Of the plethora of horrid, anti-democratic (small d), anti-constitutional, amoral, and just plain mean things trumputin has done in the last 3.5 years, this deliberate evisceration of the USPS to try to give himself four more years is the one that enrages and terrifies me the most because it cannot be undone in time for the election voting. It's a savaging of the essential (though admittedly lightly valued) cornerstone of this republic: free and universal voting. I've written both my senators and my congressman about this but I am unconvinced that Congress will stop it and/or reverse the damage unless the millions of Republican voters who depend on mail-in voting tell their congressional representatives to stop it.

He's a traitor. He's a traitor because he cares nothing about this country or its history or its importance. He's ignorant of history and is amoral, and I didn't need to read Mary Trump's book to learn that. Hell, his "eulogy" on Fox for his brother is nothing less than a paean to himself - but I know he doesn't know that word either.

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I am at a loss for words. So many people depend on the USPS, beyond voting. I don't know if anything can be done, at this point. The USPS is in the Constitution, yet tRump and his minions thumb their noses at the law and keep going. They are not only dismantling sorting machines but also our voices. Which is what tRump wants.

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This is as disheartening as it was predictable. The Justice Department has been completely politicized with the goal of advancing the interests of POTUS45; why not the Post Office, too?

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