I am excited about this debate if for no other reason than watching Harris kick the shit out of that pile of monkey dung. I’m annoyed though that our farce of a media continues to do all they can to help Fat Don win without being too obvious about it. I mean for two weeks all we hear is how Harris has to nail it, has to lay out her policies, has to win over so-called undecided voters. Like Donnie is a serious man running a serious campaign. Our media infuriates me daily with their embrace of and enabling of Trump. All he has to do is show up, no more expectation than that. I firmly believe if the media covered him fairly as an independent arbiter of news, the race would not be as tight as it is. As always, Dems have to outperform just to be passable. It’s a joke. And honestly if you’re “undecided” at this point then you’re either a complete moron or you’re dishonest.

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ABC: Do NOT refer to Trump as President tonight. He is MR. Trump.

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I learned something new today which is always awesome! Your mother was a prosecutor and a judge. It all makes sense now, haha. You'd have been the same either way...fabulous! I never see your posts on X and my notifications are on so a post, thread and feedback tonight from you, subscribers, and all else will be tons of fun. I'm confident on Harris but Trump is out of his ever loving mind and people buy it hook, line and sinker. The media will, like CNN last night, I believe, talk to some nut and validate some nut commentary, but I have to forget them as they will sanewash everything Trump says. Let's Rock, Focus and WIN!!!! Harris/Walz!!

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This is the most illuminating explanation of why Harris will handle the Trump trash-talking and lies.

Her disdain for him has to come through clearly without any emotional component. She also must leave the audience watching from wherever with the clear decision that Trump is insane, unhinged, and dangerous and that she is ready to move the nation forward. I say all this with as much hope as I can generate. Thanks.

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I am hoping that her staff, during prep, has worked with her to "prosecute" Trump in her replies to questions. She doesn't need to ask questions, she just needs to bring up what he has said and done. Not only will that drive him nuts, the comparisons are stark. I know she's up to it. I have mad respect for this woman and all she represents, which is the best of this country, including empathy and kindness. She and Tim Walz are alike in that way. What a team to lead our county. Now, we need to get out and vote to save our majority in the Senate and gain the majority in the House.

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This piece was so inspiring, it *almost* made me want to watch the debate. But for the sake of my mental health, I'll keep avoiding any and all things drumph, and I'll let you (continue to) take one for the team. You're welcome! 😁 I look forward to reading your recap!

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My husband says he is looking forward to watching Harris “whomple-stomple” Trump tonight. Me, too!

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I believe in VP Harris and I believe in the American people , not all of them but the ones who follow Amee and Lawerence O’Donnell

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