A winding road in the desert that represents endless possibilities. (photo via Getty Images)
Happy Friday to everyone out there, I have a feeling this was a tough week and you really earned this weekend break, so today’s post will be short and sweet. I wanted to take a moment during this summer lull to ask you a few questions about your SHERO experience.
I am taking stock of the progress of SHERO and putting in some time to consider how I want to evolve and grow this cherished newsletter. If you could help me by leaving your comments below about what you are enjoying about SHERO, what you don’t prefer, and what you would like to see — that would be so helpful. Your comments are so important, so please take a moment to let me know what you think.
The possibilities for SHERO are so exciting, and I look forward to reading your suggestions! Thank you for going on this journey with me and helping me to make SHERO something extraordinary. Onward and upward!
Paid subscriptions and one-time tributes embedded in each article, allow me to keep publishing critical and informative work that is sometimes made available to the public — thank you. If you like this piece and want to support independent journalism further, you can forward this article to others, get a paid subscription or gift subscription, or donate once through the tribute options above. Thank you for your loyalty and ongoing support!
I love your tone, writing style, your POV. Often, by the time I get to your newsletter, what you’re writing about is old news (just giving constructive criticism 🙂) what I LOVE most is your insights. I would like more of your insider perspective and less recap of all that is going on. To stick out from the other news I get LAT, Wapo, Axios, I want perspective. Recently you explained the legal possibilities of something (damn I wish I could remember what it was, too early in the morn no coffee yet) something to do with Trump no doubt and it was exactly what I was looking for. I can read what has happened anywhere, but what that actually means in the bigger picture is much more important.
What I like/love about Shero? Just about everything! I really enjoy your perspective on things. I especially love you when you get "personal" with us--your recent post about your aunt comes to mind (and again, I am sorry that her perspective on things is just so skewed), or when you share your musical playlist choices, or just post a photo. Thank you again!
Hi, Ian! I always look forward to your comments, too-I am trying to do more OpEd stuff, but it is really hard sometimes to get that personal, but I will do that just for you. Thanks!
I so appreciate all the information, analysis and breakdowns that you provide for us all. Context is more important than ever today, and having true facts laid out clearly and concisely is invaluable. Thank you for all you do.
Sharing the perspective with your aunt really helped me. I have two grown children out of four that have went that direction. It feels like sheer insanity.
One in Ohio, one is in Florida.
The one issue I would like to see covered is, how do we change the future of media? It really hit me the other day when I realized 64 million viewers watch Fox cable news, can't even call it, that yet they believe it.
What's the correct way, who do we petition for truth and honesty and when it's opinions both sides?
The only way to get FOX so called NEWS off the air waves is via petitions to the FCC, or prove a criminal act, but with Trump followers running the FCC, doubt it would go anywhere...
Your insight certainly, not from some dead letter office like some regurgitation of other new letters currently more current news rather then a history lesson unless making a point in an ongoing discussion. I like when MOM, steps in to support your point, or just clear the air.. proves a good editor is till worth something in modern journalism, not that you really need a counter point. I think your humor keeps things moving, and your overall functionally, based on space and time is great...I like Mike's idea about a coffee table book for annual publishcation would be a great asset, and now days you can sell as a NFT, too...
I truly appreciate all that you provide...although I don't seem to get around to the playlists as much as I should. I appreciate your POV and your perspective as a lawyer. The summary of the weeks' news helps me to remember the critical issues and concerns, as there continues to be so much going on in our world. So far, nothing stands out for me in terms of a suggestion for a change in direction. Keep up the excellent work!
I guess the truths in your posts are what makes me want to read you. I would also like to support your work, but the only method i have is via a bank transfer as i don't have a CC. Topics that interest me, Epstein, Yemen, Palestlne, Venezuela, Cuba, CIA, Nicaragua, corruption etc.
I am a retired Canadian living in Cuba and PayPal is blocked here. I opened my account when i lived in Canada and have a bzlance but cannot access it even with VPN
I read every SHERO newsletter. I couldn’t say the same of WaPo, NYT et al. I particularly appreciate your legal background and perspective. You have answered legal questions for me numerous times.
I also value the occasional personal insights you share, such as photos and stories of you and your family. It gives me an understanding of you and your point of view.
Often the news you cover is more in-depth than I get elsewhere and that is useful in understanding the issues. Thank you for all you do, Amee!
I look forward to your newsletter. You have a very keen insight, and the public needs to see the problems we face from every angle in order to make informed decisions. Please continue to keep us informed of developments we might otherwise miss. Incidentally, I followed your experience with Covid-19 very carefully, and appreciate the effort it must have taken when you were so ill to continue informing us of your progress. Those of us who followed your story were certainly pulling for you. Thank you for all you do, and please keep up the good work!
I followed you and other like minded, rational, critical thinking progressives on Twitter leading up to the 2016 election, and shortly thereafter, until I just couldn’t deal with the pro Trump bullshit a moment longer.
So, I subscribed to Shero and dropped Twitter.
Honestly, Amee, you have helped me maintain my sanity through the shitstorm of the Trump era. But mostly, your posts have given me a sliver of optimism.
I still worry about this nation and the future of democracy but I have truly come to believe that the majority of Americans are not idiots. The Right, well they’re a different story. Logic and truth be damned, the GOP, fueled by Fox News and their ilk, are a breed of ill informed conspiracy theorists who thrive on fear and lies but I cannot fully express my gratitude for your level headed journalism.
I like everything about your newsletter. It was one of the life preservers I used during the epidemic of Trumpism. I know. I know. It's still out there. Wear a mask. Wash your hands. Prepare for the apocalypse.
I agree 100% with Tracey. Give us your insights. Heather Cox-Richardson does this well in her “Letter from and American” every day. I subscribe to you as well because your insights are from a different perspective. You make important, and well-reasoned connections. Give us your analysis of whats important!!
Everything you do with SHERO is excellent. You keep us informed on issues we are all focused on. Your legal takes for all of us 'keyboard lawyers,' keep us in check and informed. Your focus on womens issues is necessary and appreciated. And last, but not least, your humor and sass, along with your Ameezing playlists are *chef's kiss* perfection.
Amee, you manage to be both personal and legitimately news. I can tell when you are giving your opinion and when you are reporting on what happened. This is important. I appreciate that we know you are a human dealing with human things, and we know how your personal life informs your views. I come from a very conservative Christian background, and while I was out early thanks to parents who started thinking, I still deal with those toxic ideas every day. Thank you for being a light. Now I just reread this, and noticed it's all about personal things. Your ability to bring together many different lines of information into a coherent story is fabulous. Keep up the detailed and complex reporting.
I love your tone, writing style, your POV. Often, by the time I get to your newsletter, what you’re writing about is old news (just giving constructive criticism 🙂) what I LOVE most is your insights. I would like more of your insider perspective and less recap of all that is going on. To stick out from the other news I get LAT, Wapo, Axios, I want perspective. Recently you explained the legal possibilities of something (damn I wish I could remember what it was, too early in the morn no coffee yet) something to do with Trump no doubt and it was exactly what I was looking for. I can read what has happened anywhere, but what that actually means in the bigger picture is much more important.
Excellent suggestion, I will work on that-thank you!
I love Shero! Your reports are insightful and helpful! Don’t change a thing and keep up the good work!
You are a bright light in my day, Lisa.
And you are mine! Keep giving them hell!
Since zero social media, I enjoy your recaps for the week. I need the legal POV you sometimes provide for the stories you're covering.
Great tips, thank you!
What I like/love about Shero? Just about everything! I really enjoy your perspective on things. I especially love you when you get "personal" with us--your recent post about your aunt comes to mind (and again, I am sorry that her perspective on things is just so skewed), or when you share your musical playlist choices, or just post a photo. Thank you again!
Hi, Ian! I always look forward to your comments, too-I am trying to do more OpEd stuff, but it is really hard sometimes to get that personal, but I will do that just for you. Thanks!
You rock--thank you (yet again)! :-)
I so appreciate all the information, analysis and breakdowns that you provide for us all. Context is more important than ever today, and having true facts laid out clearly and concisely is invaluable. Thank you for all you do.
I think you do a stellar job already!
Sharing the perspective with your aunt really helped me. I have two grown children out of four that have went that direction. It feels like sheer insanity.
One in Ohio, one is in Florida.
The one issue I would like to see covered is, how do we change the future of media? It really hit me the other day when I realized 64 million viewers watch Fox cable news, can't even call it, that yet they believe it.
What's the correct way, who do we petition for truth and honesty and when it's opinions both sides?
There has to be something we can do.
And I am lost for answers.
Amee, I really love your work!
I look forward to reading the newsletter.💗💯😍
Thank you for your constant support Kim, it means a lot!
The only way to get FOX so called NEWS off the air waves is via petitions to the FCC, or prove a criminal act, but with Trump followers running the FCC, doubt it would go anywhere...
Where to start; oh where,
Your thought provocativeness,
Your insight certainly, not from some dead letter office like some regurgitation of other new letters currently more current news rather then a history lesson unless making a point in an ongoing discussion. I like when MOM, steps in to support your point, or just clear the air.. proves a good editor is till worth something in modern journalism, not that you really need a counter point. I think your humor keeps things moving, and your overall functionally, based on space and time is great...I like Mike's idea about a coffee table book for annual publishcation would be a great asset, and now days you can sell as a NFT, too...
You should compile all these shero newsletters into at least 1 book....it would be a heck of a read as well as a bestseller for sure!
Hmmmm, interesting idea...
I truly appreciate all that you provide...although I don't seem to get around to the playlists as much as I should. I appreciate your POV and your perspective as a lawyer. The summary of the weeks' news helps me to remember the critical issues and concerns, as there continues to be so much going on in our world. So far, nothing stands out for me in terms of a suggestion for a change in direction. Keep up the excellent work!
I guess the truths in your posts are what makes me want to read you. I would also like to support your work, but the only method i have is via a bank transfer as i don't have a CC. Topics that interest me, Epstein, Yemen, Palestlne, Venezuela, Cuba, CIA, Nicaragua, corruption etc.
Thanks for your suggestions, Giovanni-you can always donate via PayPal here: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/sheronewsletter?locale.x=en_US or via Venmo @SHEROnewsletter
I am a retired Canadian living in Cuba and PayPal is blocked here. I opened my account when i lived in Canada and have a bzlance but cannot access it even with VPN
I read every SHERO newsletter. I couldn’t say the same of WaPo, NYT et al. I particularly appreciate your legal background and perspective. You have answered legal questions for me numerous times.
I also value the occasional personal insights you share, such as photos and stories of you and your family. It gives me an understanding of you and your point of view.
Often the news you cover is more in-depth than I get elsewhere and that is useful in understanding the issues. Thank you for all you do, Amee!
Thank you SO MUCH Francesca, this means so much to me.
To be honest, I look forward to your newsletters for the information and your take on current issues based on your expertise.
Fantastic-thank you!
I look forward to your newsletter. You have a very keen insight, and the public needs to see the problems we face from every angle in order to make informed decisions. Please continue to keep us informed of developments we might otherwise miss. Incidentally, I followed your experience with Covid-19 very carefully, and appreciate the effort it must have taken when you were so ill to continue informing us of your progress. Those of us who followed your story were certainly pulling for you. Thank you for all you do, and please keep up the good work!
That is so kind, Betty!
Yours is one of the few newsletters I receive that I actually read. I really enjoy and respect your voice.
I love your newsletter, Amee; please just keep being yourself and sharing your insights and opinions!
Just sang, "Don't go changing to try and please me ..." after reading your comment, Thom! 😂
I followed you and other like minded, rational, critical thinking progressives on Twitter leading up to the 2016 election, and shortly thereafter, until I just couldn’t deal with the pro Trump bullshit a moment longer.
So, I subscribed to Shero and dropped Twitter.
Honestly, Amee, you have helped me maintain my sanity through the shitstorm of the Trump era. But mostly, your posts have given me a sliver of optimism.
I still worry about this nation and the future of democracy but I have truly come to believe that the majority of Americans are not idiots. The Right, well they’re a different story. Logic and truth be damned, the GOP, fueled by Fox News and their ilk, are a breed of ill informed conspiracy theorists who thrive on fear and lies but I cannot fully express my gratitude for your level headed journalism.
Wow, Chris-I'm truly honored to have helped. Thank you!
I like everything about your newsletter. It was one of the life preservers I used during the epidemic of Trumpism. I know. I know. It's still out there. Wear a mask. Wash your hands. Prepare for the apocalypse.
LOL, I'm on the watchtower, I promise! Thank you.
I enjoy your approach and greatly appreciate your explanation of the meaning behind the news.
Thank you so much.
I agree 100% with Tracey. Give us your insights. Heather Cox-Richardson does this well in her “Letter from and American” every day. I subscribe to you as well because your insights are from a different perspective. You make important, and well-reasoned connections. Give us your analysis of whats important!!
Sounds good.
I so appreciate your writing and analysis of situations. You write with honesty and integrity, but always with an air of hope.
You shared insights into your covid experience that may very well have helped keep me out of the hospital (fellow asthmatic) when I had it. 💜
Oh, good-team asthmatic!
Everything you do with SHERO is excellent. You keep us informed on issues we are all focused on. Your legal takes for all of us 'keyboard lawyers,' keep us in check and informed. Your focus on womens issues is necessary and appreciated. And last, but not least, your humor and sass, along with your Ameezing playlists are *chef's kiss* perfection.
Don't change a thing.
You are the wind beneath my wings.
Amee, you manage to be both personal and legitimately news. I can tell when you are giving your opinion and when you are reporting on what happened. This is important. I appreciate that we know you are a human dealing with human things, and we know how your personal life informs your views. I come from a very conservative Christian background, and while I was out early thanks to parents who started thinking, I still deal with those toxic ideas every day. Thank you for being a light. Now I just reread this, and noticed it's all about personal things. Your ability to bring together many different lines of information into a coherent story is fabulous. Keep up the detailed and complex reporting.
Thanks, Bonnie-lots of good info here.