I think this paragraph really captures the whole thing: "It’s also worth acknowledging that sometimes it is easier to ignite and perpetuate great levels of energy when we are campaigning for something that inspires us. For me, 2016 was filled with such hope and excitement at the idea of electing the first woman president, and 2020 was driven by the do-or-die need to save ourselves from Donald Trump. Sometimes the idea of doing all of this again in 2024 is more tiring than it is galvanizing."

And there are so many crises: global warming, Israel and Gaza, Ukraine, Sudan, the total failure of our public health system during Covid, and we're wasting time fighting off this useless, loud-mouthed, mean-spirited liar and cheater?

I live in Texas, and the Texas legislature just shifted further right.

It does feel like the tide is turning, but hopelessness feels just over the horizon.

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Wow. Thanks for this, Beth. I completely understand and I am so grateful that we have people like you in Texas fighting the good fight. To quote Hillary Clinton quoting League of their Own, "if it was easy everyone would do it. It's the hard that makes it worth it." ❤️

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I lived in Texas for 23 years …. It was wearing. I was practically ostracized when I opposed the 9/11 retaliation …. Toby Keith had too much clout. Knowing their are people still standing firm is inspiring, Beth … May your horizon have a clear, hopeful path with many warriors beside you.

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Oh my … “there” not “their” …….. my 4th grade English teacher is disgusted with me!! 😂… I’m pretty embarrassed myself!!!

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I have been flying my flag upside down in distress for over a year.

I bought a new flag and hung it correctly last week, for the same reasons you talked about.

It's a glimmer of hope, but it's there, and it feels good.

This is OUR land.

We will take it back.

Thank you.

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Such a needed read this AM. I know it's not just me, but sometimes I need proof that the poets are still poeting, the sculptors assembling, the gem carvers carving, and everyone everywhere seeing the spring and the turning tides.

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I hope and pray the tide is indeed turning! I'm appalled that America has even gotten to a point where a significant minority of the voters could possibly support someone like Trump. I frequently ask myself, What is WRONG with those people?!

As a reformed conservative, I'll admit that I also occasionally consider whether some type of penalty (I'll refrain from calling it retribution) should be applied to groups that are seemingly so willing to destroy our democracy. As an example, perhaps the "Christian" Nationalists whose churches have become little more than political operations and who vote overwhelming for Trump, should lose their tax exempt status.

They inaccurately believe and continually espouse that there is a "war" on Christianity. They're completely wrong, of course. But I'd love for anyone to cogently explain to me why we should continue to subsidize them!

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Welcome to the good fight, my friend.

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Thanks for your enduring grace, Ms. Vanderpool. It still flabbergasts me how so many federal and state elected Republicans continue to put their political party affiliation over their personal druthers. One would think that the choice of support for president is based on what is to benefit the country as a whole, not a person.

Even the way in which Trump derailed the Southern border reform package vote because our 2020 electoral college denying Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson couldn’t put it to a vote. This exemplifies his spineless sycophant reactionary response. Ukraine is suffering from the invasion by Russia and yet we haven’t been able to achieve a meaningful military aid package, again because of Trump’s spell upon these elected representatives.

Biden clearly shot a cannon ball across the bow, and indeed, Amee, you detected a political change. In the tide Perhaps it was a much needed antidote to the ridiculous sluggishness and stupidity of the Republican leadership. The RNC has truly been gutted and stuffed with “yes” MAGA loyalists, the SCOTUS has is being forced to make some awkwardly obvious decisions regarding Trump’s multiple legal troubles. One can only imagine what a crisp delirium that that awakens them. When they realize it isn’t just some politically fraught expedient choice that they face but a truly history altering chiasmata.

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thank you.

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I was feeling badly about voicing my political stand more frequently lately…. But I came across the following :


In order to let the birds speak … I attempt discernment in being a voice ….

Thank you for your post!!

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Oh, that is beautiful. Thank you for sharing that.

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You perfectly summed up how many of us are feeling right now. ✌🏻❤️

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Thank you for sharing this today. You gave me a needed boost!

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Oh yes. Have you been stalking me? One foot, one step, one task. Rinse repeat. Maybe we will find the grassy hill this year. Thank you.

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Reading this warmed my heart and refreshed my soul. As a Canadian, with our own issues - I often feel that it isn’t my place to comment on US politics. But I do. My daughter and I were in Vegas for a week. Last week to be exact. I was sitting beside a young couple (Gen Z) when somehow out of nowhere we began to discuss US politics. It took seconds for them both to proudly proclaim that they’re Republicans, and Donald Trump enthusiasts. I was shocked, but politely asked them questions, making sure that they knew I wasn’t from the US. I asked for their feedback regarding the insurrection (fake news) then tried to gage their thoughts on the indictments (all perpetrated by Biden and the Democrats). They absolutely love Trump. When I asked them if they were concerned about his obvious desire for Civil war in their country, they lit up with excitement. Wtf?? His admiration for Russia, North Korea and China’s leaders? Absolutely in agreement. Our polite conversation (while I was seething inside) came to an abrupt halt when I brought up Evangelicals and the cult mentality of DT’s supporters. My daughter had walked away before I got to this point, knowing instinctively how angry I was. These kids were like Stepford Wives. Merely spewing out all the nonsense that the GOP and DT have been feeding into them. They had no concerns regarding immigration, gun control, women’s rights, or anyone else in the US for that matter, who wasn’t Republican. How does this happen? Where did humanity go? I do believe that your country is great. You protect us and we’re grateful. But what troubled me the most was their lack of care for human beings. Aren’t we all supposed to care for, and about each other? Regardless of race, identity or party affiliation? I met so many amazing people during my visit. Americans who care about their country and the human beings who reside there. You’re right. The tide is shifting. Those two kids were a one off. Everyone else I met were fearful of another DT presidency. The heaviness in my heart eased. I met a beautiful woman cleaning the washroom where I was having my birthday dinner at The Bedford House. She works two jobs to support her family since her husband passed away. I tucked a $100 bill into her hand and we both hugged and cried. Humanity isn’t lost in your country. It’s alive and thriving. People are afraid, but hopeful. I am an observer. A guest in your country. What I saw after my encounter with the brainwashed two kids, was hope. Amee, you are the beacon of hope. Keep shining, sister. ❤️

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