Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) sits in his seat on the floor of the US House of Representatives wearing a gas mask for a vote on an $8.3 billion emergency measure to fund the administration's response to the coronavirus on March 4, 2020, in Washington, DC. (photo by ABC News/via screengrab)
During a Flordia court hearing for Joel Greenberg yesterday, a federal prosecutor and Greenberg's attorney told a judge that although the deal was not finalized, there was an expectation that the defendant would be taking a plea deal and the case could be resolved within weeks.
Assistant US Attorney Roger Handberg confirmed the tentative arrangement, saying: "We believe this case will be a plea." Greenberg’s attorney Fritz Scheller requested a deadline for a plea date of May 15, indicating that they could move to a trial in July if a plea is not reached.
Scheller took questions from the press following the proceeding, and when he was asked if Matt Gaetz had “anything to worry about” following his client’s decision to take a plea, the response was quite telling. “Does Matt Gaetz…have anything to worry about,” said Scheller, making a point to draw out the question that was asked.
Scheller declined to disclose if his client would be willing to cooperate as part of the potential plea deal and would not divulge if Greenberg had already met with prosecutors to reveal what he knows about Gaetz. Fritz Scheller continued to delay answering by repeating the series of follow-up questions and ultimately said: "I'm sure Matt Gaetz is not feeling very comfortable today." (You can watch the video of this embedded in the tweet below.)
During this press conference, Fritz Scheller also declined to confirm if his client would cooperate with prosecutors to describe all of the information he has about Matt Gaetz as part of the potential plea deal. But, shortly following the statement, an article was published by The Daily Beast that had detailed, inside information about Greenberg and Gaetz and possible transactions involving payments on Venmo for underage sex with girls.
We don’t yet know if Greenberg has begun to disclose what he knows, or if that tidbit was given to prosecutors in good faith to help broker the plea deal — but we do know that someone is talking to the press and is likely intending to use the massive news coverage to some benefit.
What are your thoughts about this new plea and the implications it could have for Rep. Matt Gaetz and the Republican Party, especially considering the many parallels that can be drawn to the Epstein case? Be sure to leave a comment and let me know what you think. Also, be sure to get your paid subscription to SHERO today, if you haven’t already — thank you!
Hoo boy, the gates are closing in around Sammy Sociopath. Matty won’t do well in prison. Orange jumpsuit clashes with his fake tan... And brutes behind bars don’t cotton to pretty boys who mess with kids...
Will somebody please contact the Florida Bar and demand an emergency suspension of his license to practice law. Please.
Gaetz is in boiling water and refuses to see it. His ego is so toxic, he believes he is untouchable because of his 'frat boy celebrity hate base's status. I predict indictments by next Friday, April 16. His critical thinking errors in failing to even pretend to cover his activity, combined with Greenberg's deal (rich entitled white frat boys will sing on anyone to get a deal, because they are spineless twits), will result in silver bracelets and orange jumps for Gaetz. An outfit he has familiarity with from his DUI's.
I am not a lawyer, but from what I've read over the years in the news, it seems that pleas happen for two reasons: 1) that the state will offer a lighter sentence to spare the time and expense of a trial where someone is obviously guilty, or 2) to trade time to sell out a more prominent figure. The second option seems more likely, but perhaps that's just wishful thinking.
Well, seeing as the Republicans have absolutely no shame (see Exhibit "A", their pathological and unswerving defense of our former President), I'm not convinced that Gaetz will face any repercussions.
I don't know whether or not Gaetz is criminally liable (tho my guess is, of course he f'n is!), but I can say that this lawyer is a dick and it was a pain in my ass to watch this video. 😆
If we look at this using Occam's razor (I watched "Contact" yesterday), Matty's in some deep trouble. I just want at least one of these horrible GOP monsters to be faced with actual consequences for their criminal activity. I'm fine starting with this particular sociopathic!
This will be fantastic if they can firmly mail Gaetz. It will also be another blow to the GOP since they stood behind their member instead of calling for immediate resignations (Franken and Katie Hill and others). The GOP becomes the #pedoparty and further loss of confidence could roll through the constituents not lost to Trumpism.
On the other hand, the gop seems to have inherited some of Trump’s Teflon coat where things don’t stick. So it’ll be interesting to see what happens.
I do hope Gaetz is scared though. He deserves to be scared for a bit.
Unfortunately, politicians and big money run a life of impunity. Money talks and if this accusation were against Joe Smith from Russelville Arkansas, he would be behind bars waiting for a hangman. The most unfortunate part of politics seems to be impunity. Trump is a fascist white nationalist narcissistic sludge of mankind, a waste of skin, the cause of untold yet to surface atrocities typical of con artistry along with his toxic family but money will probably keep him from paying for his crimes.
The scum that perpetrate their criminal sexual acts upon innocents (& yes, a grown woman who says ‘NO!’ is an innocent) deserve the punishment that fits the crime. IMHO, that is ‘death by 1,000 cuts,’ or, life in prison. As a rapist- especially of children- prison life consists of random beatings and sexual abuse, just the sort of justice that befits such monstrous crimes. I cannot understand for the life of me how (so many) Republicans- who fervently wave the banner of ‘Conservatism’- can possibly get to a mindset where predation of children is even a remote possibility. What is it about Republicanism that has gone so far off the rails? Meanwhile, the Democrats had their buddy Jeff Epstein (allegedly) running sex parties with underage girls as well. The power dynamic in and surrounding the entire American political process is corrupt to its core. Maybe robotics/AI will provide us viable alternatives in future, idk. But when a ‘public servant’(laugh, or vomit- either response is apropós!) is convicted of perpetrating crime(s) against the People, I’d just as soon see them hang. In my view, the greater trust placed in these ‘creatures’ as leaders, and the abuse of such powers bestowed by a trusting electorate, truly must serve to enhance the penalties. Hang ‘em all, I say!(I’ll even buy the rope).
Some parallels are bound to cross over from the original Epstein case, is in court records and may some how link back to Trump's partying days, at least Greenberg and Epstein dates to some of the same time frames.
Wonder since NYSouthern District prosecutors, had both Miami's Hedald investigations and Epstien's first trial to work from and Federal Prosecutors tend to tranfer linkage between offices regardless if files are sealed or not. Might be a good history lesson in this were....
They are both scum! I hope they get the maximum punishment but am not holding my breath. Gaetz has coasted on his dad's name recognition, and Greenberg has his family's $!
Hoo boy, the gates are closing in around Sammy Sociopath. Matty won’t do well in prison. Orange jumpsuit clashes with his fake tan... And brutes behind bars don’t cotton to pretty boys who mess with kids...
Will somebody please contact the Florida Bar and demand an emergency suspension of his license to practice law. Please.
Gaetz is in boiling water and refuses to see it. His ego is so toxic, he believes he is untouchable because of his 'frat boy celebrity hate base's status. I predict indictments by next Friday, April 16. His critical thinking errors in failing to even pretend to cover his activity, combined with Greenberg's deal (rich entitled white frat boys will sing on anyone to get a deal, because they are spineless twits), will result in silver bracelets and orange jumps for Gaetz. An outfit he has familiarity with from his DUI's.
I am not a lawyer, but from what I've read over the years in the news, it seems that pleas happen for two reasons: 1) that the state will offer a lighter sentence to spare the time and expense of a trial where someone is obviously guilty, or 2) to trade time to sell out a more prominent figure. The second option seems more likely, but perhaps that's just wishful thinking.
Well, let's hope that he rolls on the con artist.
Well, seeing as the Republicans have absolutely no shame (see Exhibit "A", their pathological and unswerving defense of our former President), I'm not convinced that Gaetz will face any repercussions.
Matt is the burnt one in the Six Stages of Toast meme. I’m popping popcorn.
I don't know whether or not Gaetz is criminally liable (tho my guess is, of course he f'n is!), but I can say that this lawyer is a dick and it was a pain in my ass to watch this video. 😆
If we look at this using Occam's razor (I watched "Contact" yesterday), Matty's in some deep trouble. I just want at least one of these horrible GOP monsters to be faced with actual consequences for their criminal activity. I'm fine starting with this particular sociopathic!
This will be fantastic if they can firmly mail Gaetz. It will also be another blow to the GOP since they stood behind their member instead of calling for immediate resignations (Franken and Katie Hill and others). The GOP becomes the #pedoparty and further loss of confidence could roll through the constituents not lost to Trumpism.
On the other hand, the gop seems to have inherited some of Trump’s Teflon coat where things don’t stick. So it’ll be interesting to see what happens.
I do hope Gaetz is scared though. He deserves to be scared for a bit.
Unfortunately, politicians and big money run a life of impunity. Money talks and if this accusation were against Joe Smith from Russelville Arkansas, he would be behind bars waiting for a hangman. The most unfortunate part of politics seems to be impunity. Trump is a fascist white nationalist narcissistic sludge of mankind, a waste of skin, the cause of untold yet to surface atrocities typical of con artistry along with his toxic family but money will probably keep him from paying for his crimes.
The scum that perpetrate their criminal sexual acts upon innocents (& yes, a grown woman who says ‘NO!’ is an innocent) deserve the punishment that fits the crime. IMHO, that is ‘death by 1,000 cuts,’ or, life in prison. As a rapist- especially of children- prison life consists of random beatings and sexual abuse, just the sort of justice that befits such monstrous crimes. I cannot understand for the life of me how (so many) Republicans- who fervently wave the banner of ‘Conservatism’- can possibly get to a mindset where predation of children is even a remote possibility. What is it about Republicanism that has gone so far off the rails? Meanwhile, the Democrats had their buddy Jeff Epstein (allegedly) running sex parties with underage girls as well. The power dynamic in and surrounding the entire American political process is corrupt to its core. Maybe robotics/AI will provide us viable alternatives in future, idk. But when a ‘public servant’(laugh, or vomit- either response is apropós!) is convicted of perpetrating crime(s) against the People, I’d just as soon see them hang. In my view, the greater trust placed in these ‘creatures’ as leaders, and the abuse of such powers bestowed by a trusting electorate, truly must serve to enhance the penalties. Hang ‘em all, I say!(I’ll even buy the rope).
You say democrats and sex parties, but I didn't see one photo of Obama, Biden with Epstein. One must never become a pot calling the kettle. and
Indeed, one need only search online for ‘Dem friends of Jeffrey Epstein’ to discover his numerous ties to the Left, viz:
There are ties to Epstein, but nothing that incriminates anyone legally-big distinction.
Hang ‘em high!! ☠️
As the former guy has proven, previous behavior and even convictions do not exclude someone from public office.
Money and influence will once again trump justice.
Hope Daddy doesn't run out of money to soon....
Some parallels are bound to cross over from the original Epstein case, is in court records and may some how link back to Trump's partying days, at least Greenberg and Epstein dates to some of the same time frames.
Wonder since NYSouthern District prosecutors, had both Miami's Hedald investigations and Epstien's first trial to work from and Federal Prosecutors tend to tranfer linkage between offices regardless if files are sealed or not. Might be a good history lesson in this were....
They are both scum! I hope they get the maximum punishment but am not holding my breath. Gaetz has coasted on his dad's name recognition, and Greenberg has his family's $!