 2016 was a sad joke. The impact on the election of these events seems to be pretty low. I know who I’m voting for and why.

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I’ve been watching it on TV through the C-SPAN channel on YouTube. I tried PBS and ABC but not liking the commentary interruptions. Rating be damned. I am calmer than I’ve been in 3.5 years. People were speaking in a language I understood about things I care about. I’ve listened to the greedy hate speech of this manifestation of GOPs long enough. I don’t need to hear anymore.

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I have been watching on the Washington Post's website and last night PBS coverage on YouTube. Last night's lineup was pretty incredible. Elizabeth Warren could not have put more hidden messages in her classroom if she tried. Michelle Obama's speech set a very high bar that first night. It's been nice to get to know more about Jill Biden. I loved the virtual roll out. If they would have combined it with a citizen naturalization and voter registration ceremony as well I think I would have dissolved in tears of pride.

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Our family watched Obama and Harris last night. It was so moving to see them speak with passion about our nation's ideals and the opportunity to recapture them. It was motivating and energizing to hear a leader encouraging hope and aspiration, talking about what we can become when we work together rather than driving us apart. I want to live in that world so badly. I'll be doing everything I can to make it happen over the next few weeks.

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I have watched the Democratic convention via MSNBC.com as my work schedule allows. I was impressed by Barack Obama and Kamala Harris on night 3. I, also, was impressed with AOC's brief speech. In the past, I have usually watched highlights of the convention since I have already decided who I am voting for prior to the convention. I think the virtual convention has been effective, although I do miss the responses of a live audience.

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I have watched each night on MSNBC, DiRECT TV. Loved the Dr Jill portion. She is an exceptional woman. What a welcome change she will be. Like a breath of fresh air.

I think whoever orchestrated the format did a great job. We saw diversity, intelligence, love, all ages. Really enjoyed all the young people. They were beautiful.

Loved the direct hits on Trump. They nailed him on every level. They expressed exactly how I have felt seeing all his corruption, nastiness, division. I would like to thank everyone connected w this new style convention. Would like to see it this way every time.

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I am watching on MSNBC with Rachel, Joy and Nicole providing commentary which I am enjoying. I almost NEVER watch the convention as it typically just doesn't interest me, I know who I am voting for, etc. This year, however, I am particularly excited about Kamala so I have been tuning in each night.

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I don't think people are watching network television, that explains the numbers. I can't get my local PBS signal to work, so I am watching via my Roku. No commercials. Honestly, it's 2020, peopled are streaming or watching from a cable channel. #BidenHarris2020

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I've watched each night and re "significantly less trending activity on Twitter and the activity has decreased slightly" I, for one, am not surprised. The productions are so action-packed, I've not wanted to interrupt with Twitter views or posts. Kind of rare. Well done, DNC.

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I've watched all three nights on MSNBC. Last night was the best, imho. Harris was so personal and nurturing, while Obama was powerful and concerned. Nicole Wallace labeled it as "despair", which I thought was accurate. I'm actually enjoying the convention this time because the speakers are not getting distracted or influenced by the audience. I'm able to focus on their message, rather than just being a cheerleader. I thought Joy Reid, Rachel Maddow, and Nicole Wallace did a fantastic job of post-conference analysis.

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My partner and I have been watching every night on MSNBC. We look forward to our evenings because of it. I think many things about the digital platform work better. All of the speakers can be clearly heard and it moves along nicely. Plus, you can spot extras like Elizabeth Warren's "BLM" and "DBFH" messages sprinkled around in the background. :)

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I’m in Europe so am watching the day after and appreciate the availability of the live stream. As an American abroad, it’s challenging to find ways to support the campaign and those of Democrats running in key races to take back the Senate and hold on to congressional seats. I urge everyone to not just comment here but to find some way to actively volunteer by joining your local Indivisible, Move On or Swing Left group or join a local campaign. It’s all hands on deck and much of this work can be done at home. The convention has been, at times, slow and at other times inspiring particularly seeing my fellow Americans casting delegates. We are beautiful, all of us, and we have to win this!

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No, not really. I've gone back and watched a few clips on Youtube. It's really uninspiring.

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Yes and I like what I'm seeing. I hope more Americans will join in.

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Good morning from North Carolina, i have cried, been moved, and been mad as hell at how much we have lost. I've been watching on my phone. I also dvr PBS so I can check in on commentary. I generally do not watch much, this year, it has kept my attention. I hope tonight we hear the path forward and how collectively we get there. It's all great to show the love and kindness, equally rights for all and our planet. However, the undecided need concrete facts, how is their tax bill going to change. We need to have a message of no fear, which i think drives some of his supporters, face straight on the socialist crap, no one is taking guns away, tough on immigration, while having compassion. Remove yrumps ability to take away from our message and his use of these words.

Show them the balance, take away trump's ability to tweet about these matters, take the conversation back... Here in NC, trump is running powefull ads that taxes are going to go up, defund the police. All the bs he can throw, problem is that they are using bits of Biden speeches to promote it. It's effective. So, while i appreciate and admire the feel good stuff, it is starting to be too much. We need to get the hard-core plans out there. How will clean energy work, and how will the coal worker find work.. I think it's been an amazing convention and it has given me hope. I pray We the people take back our government and move forward together.

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No. I haven't watched a convention since 1972.

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