Oct 20, 2020Liked by Amee Vanderpool

he's such a small-minded punk

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I long ago stopped being shocked at the depravity and despicable nature of this odious Administration, but every now and then, it still manages to do something which leaves me agape.

Honestly, I have no idea how any women or minorities support him. How do they look themselves in the mirror? I mean, really--how do they do it?

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Every day Trump proves that the term "Hitleresque," when applied to him, is accurate. I trust that the Trump Crimes Commission will be charged with investigating ALL of the many norms, rules, and laws he and his cabal have ignored and also those that they have engineered as replacements. I once thought I might leave Twitter and stop worrying about politics so much once Democrats took the helm again. Now I see that there is an incredible amount of work to be done to support those Democratic leaders as they work to fix this awful mess. Thank you, Amee, for all you do to keep us informed and inspired.

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My despair deepens daily.

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Un-Effing-Believable !!!

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