Romney gets points from me for doing this, but not a ton. Really, there was no "down side" in Utah to him doing this. He's not up for reelection for 4 1/2 years; and he knew that there was zero chance that the Orange Asscactus would be removed from office, so there was no real pressure on him to vote for acquittal.

Let me add this: While I have no doubt based on what I've seen and read that the President should have been removed from office, I also think that we knew all along that the Republican Senators were never going to remove him from office. That always worried me, because I saw that he would get a huge lift in the polls because of that (yes, because only in this politically insane country could a President openly try to blackmail a foreign leader so as to gain a domestic political advantage and have that fact make him MORE popular), and the polls are in fact showing that. Gallup's most recent polls have him at just under 50%, the highest he's been at any point in his presidency. If that doesn't scare the sh-t out of everyone, it should. Barring something unforeseen between now and November, he's going to cruise to reelection, and the destruction of our federal court system, the few remaining environmental protections we have, marriage equality, coverage for preexisting medical conditions, etc., will be completed. I knew what was coming this week--I think that most of us did--but I've never been more disheartened to be an American.

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As a man of integrity myself I recognize integrity even in those I stand diametrically opposed to the media backlash from his own party & party leader the conservative pendants will try to crucify him altho I cannot see me every voting for him for office I will fight for his reputation and support his integrity and courage personally I encourage it hopefully it will run off on the party loyalist that damage our nation claiming to be patriots

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Brilliantly worded.

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Totally agree, well worded, and as I said at the start of this reverse kangaroo court, if you don't think his revenge will carry to every citizen in this country in one way or another, what little that is left afterward may not be worth saving.

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Thank you. I’m good with being able to disagree with Sen Romney or anyone else on policy. I am not good with people who turn a blind eye to crime, disfunction, and a total disregard for our constitution. Romney did what was right and I appreciate that.

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Many clearly feel he didn't do enough. I'm inclined to disagree. Being the first Senator in history to vote to remove a president of one's own party took a lotta balls. The pressure from other Republicans must have been tremendous, and he did it in the face of great political risk knowing there was nothing to gain. He also voted to hear Bolton.

For now, I'll put him in the McCain bucket - disagree with him on nearly everything, but mostly respect his principles and character.

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Wow, reading all these comments is heartening for bipartisanship in America. I live in Idaho, so with Utah being close geographically and politically, I understand Sen. Romney's position. One point to make is that Trump is not popular in Utah; Mormons see Trump for what he is morally. Romney will definitely be in the history books for his vote.

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It takes courage to confront a person. It takes a lot more to do with such a public figure. I don't agree with much of his world views but I tip my hat to him for standing for his convictions. I

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Romney poured balm on a big open wound, and just for a little while faith in humanity was restored. His speech touched me, and I'm not religious. That's what I'm thankful for. He was willing to pay a price to keep his conscience. I do admire that.

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Yes! And we have to stand behind him. This trash already released by the Trump camp cannot be ok! https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1225203837226700800?s=09

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romney did what he was supposed to do. his job. i respect anyone who does the job for which he was elected.

but i'm sorry. he's not in political vulnerability. he won his state by 62%. i believe him when he says he voted his conscience. and i'm glad that he did. standing alone amongst the sheep with the wolf at the helm takes some cojones. for that i respect him. and i thank him for doing his job.

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I think we vastly overuse the term "hero". That said, I respect and appreciate what Romney did. I think he will face significant negative reactions from the Trump base, and chose to do the honorable thing. I *am* surprised he voted not guilty on the obstruction article. I would have thought that was the more clearly violated principle.

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I reminded him in a tweet yesterday that he knew dt* was guilty of obstruction of Congress. That was as clear as the blowhole on the face of dt* Trump bragged about having all the documents and Congress had nothing.

Romney isn't a hero for doing the right thing, but in this political climate, knowing the vindictiveness that drives dt*, it took some guts that no other Republican has ever had.

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He knew his vote wouldn't change the outcome & he'd get attacked for it. But he did it anyway because it was the right thing to do. I don't agree with him on a lot of things, but I respect him for this. I respect any Republican who isn't licking Trump's boots right now

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We needed this right ? It made us feel little better & maybe gave us a little hope. Romney's speech resonated through the anger, disbelief & despair. And in the end... I would like to think we all "do the right thing" everyday in our lives, at home, at work, at play... So maybe We All should take a bow? Sure respect for Romney doing the right thing just like the rest of us.

The bar is so low now... #DoTheRightThing

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Romney has always been the kind of Republican I could respect while disagreeing with on most issues. When he ran in 2012, I was disappointed that he flipflopped on some postitions like gay marriage and healthcare to appease the rightwing, but he was generally a moderat compared to the bulk of his party. And if you want to give him credit for something: He was ridiculed (by the left and right) during that election for saying that he felt Russia was our greatest threat. We can respect people while differing on issues if we feel like they are coming from a place of good faith, they want the best for people even if they differ on what the means and how to get there. The problem with the GOP is that no one is acting in good faith. The are willing to do whatever it takes to get what they want.

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He deserves praise for this act, but we need to keep a clear-eyed view of where he has fallen short before and not assume he will always keep this standard. He needs to work to push his average up :-).

His (insincere?) comment about the good faith of his colleagues was jarring, since the entire Senate chamber has been awash in bad faith for the entire trial. A good faith examination of the evidence (even just the subset provided) would have resulted in a 100-0 vote for conviction.

Romney is not the one taking the biggest risk with this vote. Doug Jones, for example, is more deserving of praise and also more consistent in his values (disappointing as he is from time to time).

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I’m pretty darn anti-GOP and partisan, also a lawyer, and I think he absolutely deserves our respect. He is one of the few who like a juror, who are supposed to wait until the end of a trial to announce a decision. And this was a big one. Forever, we will have a bipartisan vote to remove the indulgent criminal squatting in the White House. I think that will matter in the dark history of this time period.

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There were 2 charges. Both plainly obvious. He only voted for one.

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Good point -- and a reason why our praise should be tempered.

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he risked little.

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I think it took guts to do what he did. To vote against his own party is something we equate now with jumping on a land mine to save others, I guess. But here’s the real thing in my estimation. I think Romney is a political animal with really great instincts. Romney Care AKA the statewide insurance everyone got in Massachusetts? That was a brilliant political decision. He knew what was in the wind. I think his calculation on this might be an early portent of bad news for Trump. It’s just a guess but... I dunno. It’s a guess I feel very strongly about.

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I live in MA and still remember Romney’s mean spirited homophobia and other ignominious aspects of his gubernatorial administration. So it’s a mixed bag for me to see him get this redemption arc. But I’m glad he did his job. He doesn’t have as much to lose as others who, while Dems, face very tough re-election battles in red states. I guess my take is that Romney got sort of an easy path to be a hero, and he took it, and I’m glad, but it’s not changing where we are as a failing democracy today.

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Not a hero by any means, but it seems he found his spine. His dad was the Gov of MI, and a moderate conservative - and a very good Gov, according to my Grandparents. This is the only time Mitt did something I think his dad would be proud of. So my hashtag? #MittRomneyFoundHisSpine

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Deserve our respect? Why? He followed the oath. He did what he was supposed to. He told the truth. Like Darkita said, didn’t vote for witnesses or documents. So I see no need to overly respect and praise him any more than the baseline respect we give to each other as human beings.

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Although my political and religious beliefs don't align with Romney's, he has my respect. He stood up and cast his vote based on the evidence presented to him, and did so coming from the place of being an impartial juror. He gave a coherent and sincere explanation as to why he was voting the way he did. Most importantly, I feel he deserves all our respect because although he holds different views (counter to many of us here) his behavior toward those of differing views has been respectful. I think a lot of us, these days, have forgotten what respectful debate looks like- so yea, maybe I don't consider him a hero, but yes he has my respect.

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Given that he is a GOP, forever, I guess late is better then never, yes I think it appears to be sincere.

I don't see shedding a sheet or two of paper equal to shedding any two year olds, however keeping them in cages seems to to do more harm to them then taking care of them medically and nurtionally

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Romney stood where the other Republican Senators feared. It should be remembered that Mitt Romney is the ONLY member of an impeached President's party to vote to convict in the Senate....EVER.

That is significant. EVERY other Presidential impeachment conviction vote has been ENTIRELY partisan (in our history).

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Our gain: bipartisan label, possible future Senate votes from Mitt.

Mitt's gain: self respect, respect from true GOP constituencies, possible reelection in 4 years?, his place in history.

His cost: party support, constant attacks from trump/trumpers and MoscowMitch, Senate seat 4 yrs from now?

Our cost: not a damn thing.

He did something incredibly moral, ethical, and selfless as anyone attacked by trump hordes knows. Russia will move against him too.

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Absolutely he deserves our respect. Integrity always deserves respect, especially when it's hard to show it. Some people suggest we shouldn't, on the grounds that he's a conservative. But when did that become how we judged a person's character? Romney is honest, Romney is faithful, I wish he could be my dad and my lover.

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The only person in the #GOP who has an ounce of moral courage. We should support him regardless of party affiliation.

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I can disagree with him on policy, religion and just about every other thing.

But Mitt has honour, integrity and more value in his little finger than the rest of the GOP combined. I can respect that.

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Loads of respect. Especially in reflection against the cowards of his party. He’s wealthy, not in danger in his re-election...His vote only highlights why we need to remove all Republicans. Everywhere. But I’m glad

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Better late than never.

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He did his job, he did not go above and beyond. We have become accustomed to the GOP defending and protecting him and not doing their job that we immediately have to throw a parade for a GOP that follows the rules? No!

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In my personal opinion he didn’t do enough. I’m glad that he voted for 45 to be removed but what about before then. He didn’t vote to have witnesses or documents. But he voted for bills that will hurt American citizens in the near future. It’s a little too late.

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To be honest, I want to appreciate what he did at the impeachment trial but I don't trust him. He's not exactly Polly Purebred.

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It is rather sad to think that only one republican senator has the courage, no, the cojones, to remember the oath that he/she took just a few short days ago and to vote, not out of fear of reprisals, but impartially, with his heart and conscience.

Thank you, Mitt Romney for being the only republican to not cower to the threats by the imposter in the White House and stand up for what’s right by voting guilty! You are one of the last of the honorable republican senators. You have my utmost respect!

History will remember Mitt Romney as a man of courage and conviction. Thank you. 🙏

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Despite voting No for evidence and witnesses Senator Romney showed great integrity in his decision. He forthrightly spoke truth to power. Every other GOP senator was free to make the same choice. In not doing so they betrayed their oath to defend and uphold The Constitution. Senator Romney stands head and shoulders above every other member of his party. Yes. He deserves respect for voting guilty and honouring country over party.

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He should have made his impassioned statement before, during the trial.

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How can you claim to be a lawyer and not know that at least 10 Senators broke ranks with their party in the Andrew Johnson impeachment trial?

You're just slinging confirmation bias to your readers and facts be damned, right?

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The difference between the senators who broke rank in the Johnson impeachment trial is they broke ranks with their party to acquit. Romney's the first to break ranks in voting to convict.

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I only listened to the first half of his interview with The Daily this morning. While he did the right thing and should be commended and respected, I think Hero is still really broad a term. A courageous act might be the best term. He mentioned in his interview that if he were President that he'd enact similar policies (at least around economics) to Trump's. He thinks the economy is doing well. That confirmed to me that he can do the right thing at necessary times, but is not necessarily a "hero" all the time for EVERYone. Interestingly, The Daily noted that he has always been careful in his narrative. So I think his actions were a mix of doing good with a mix of ensuring history doesn't tarnish his narrative.

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I don't think he is a hero by our liberal standards. But to Mormons all over the world, I do think he is a hero. Utah is home to large number of immigrants, too. he has two constituencies, maybe three. Maybe he is out in the cold with the party right now, but he has his base. I think his state will stand behind him and now he is free to work across the aisle more.

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Yes, I think he deserves our respect for thinking for himself and going against the status quo that he knew was wrong; but, he was simply doing what any responsible leader would have done. However, we have now entered the twilight zone where doing the right thing makes one a "hero" but also a target! Standing up to tyranny is not something most ordinary people will do. So, can we recognize that we have entered an era of tyranny? This is folie áu plusieurs.....the madness of many.....We should not leave the NPD diagnosis with just Trump, since he is just a product of the greater collective madness of the GOP....If we could give the GOP a diagnosis, it would be the Dark Triad (Narcissism, Machevillianism, Psychopathy). We must see ourselves as the Germans prior to WWII.....like the frog in a pot of water that is gradually getting the heat turned up until it dies....We are watching this horror show unfold daily before our eyes.....but at what point do we jump out of ht pot of hot water? Creating a sociopathic society is a slow process. It's been going on in this country for decades, maybe since WWII. The public schools of the US are one of the major reasons because they operate with covert narcissistic dynamics that masks authoritarianism so well, just as do most families, corporations, churches, government, and other social institutions. Unless we have a major trauma to wake us up...this pot of hot water is going to slowly kill all traces of not only our democracy, but our survival.

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Respect for sure, but not a Hero. I think he was more aware of the History Books, protecting the Mormon Culture reputation and himself.

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Yes. Whether you agree with him politically or not, he and Justin Amash are the only two sitting GOP (or recently GOP) members of Congress to support removing Trump from office and that is pretty big. Even most retired or retiring members, as well as the general public wasn't willing to take a stand, like Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker on the Kavanaugh vote.

And I see a lot of the current lot of Trump supporters on social media and it's hard to take the high road, the Michelle Obama road, instead consigning them to the basket of deplorables. Most of them won't even give an inch, that he even did anything wrong, let alone a full assault on the Constitution.

So Mitt (and Justin) did something worthy of our respect.

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Anyone who watched him speak, can see he struggled, looked deep in his heart, and voted to do what he believed was right. On an ordinary day, in another time, perhaps it would be appropriate to nitpick his conservative leanings, or weigh his conduct through a political lens. Yes he is a flawed man, but who among us isn’t?

But we are not in that time. The republic is being ripped apart by a dangerous cult leader and his sycophantic followers, the constitution lays murdered on the floor of the United States Senate. And in that lense, Mitt Romney is a patriot of the highest order. He has shown us who he is, and I believe him.

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Mitt Romney's integrity courage & Godliness goes down in history as a man who stood alone under the pressure of political party loyalist who stand for corruption rather then justice who are loath breakers & charlatans he stood on principal even tho he was on the opposite side of the isle & never before stood with dems on anything his integrity and character stood firm and I applaud him for it! Even tho I am pretty much anti-politician no matter what party I scrutinize every politician with a doubtful eye he has renewed a small portion of faith for me that there are a few that I thought left with Obama & Carter & Kennedy may favor of God continue to follow him and open his eyes to wisdom! The majority of American people are with you and applaud you! Mr Romney!

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The speech was touching. He is not a conservative or a Republican. He mover to Mass to become Governor and then President. Didn't work. He moves to Utah to become a Senator. I think he will go anywhere to be elected for something. His vote and speech was very clever. He is in the lime light again. I am sorry but I can't take his speech to heart. His vote on the articles was a clever move. One for each side.

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While I may have disagreed with Romney in the 2012 election, I am glad he voted against the wishes of his Trumpublican Russian GOP colleagues. I hope history remembers him as a patriot who did the right thing. Not that it was an easy task, but because it was the right choice!

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No, he doesn't.

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So, if you were destroyed in an election against a president, but had a way to get some of his voters on your side, you would take it. Since you know that they all hate Trump and all of the other Republican senators are going to vote not guilty a good way to get votes in the next election you run in is to get all of those voters on your side by voting that Trump is guilty and pretending that you mean it so that you get extra publicity and respect for no reason.

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I agree with these posts. I'm just so so sad that we literally are so grateful that one guy actually did uphold his oath of office and put his country over party - it's mind blowing. We are in a dark place and I'm terrified that if we can't beat Trump in November (there will be cheating & attacks by other countries on our elections) what is going to happen to us?)

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Romney, for all his professions of faith, is a political opportunist. When the "real" Republican Party of old looks for someone to replace Trump (and his sidekick Pence), Romney is there to fill the void. He voted against the impeachment claim of obstruction of Congress, of which he is a member. Worth noting, he said he was doing this for his children and grandchildren. I'm old enough to remember when his adult sons insisted that Obama release his college transcripts to them - personally. Romney's children are entitled brats - "dynasty" kids like Ivanka and Jr. Firmly believe Romney took that 'stance' to protect his political legacy for his arrogant children. I'm also old enough to remember Anne Romney whining "it's our turn" for the presidency, as though it's a Monopoly game.

What really saddened (and angered) me the most was all the "resisters" posting how 'brave' Romney, in his safe seat, was while completely ignoring the courage (personal and political) of targeted Democrats Doug Jones, Krysten Sinema, and Joe Manchin, all of whom face spectacular battles ahead to keep their Senate seats in the Dem column.

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