Representative Jamie Raskin (D-MD) makes edits to his legal arguments before the second day of the Senate Impeachment Trial to convict Donald Trump at the US Capitol on Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2021. (Photo by Demetrius Freeman/via Getty Images)
The Democratic House Managers have rested their case against former President Donald J. Trump for inciting an insurrection at the US Capitol on Jan. 6th. Yesterday, Impeachment Managers chose to focus primarily on Trump’s own words and actions leading up to the event to prove his culpability. Democrats also showed many clips of the insurrectionists — as they were raiding the offices and hallways of the building — shouting that Trump had sent them, or they were there to fight for Trump.
Rep. Diana DeGette (D-CO) told the Senate Jurors: "They truly believed that the whole intrusion was at the president's orders, and we know that because they said so…This was not a hidden crime. The president told them to be there and so they actually believed they would face no punishment." Congressman Joe Neguse (D-CO) told the chamber: "We humbly, humbly ask you to convict President Trump for the crime for which he is overwhelmingly guilty of — because if you don't — if we pretend this didn't happen, or worse, if we let it go unanswered, who's to say it won't happen again?"
Lead House Manager Rep. Jaime Raskin (D-MD) closed the case for Democrats by saying "If you think this is not impeachable, what is? What would be?" Raskin continued, "If you don't find this a high crime and misdemeanor today, you have set a new, terrible standard for presidential misconduct in the United States of America." He also read a moving passage from Thomas Paine (you can watch the video embedded in the tweet above), that Paine wrote during his observation of the American Revolution.
At this point, I would love to know what portions of the trial and what speakers have stood out most for you. Please take a minute to comment below and tell me the person or moment or sentiment that was most impactful for you. Was someone able to change your mind with their presentation? Did someone give you new evidence that you found surprising? Was someone able to move you through sentiment or do an exceptional job at relaying the emotion of the Jan. 6th attack? Who stood out to you and why?
Let me know in the comments and if we have enough of them, I will pull video clips of those moments and post them with your name or handle attached in a future SHERO post. Give me enough detail to know who was speaking and generally what they spoke about and you could become featured in SHERO!
I will kick this off: I was really moved by the authenticity and raw emotion that Raskin showed, as well as Swalwell when talking about his police officer brothers. Joe Neguse is a star and I could listen to him read the phone book-everything he says is interesting. The overall breakout performance for me was Rep. Plaskett, who was so captivating and had such a calm but steady manner-she was a perfect match for the information she presented. Other standouts for me were: Lieu, Castro and Cicilline. Whomever made the assignments for who would handle which portion (I'm assuming it was Raskin) did an excellent job-this was the most effective aspect.
Rep Jamie Raskin's statement "Watching someone use an American-flag pole, with the flag still on it, to spear and pummel one of our police officers—ruthlessly, mercilessly tortured by a pole with a flag on it that he was defending with his very life.” Brought me to tears.
Rep Joe Neguse (I am a 100% bias Coloradoan) “As you’ll see during the course of this trial, that mob was summoned, assembled, and incited by the former president of the United States, Donald Trump. And he did that because he wanted to stop the transfer of power, so that he could retain power.”
Rep Diana DeGette (again, bias) “Their own statements before, during and after the attack make clear: The attack was done for Donald Trump, at his instructions, and to fulfill his wishes. Donald Trump had sent them there. They truly believed that the whole intrusion was at the president’s orders and we know that because they said so.”
But the one that hit me in the gut:
Rep Joaquin Castro said, "On Jan. 6, President Trump left everyone in this Capitol for dead."
So well said, I agree. I keep thinking what happens now with the people that followed Trumps orders and were willing to destroy their reputations, family relationships, possibly their employment, some will face legal consequences, what do they do now? Where will their passion and loyalty go? They have been thrown under the proverbial bus by the GOP. No Republican is saying the insurrection didn’t happen, they are saying trump didn’t order it. Where does it leave those people that were willing to do the unthinkable?
The House managers were all excellent, notable was Stacey Plaskett who was previously unknown to most Americans (she's not now!), but I was most impressed with Jamie Raskin. How someone could get up off the mat from having his son just recently die by suicide and then not only put together a cogent, powerful, emotional, and patriotic presentation, but also organize the other presenters, is beyond me. My hat is off to him.
The Dems presentations this week make me want to go to law school. Especially Raskin. I want to be in his classes and listen to him argue law all day. His Paine quote “sunshine patriots” was brilliant and moving. His Voltaire quote was the best tho. It’s the last line in my current screenplay that just placed finalist in Francis Ford Coppola/Zoetrope competition. 🏅
I must say~ i cannot choose any impeachment manager over another. The entire presentation was brilliantly crafted and narrated so as to bring me back to the day~ but from the inside of the Capitol building. I felt again the real fear i saw on the faces of our members of Congress~ almost as if i was there myself. This time, I practically felt the brutal beatings of the police officers.
And it felt even more personal~ if that is even possible.
Any Senator who says she or he was NOT moved by the video evidence is lying to us.
Any citizen who says she or he was not moved is also lying to us~ and to themselves.
The House impeachment managers brought January 6th alive again.
I was most impressed by Representative Neguse, though everyone else was top-notch as well. The most compelling point he made was the statement that he was not afraid of Trump running again and winning, rather Trump running again and losing. Powerful!
Jamie Raskin broke me. The delegate from VI is a woman to watch; beautiful & powerful. And learning that Ofc Goodman most likely saved Romney's life ... i can't watch any more because I saw what I saw on Jan 6 th & my mind was already made up. Reliving it is terribly painful.
Yes, she has lived a life. It is part of her shining self. I'm hardly a fangirl type, but her and Raskin stood out as good souls involved in public service. I will certainly watch what they do going forward. And now, that it is over and pretty much went as I expected, I have to wonder how to stop some of those same seditionists who supported trumps attempted coup d'etat. Why would those who were "jury" (senators) 'huddle' on the senate floor with trumps defense team? I know the rules for impeachment are much different than trial rules, but any other time this would be highly suspicious.
Raskin’s telling of his conversation with his daughter afterwards and her saying she never wanted to come to the capitol again made me cry. All the managers did an awesome job.
They each had such interesting and different parts to deliver - they were all perfect. I clapped a number of times at passage they presented. I hate to say it, but these impeachment hearings have confirmed for me how smart some of our Congress people are. Brilliant.
I was awed by Rep. Raskin. Despite crippling grief, he came across as incredibly well-prepared, orderly, and very much like a general directing his troops' movements. He had everything well in hand and wasn't fazed in the least by the shenanigans of the defense team. He, Mr. Neguse, and Ms. Plaskett were the stars of the team, with everyone else putting in admirable performances as well. Partisanship notwithstanding, I fail to see how any fair-minded person could see the body of evidence presented and still vote for acquittal.
I though Raskin was impressive. I also thought Joaquin Castro did an excellent job laying out the facts and Plaskett was equally compelling. What I don't understand is, how did they finish their arguments? Are they not calling any witnesses, or does that come after the arguments are made? Will there be no witnesses?
I really am curious to see if there will be witnesses called. I have to imagine the House Managers want to call Trump, but we'll find out tomorrow, it looks like.
The defense had four hours for their case and they closed early and then they move to a Q&A, which is happening now. If they are to call witnesses, someone would need to make a motion and they will have to take a vote. That vote will likely not pass as both sides pretty much agree they don't need them (at this point.) The could vote on conviction as early as tomorrow, possibly.
Would VP Harris not break a tie? Does it need 2/3 just for that vote? I feel like in order to compel R Senators to vote to convict, we are going to need something more. A reasonable person will see the House Managers win on merit, but the R Senators aren't going to vote on merit.
I will kick this off: I was really moved by the authenticity and raw emotion that Raskin showed, as well as Swalwell when talking about his police officer brothers. Joe Neguse is a star and I could listen to him read the phone book-everything he says is interesting. The overall breakout performance for me was Rep. Plaskett, who was so captivating and had such a calm but steady manner-she was a perfect match for the information she presented. Other standouts for me were: Lieu, Castro and Cicilline. Whomever made the assignments for who would handle which portion (I'm assuming it was Raskin) did an excellent job-this was the most effective aspect.
Rep Jamie Raskin's statement "Watching someone use an American-flag pole, with the flag still on it, to spear and pummel one of our police officers—ruthlessly, mercilessly tortured by a pole with a flag on it that he was defending with his very life.” Brought me to tears.
Rep Joe Neguse (I am a 100% bias Coloradoan) “As you’ll see during the course of this trial, that mob was summoned, assembled, and incited by the former president of the United States, Donald Trump. And he did that because he wanted to stop the transfer of power, so that he could retain power.”
Rep Diana DeGette (again, bias) “Their own statements before, during and after the attack make clear: The attack was done for Donald Trump, at his instructions, and to fulfill his wishes. Donald Trump had sent them there. They truly believed that the whole intrusion was at the president’s orders and we know that because they said so.”
But the one that hit me in the gut:
Rep Joaquin Castro said, "On Jan. 6, President Trump left everyone in this Capitol for dead."
So well said, I agree. I keep thinking what happens now with the people that followed Trumps orders and were willing to destroy their reputations, family relationships, possibly their employment, some will face legal consequences, what do they do now? Where will their passion and loyalty go? They have been thrown under the proverbial bus by the GOP. No Republican is saying the insurrection didn’t happen, they are saying trump didn’t order it. Where does it leave those people that were willing to do the unthinkable?
I've often asked myself those questions~ about everyone who's worked for him. How must their resumes read?
"Check box if you're a liar"
"Check box if you're a racist"
Will any of them be employable in the future?
The House managers were all excellent, notable was Stacey Plaskett who was previously unknown to most Americans (she's not now!), but I was most impressed with Jamie Raskin. How someone could get up off the mat from having his son just recently die by suicide and then not only put together a cogent, powerful, emotional, and patriotic presentation, but also organize the other presenters, is beyond me. My hat is off to him.
The Dems presentations this week make me want to go to law school. Especially Raskin. I want to be in his classes and listen to him argue law all day. His Paine quote “sunshine patriots” was brilliant and moving. His Voltaire quote was the best tho. It’s the last line in my current screenplay that just placed finalist in Francis Ford Coppola/Zoetrope competition. 🏅
Can you repeat the Voltaire quote....
I must say~ i cannot choose any impeachment manager over another. The entire presentation was brilliantly crafted and narrated so as to bring me back to the day~ but from the inside of the Capitol building. I felt again the real fear i saw on the faces of our members of Congress~ almost as if i was there myself. This time, I practically felt the brutal beatings of the police officers.
And it felt even more personal~ if that is even possible.
Any Senator who says she or he was NOT moved by the video evidence is lying to us.
Any citizen who says she or he was not moved is also lying to us~ and to themselves.
The House impeachment managers brought January 6th alive again.
America~ pay attention!
I was most impressed by Representative Neguse, though everyone else was top-notch as well. The most compelling point he made was the statement that he was not afraid of Trump running again and winning, rather Trump running again and losing. Powerful!
profound. really. his statement was profound.
Jamie Raskin broke me. The delegate from VI is a woman to watch; beautiful & powerful. And learning that Ofc Goodman most likely saved Romney's life ... i can't watch any more because I saw what I saw on Jan 6 th & my mind was already made up. Reliving it is terribly painful.
~Stacey Plaskett~
Delegate from USVI,
has a very interesting history! She is well worth a Google search...
Yes, she has lived a life. It is part of her shining self. I'm hardly a fangirl type, but her and Raskin stood out as good souls involved in public service. I will certainly watch what they do going forward. And now, that it is over and pretty much went as I expected, I have to wonder how to stop some of those same seditionists who supported trumps attempted coup d'etat. Why would those who were "jury" (senators) 'huddle' on the senate floor with trumps defense team? I know the rules for impeachment are much different than trial rules, but any other time this would be highly suspicious.
I only have one comment; when are the 44 GOP senators going to resign for failure to honor their oath of bot office and as Jurors.....
Raskin’s telling of his conversation with his daughter afterwards and her saying she never wanted to come to the capitol again made me cry. All the managers did an awesome job.
They each had such interesting and different parts to deliver - they were all perfect. I clapped a number of times at passage they presented. I hate to say it, but these impeachment hearings have confirmed for me how smart some of our Congress people are. Brilliant.
I don’t have a favorite Manager. They were all excellent. I was riveted to my TV all day.
We were riveted, too. But I simply cannot watch Trump's defense team. I'm having enough problems readings posts as to what they are saying.
I was awed by Rep. Raskin. Despite crippling grief, he came across as incredibly well-prepared, orderly, and very much like a general directing his troops' movements. He had everything well in hand and wasn't fazed in the least by the shenanigans of the defense team. He, Mr. Neguse, and Ms. Plaskett were the stars of the team, with everyone else putting in admirable performances as well. Partisanship notwithstanding, I fail to see how any fair-minded person could see the body of evidence presented and still vote for acquittal.
I though Raskin was impressive. I also thought Joaquin Castro did an excellent job laying out the facts and Plaskett was equally compelling. What I don't understand is, how did they finish their arguments? Are they not calling any witnesses, or does that come after the arguments are made? Will there be no witnesses?
I'm sure Amee's got this, but i believe there will still be debate and closing arguments...
According to MSNBC~
Friday, January 12, 2021
Trial Timeline
▪︎Now: Arguments by
Trump's defense team
▪︎Next: 4 hours of Q&A
▪︎Then: Vote on witnesses
Closing arguments
▪︎Then: Vote on conviction
I really am curious to see if there will be witnesses called. I have to imagine the House Managers want to call Trump, but we'll find out tomorrow, it looks like.
The defense had four hours for their case and they closed early and then they move to a Q&A, which is happening now. If they are to call witnesses, someone would need to make a motion and they will have to take a vote. That vote will likely not pass as both sides pretty much agree they don't need them (at this point.) The could vote on conviction as early as tomorrow, possibly.
Would VP Harris not break a tie? Does it need 2/3 just for that vote? I feel like in order to compel R Senators to vote to convict, we are going to need something more. A reasonable person will see the House Managers win on merit, but the R Senators aren't going to vote on merit.
Amee~ what a fabulous conversation we had here! Please bring all of us another?