My heart is in pieces over what’s happened in my city. It piles insult on injury as this murder happens *during the trial of a former PO for murdering George Floyd. Police officers get excuses; black men get the death penalty for misdemeanors. Protesters are pepper sprayed and shot with rubber bullets that can cause permanent damage by cops in full riot gear for “violating curfew.” It’s far past time to demilitarize the police. Period.

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I am sickened by the continued deaths of Black and brown people at the hands of law enforcement all over this country - especially when the 'crimes' are either not crimes at all or, at the very worst, misdemeanors. When will police departments stop killing our own citizens?? When will people of color be afforded the same respect in policing that white people seem to get automatically? Sickening and angering.

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"It is my belief..."

As usual, just saying this or "I believe..." or, more commonly, "I don't believe..." is all it takes to end rational discussion. It's absurd that what someone says he or she believes or does not believe is enough, by itself, to close a discussion.

Beliefs, as everyone knows, often have no connection with reality. It's painful that "belief" is the barrier that protects the ignorant from the truth and allows the ignorant to block a safer, better life for the rest of us.

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