Be sure to watch this clip of Adam Schiff last night if you haven't already: https://twitter.com/girlsreallyrule/status/1220720423651942401

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Adam Schiff should be President. All the Republicans should be deported. That is all.

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100% agree. SCHIFF's brilliant and the current Dem runners should set aside..Joe, BERNIE, etc..Make Klobuchar or Warren his VP nominee.

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Jan 24, 2020
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These kind of comments don’t belong here.

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Agree. Let the Republicans behave with no moral standards.

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First, thank you for all your hard work!

I think they've been doing an awesome job of delivering witnesses and documents, without actual witnesses and documents.

The question will be are any of them really listening. I think some had never heard 80% of what they actually listen to before this. Patriots my ass.

That oath should mean something!

Serious changes need to be made, to all that take that oath.

There has to be consequences.

But the question at hand I think they're doing a stellar job.

Especially Adam Schiff.

Seeing him disrespected just angers & saddens me.

Keep up the stellar work Amee

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Agree! They HAVE delivered the witnesses and documents. They've educated everyone in that room and the entire WORLD. People are watching from all corners of this globe. Many who don't live here are deeply invested in this outcome. Many who DO live here should be invested but choose not to be, for reasons we mostly understand now. What happens matters, of course, but this trial is not THE END. PS. Adam Schiff is the definition of a patriot. He deserves every accolade we can give him.

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You are right to thank Amee for all her hard work. I've been traveling and I'm so glad I subscribe to Sheri or I would have missed so much.

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Shero. Aarrgh to auto correct!

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It's an historical event regardless of who's listening or watching. I find it too painful to watch for long though I follow closely on Twitter from accounts that have more info and insight than I can muster. Painful is too weak a word for what's transpiring - the dissolution of the United States of America's government right in front of our eyes. What's going to follow after Trumputin is cleared - I have little hope that he will not be, although I see censure as one option to removal - he is going to go on a revenge rampage that will make us quickly forget the nobility of the Democratic impeachment managers' performance, notably, of course, Adam Schiff's. I expect to see investigations of the managers, suits against journalists, searches and arrests of opponents, threats and more threats to citizens in resistance, and, worst of all, attacks by MAGAts across the country against fellow citizens because of their anti-Trump or pro-Democratic candidate window decals and bumper stickers. He will be free to become an anarchist of sorts. I don't like to think this but I can't ignore that his past performance is clearly an omen of the future when he thinks he's been "unimpeached."

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This is my fear

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I assume you've seen the quote from a Trumputin staffer about heads on pikes for those who vote to impeach and the other one about how they can't wait for revenge.

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Yes and it gives me chills.

Or there's going to be a civil war. There are many more..

Very stressful time for our democracy and what's ahead.

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PikeTeamSix will be the trumpian strike force lurking in the wings. He’ll be selling hats and tshirts soon.

I am astounded at this point that we have not seen extreme violence directed at many on each side. Like you, I am fearful of revolution.

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Never heard of PikeTeamSix

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Clearly my lame attempt at humor, well — it was a lame take on SealTeam6.

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Agree with retaliation comments. 70 years old, cheered the 1960's protesters. Russia will run 2020 elections. Question remains how much can America take before civil war? I urge those able to leave US to get out now. Americans flooding to Mexico, Canada etc.

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Although I respect your opinion - I am not an advocate for "abandoning ship" at the final hour. It is now, patriotic Americans (with a comprehension of both our Constitution and the foresight to see what awaits us as a nation if we continue down this criminal path)) to rise up in contempt of the current administration and their abuse of law. History has proven undeniably that a corrupt government core destabilizes the nation at ALL levels. Now is the time for our voices, previously only heard and not seen, to mobilize taking to the city streets marching and protesting in defiance. We cannot permit this to stand. Our actions in the next 10 months are crucial for fighting for our Republic for which it stands. For "LIFE, LIBERTY and PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS" and for a government who protects these "unalienable rights". Abandoning ship makes us no better than the Senate Republicans who are traitors to our Democracy, our Constitution and to the United States of America.

~Aunt Titi~


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I am especially proud of the Managers ability to communicate the facts. And I encourage them to continue in honesty and dignity speaking truth to power. I think the Republicans refusing to produce a witness for the trial makes them look really bad. I am a registered Independent and I can promise you, I will vote against every GOP candidate on my ballot. I am really fed up with their antics of party over the Constitution. To each of the Republicans I say, Shame on You.

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100% agreed.

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Adam and his team brought their A game.

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First off, Thank you, Amee for the insights, updates for those of us that can't, don't watch the LIVE. I am beyond common ordinary words to state how impressed with the organization and the oratory skills of Adam Schiff.

But, I am equally HORRIFIED of the lack of Adult behavior by the "jurors'!! If we were to behave like this on jury duty, we would be in cuffs!! Saddened by a SCOTUS behaving this way, and letting the 'children' get away with what ever they want.

I am scared, too, as the GOP there is beholden to Trump, to #moscowmitch, and I don't understand why no one has any courage?? No one with morals to finally say, "ENOUGH", let us impeach the SOB!!! No honor to an oath they swore to, when they were inducted into the Senate and and again swore when they were to be "jurors".

Trump is NOT doing all this on his own...there are many behind this, Miller, #moscowmitch , but to impeach him, remove him, would take some of the evilness we may see if his is not.

I love Adam Schiff and his entire team..ust wish there was more that can be done...I have tweeted, called ...as al Americans should take the few minutes to do. I would really like to march en masse( gotta get better fast!)

Again, thank you Amee-Shero....

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My pleasure, Jacqueline.

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Initially, after the failed Mueller trial, I didn't think any of our representatives had our democracy in mind. I thought All of them are guilty of being directly or indirectly supportive of Trump's criminal administration. I was so grateful when Pelosi finally decided to impeach & I've approved of all the actions taken by Democratic Party leaders since then. I suffer with anxiety and I know that may not mean anything to most people, but for me it is almost a death sentence if I am overly stressed. Trump occupancy stresses me as a Black woman and as a Black lesbian woman. My 83 year old father said, "Trump wants Black People back behind the plow." He means enslaved. It's difficult trusting the American government with its history towards my people. However, in these past few days, listening to these House Managers, I've been able to sleep soundly because I know THEY GET IT! They are advocating for our Democracy literally. I believe that the vast majority of white people don't get this Trumpian time being about Racism. It's all about racism and White Supremacy. You can add sexism and other isms to this because what they want is to take us back. Nancy Pelosi is a Born leader to have provided America with a diverse intelligent and Professional leaders to represent us as House managers and I am encouraged. I know nothing has changed as of yet, but I am hopeful that there are those advocating for me because I think Nancy gets it as well as these individuals who are passionately stating the case for ALL people of America. This is truly a historical moment when Political parties will have to pick between their patriotism for their country or a narcissistic wanna be reality star bully in the white house. I give them ALL and A+

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The Democrats are absolutely brilliant. They are killing it. Masterclass in presentation skills.

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I think they did a great job presenting the case and debunking the conspiracy theories. 👏👏👏👍

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The House Managers for the most part have been brilliant, especially Adam Schiff. The Republicans have reached a whole new low of debasement to their God Trump -- fidget spinners, naps, books, crossword puzzles, snacks, walking out to do Fox interviews. Mitch McConnell's majority will go down in American history as the lowest pack of corrupt curs ever to disgrace Washington. They've sold their souls to avoid a mean tweet.

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Amee, the presentation has been clear and precise with no BS. Just the facts mam. Hearing it laid out so succinctly is so damning, it is a wonder how anyone is able to dismiss it. Well, all of them have done an extremely passionate job, and I especially like Nadler's explanation pertaining to our Constitution and its meaning in this case. Adam Schiff, no matter what anyone thinks of him, they cannot deny his passion for what is right and just in this matter. Honestly, I do not know if the rest of America is watching, or even paying attention. I hope so. I hope they are calling their Senators to get witnesses and documents so we the people can have all of the story, even though what has presented I feel is enough for every Senator to do what is right, to do what are parents should have instilled in us at an early age. We do not take advantage of the weak, we do not cheat to win, and we honor any duty we swear to uphold. Thank you for this opportunity to comment - Navy Vet.

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"Because right matters. Right matters and the truth matters. Otherwise we are lost.” I believe Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr would have applauded Congressman Schiff's closing statement.

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Adam Schiff is amazing. I'm thinking anyone with a brain can see the truth which leaves out all GOP Senators and Trump's base. GOP Senators have already been threatened and will vote to get this over fast with no documents and no witness. They fear Trump's wrath more than anything which is kind of scary.

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I also have no sympathy for senators that cant sit and listen for 8 hours with breaks. It is their job and working people do this all the time. While everyone wanes at times, this is nationally important, not some boring out of touch training video.

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Schiff and his team have been masterful. Sadly, the brazen contempt shown by the majority of GOP senators and the dereliction of duty by Roberts as presiding judge give me little hope for anything beyond summary dismissal.

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ADAM Schiff has been very impressive. His tone, inflection, cadence all reflect an ease arguing cases before a jury. Nadler not so much; he was more monotone and reading from his presentation. Several friends commented they were shocked Jay Sekulo told lies in front of CJ Roberts, but there’s a line between zealous representation and lying to the court. However, trump has no defense. Lindsay’s new line is if potus believed it it wasn’t a lie. That dog won’t hunt.

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As a Canadian, I watch in disbelief. The 60’s and 70’s seem so long ago. As does justice in America. I haven’t given up. Still, at times, doubt lingers into certainty. America is in deep, deep trouble. By extension, so is the world.

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Amee, thank you for your masterful insight and commentary on these most consequential proceedings, bravo.

I have watched not only this trial closely, but also the inquiry proceedings and read the testimony transcripts of the witnesses. It's hard to characterize how well Adam Schiff and the House Mangers have woven together all the facts, evidence and testimony, into the story of Trump's crimes in Article I of the Impeachment charges. When we were watching and reading the hearings, threading all of the events together was a monumental thought, let alone task. The House Managers have given us an historical biopic of Trump that rivals a Coppola, Spielberg or Scorcese script. They have been that good.

Yes, it is sad that the chances of conviction are less than 20% (20 being the number of Republican votes needed to convict), but that does not negate the importance of Americans hearing and seeing all of the evidence of Trump's corruption.

I am looking forward to seeing how, or even if, the defense is going to explain away the mountains of evidence. I suspect, they will continue pushing Guiliani conspiracy theories concocted by Luytsenko and Shokin, and relished by Putin.

"If right doesn’t matter, we’re lost. If the truth doesn’t matter, we’re lost. The Framers couldn’t protect us from ourselves if right and truth don’t matter. And you know that what he did was not right.” Rep Adam Schiff, Jan 23, 2020

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I have ZERO confidence in 20 Republicans "doing what's right" to convict let alone to remove. Disturbing times. ~Aunt Titi~

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The House Democrats have done an exemplary job. Unfortunately, they are tasked with convincing a room full of corrupt politicians who have strayed from their oath and obligations of the responsibilities for the office which they serve. It is truly a sad time for our Democracy that we cannot count on even four Senate Republicans to uphold the OATH OF OFFICE to which they have PLEDGED to GOD and country!!!

No one has said it better than George Washington:

"However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion."

George Washington

Farewell Address | Saturday, September 17, 1796

~Aunt Titi~


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Amazing for the house team on how substantiated their arguments are on abuse of power and its impact to the nation and our allies. While it doesnt seem that they will win over Republican senators on conviction, it is meaningful. Best thing that will come out of this is public rallying against Trump and specific members of congress in the polls and in the ballot box.

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The Democrats are doing an excellent job of making the logical and sane case against Donald Trump. However the media is NOT showing the highlights. I looked at several news stations coverage and found the actual statements rarely made the highlights. Yet they will repeatedly play Senate Republicans distraction arguments. Even the time given for the Democratic argument was not even half the time given to the coverage of the Republican response. Where's the "fair and balanced" reporting? Certainly not on Sinclair owned stations or CBS This Morning, ABC Good Morning, etc. It clearly shows media bias for letting this administration literally be above the law. This lack of truth telling and blatant bias is literally destroying our democracy. The average American only regurgitates what they are told to think. Education and providing facts are the only way we can beat stupidity and support for this corrupt administration.

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The House managers delivered on explaining the charges and why with no documents or witnesses. It is really unfortunate that this is not on all news stations and that daytime tv is not preempted for this. The people who need to hear the facts have ignored the proceedings all together. That concerns me.

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Advocacy so outstanding that it is the equivalent of DEET for the republican ilk — which explains for reasonable people why the sycophantic red team members fled the Senate scene.

In a vacuum, the prosecution excels; a model for the future. In the real world, it matters as much as our sun does to Pluto.

I agree with Kim. Many thanks for your efforts too, Ms. Vanderpool. They are the equivalent to the excellence of the advocacy we’ve seen this week.

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It appears that the only thing that can get you removed from office is committing a violent crime. And who knows, by the end of Trump's fourth term, we may learn that even that is not enough.

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The Democrats have been thorough and measured. Emotions have flared, but how could they not? The Republicans read books and wander around, ignoring what they know is truth.

I wrote this:

“Ashes to Ashes” A Eulogy for the Republican Party


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AMAZING writing. I'd love to share this on my site with your permission credit and link of course? <chills while reading> Anti Titi


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Thank you. Feel free to share.

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So good. The analogy is perfect. I'd forgotten the rhyme was originally about the plague. Brilliant. We must remember: that plague was eventually eradicated and this current plague of hate, lies, and corruption will be eradicated, too. Well, maybe not eradicated, but we ARE working on a vaccine... Sigh.

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Wicked stellar Poem. 👊

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I think the D’s Are making a compelling case. I’d like to see the gallery, though. What are the R’s doing? Are they paying attention? Are some deliberately not paying attention? Why is Senator Blackburn allowed to read a book during the testimony? (She brags about this daily.) Where was Sen. Graham when they showed a clip of him from Clinton’s impeachment trial? Why was he not there? I think the constituents deserve to see what their senators are up to in the gallery.

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Ds are doing an excellent job. Schiff is perfect. Nothing boring about it. I hate to admit it but Moscow Mitch has his caucus under control. Valiant effort & kudos to D managers. Americans for the most part are tuned in. Maybe we can get more than 69% to ask for witnesses & documents.

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They're doing an okay job, but the problem is that no one outside our "bubble" is watching. Fox News watchers are barely aware that this is even happening, and guess what, they are going to be voting in November.

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I am sure impressed with the House managers case. It is impassioned and rational at the same time. Laying out a timeline and facts that can't be disputed. They will be ignored but can't be disputed. Well except I did just hear Sen Fischer from Nebraska that she hadn't heard any facts yet sooooo.

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Amee you are my Shero, thanks for the updates. I've been on a trip for the past two weeks and only caught snippets of the broadcast this week. I'm appreciative of your detailed updates. I think the Dems are doing a great job of unfolding the truth around tRump's treachery. I am waiting for the Republicans to have a valid response to the charges which they have none!

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I think the House managers have done a fine job. One issue I have with them is that they are still using partisan language. I hear a lot of Republicans this and GOP that. This will not win any votes, if that is even possible in this partisan atmosphere. The biggest problem is that these partisan comments are accusatory and treating the GOP like a monolithic thing. Evidence thus far suggests that the votes will be along party lines, but I would appreciate it if one of the parties, preferably the democrats, rise above the partisan language.

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Aimee, I was looking forward to your take & synopsis of the Impeachment Trial today, but you turned it over to your readers/followers who have done a great job! The comments & perspectives give me strength in that I know there are many who recognize right & truth when they see it & who will keep resisting tyranny by the president, followers, & enablers.

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Thank you Amee for your diligent and hard work on Shero. This is truly outstanding. (I’m new here - hi everyone) the Dems are incredible in this trial and Adam Schiff is truly a step above. I knew I already deeply respected him but this is a new level. He should be president (that’s saying a lot because I don’t think we need another white guy running things). I look forward to the conversation here. Thanks again, Amee.

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I wish they would stress more this is the trial for REMOVAL. 45 has Already been impeached. Calling it the impeachment trial leads to the confusion that some have that he is not yet impeached.

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There is not much more I can contribute here, most have stated exactly what I am thinking about this process, the presentations, the actions and non actions of Senators. I believe that hard core R's will never be convinced because they have succumbed to serious gas-lighting. What strikes me is the disrespect some Senators are demonstrating during the presentations. They forget that not only America is watching, but the world.

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Amee , thank you again for your takes on this impeachment trial. Recounting the Bill Clinton trial a fellow Iowan and blogger at BleedingHeartland.com Laurie Belin (@bleedingheartland) pulled up the image of Sen. Charles ‘Chuck’ Grassley smiling away and defending The U.S.Senate’s responsibilities to impeach then President Clinton in 1999. Goodness how things have changed in our senior Senator’s viewpoint on removing the president. Now he feels as though the House Managers are systematically building a partisan case in favor of impeachment. Grassley as well as junior Republican Senator Joni Ernst are marching lock step with Senate Majority Leader McConnell. I hope someone keeps track of how many lies and misinformation talking points the President’s defense team will mount as a doubling down on falsehoods. These are tragic moments in our Republic.

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I couldn’t be more proud of Congressman Schiff and his literate, passionate House Managers. I couldn’t be more repulsed by the republicans who are nasty, liars and disrespectful toward their colleagues and the Constitution. I’m actually witnessing good vs evil and my fear is evil will win. For a whole party to denigrate themselves and in doing so my country I haven’t the right words to describe how I feel. God bless Adam Schiff, the House Managers for fighting the good fight for all of us and God bless the USA.

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Unfortunately, I have not been able to watch live but thanks to Amee, I’ve been able to catch up and take a peek at the “action” from time to time. My thoughts are in the short term, it doesn’t matter how well the House Managers do, the GOP is lost, having been threatened to vote for acquittal and, in some cases, complicit in what went on in Ukraine as well as the subsequent coverup. It’s pathetic, embarrassing, and extremely dangerous. However, in the long term, I believe what the House Managers are laying out for the public is brilliant and damning...and I do think people are paying attention. I am so impressed with each Manager and I am (naively) confident that history will hold them up in the high regard they collectively deserve. Schiff has been nothing short of magnificent combining facts and passion to show, in my mind anyway, ironclad proof that our “president” should be convicted and tossed out of office. I believe his closing last night will live on for many, many years to come. I can see my one year old granddaughter one day asking me about it, as well as these times under 45. I will explain as best I can but probably send her the link to this newsletter. Thank you, Amee, for providing this newsletter and platform for others to share thoughts and questions...You have to keep this going for my granddaughter’s sake 😬

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Adam Schiff for....everything! He makes me so proud.

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Doing well and we need more. I want to see more Impeachment articles

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The House Managers of the impeachment of trump are well prepared, eloquent and demonstrating with facts that trump should be removed from the presidency, indeed I feel a great deal of pride watching them speak from their hearts with passion for the rule of law and desire to save democracy. I am saddened by the Republicans display of rudeness, walking around, talking, reading, anything to show their distain for the process. How far the GOP has fallen, every single one of them needs to be voted out. They bring shame to the Senate and our country. Sycophants the lot of them. And Adam Schiff may one day be president.

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