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I never leave home without my Shero

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Glad to see that you're going to be just as involved and active in the run-up to the Midterms and beyond as ever. I look forward, every day, to your unique perspective and sharp wit. Keep up the good fight, m'dear! <3

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The Republican Party and their plan to take over the world to establish a rogue, treasonous, genocidal, money-laundering, fascist crime syndicate operating (once again) out of the White Supremacy House has me thinking of, you guessed it, Pinky and the Brain. Pinky: “Gee Brain, what are we gonna do tonight?” Brain: “The same thing we do every night, try to take over the world!” So, is Donald J Trump Pinky or the Brain? Despite his pinkish hue, Donald J Trump seems too stupid to be either. Maybe Vladimir Putin is the Brain behind the American Fascist Terrorist Party (the TP). Donald J Trump: the mouse that gorged (on hamberders). "I have but one life to give to my hamberders!"

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