Jan 23, 2020Liked by Amee Vanderpool

How How How HOW can Republicans continue to walk in lock-step & ignore EVERYTHING!?! I used to believe nearly everyone had a shred of decency deep down. I now realize I was wrong. Terribly, horribly, tragically wrong.

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Jan 23, 2020Liked by Amee Vanderpool

Adam Schiff has presented himself as a brilliant, effective, and loyal defender of the ideals conceived by the Founders and enshrined in our Constitution. The GOP's willing dismissal of these well-documented and presented realities will haunt them for decades. They play to their Fox News base while forgetting what a misinformed minority that base actually is. Their day of reckoning is swiftly approaching.

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Jan 23, 2020Liked by Amee Vanderpool

Excellent update, Amee. Thanks

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Jan 23, 2020Liked by Amee Vanderpool

A stellar piece indeed. Just love the way you write.

Thank you for all your hard work!

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Well stated Amee. A very succinct yet comprehensive summary.

I was struck by Rep.Jason Crow’s first hand experience with the air defense warning system that saved countless soldiers’ lives (including his own life as a Ranger while in Iraq) in the wars of Iraq, Afghanistan and ISIS. These were the types of expensive technology that were needed by Ukraine as a fledging democracy to protect itself from Russian aggression. And these life saving weapons were held up for the purpose blackmailing a fledging Country with a newly elected president, forcing his hand deep into in inculpatory , bogus corruption charges hatched against a potential political rival (I.e. former VP Biden) for the 2020 election.

Here is an interesting take on our never drafted president when he was a entitled youngster. Why go to Vietnam when you can monkey with who gets drafted, who voluntarily goes for their country (e.g, Rep. Jason Crow, Lt. Pete Buttigieg, Lt. Col. Sen. Tammy Duckworth, Lt. Col. Amy McGrath, Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, Second Lt. Robert Mueller (influenced by a Princeton University former roommate Lt, David Spencer Hackett’s death while in serving during Vietnam); or who is able to dodge the service commitment through flimsy Podiotrist deferments. It makes me wonder why self sacrifice for country was never valued in his own family’s heritage and therefore he would have rather cut corners on the rules for self preservation and would have gladly thrown anyone else ahead of himself before ever considering service to his country.


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