This question seems to bounce within an echo chamber in the media and no one has been able to catch it, or really attempt to answer it, so I'm looking for clues.
I agree and have thought this from the moment I saw the election was called just as some polls were closing. Until I am 100% convinced otherwise, I am going to stick with my hypothesis that the election was stolen - I am not entirely sure how but have read about a few things that could have been done.
That said, the extremists on the right have always been much better organized and goal-focused than the rest of us and that is because the goals were clear: end Roe; install Trump-friendly judges; dominate the US Supreme Court with extremist justices; install Christianity as the state religion; kill public education; and control the WH, the Senate, and the House to ram their policies through. Collaterally, the incipient brown shirts will be recruited to scare the rest of us on the ground.
Hi Amee, It seems to me that there is a strange cocktail coalition of working class people and the CPI marinated upper class members with their mainstream Senators and Representatives. It is with this strange brew of misinformation to also tempt some of the middle and upper middle class voters who belong to the ethnic minority Americans (black males, Hispanic males). Aside from black women voters, enough of these groups voted to tip the scales on the election.
So not only is the GOP greasing the wheels on the top tier socioeconomic groups, they are sowing propaganda to the masses (I.e. those insurrectionists who had never had a criminal record until January 6th, 2021). The communications wizards at CPI certainly vetted and introduced a marketing blitzkrieg that easily made the working class (I.e. those that benefited from Biden’s infrastructure investment) a tool for the “ruling class” government House and Senate leaders.
I have to squarely point a finger at the well paid Iowa Senators Grassley and junior Senator Joni Ernst as well as the four Iowa House of Representatives who were all reelected. This includes Senator Miller-Meeks who proposed a nationwide abortion ban in 2021. This marketing ploy seemed to have tricked enough people into thinking that “they” knew what was best for the country. Run the government like a business for profit. The sad reality is that government is not business and business is not government. They can interact and can positively influence each other but they can never be the same, because they have different purposes. I have to wonder what those masses will think about the consequences when they will inadvertently be wounded by the incoming administration.
William: Thanks for pointing out something I think not many people think about, i.e., the different missions of business and government. No business has a mission statement that focuses on securing liberty for all or the general welfare. Likewise no government's mission is profit unless you're a self-serving autocrat or dictator--this isn't new, but the massive grift of the incoming administration, from 45 selling made in China watches and sneakers and fragrances and crypto, to the incoming first lady selling Christmas ornaments, it's ALL about the money, thus the 14 billionaires lined up for positions in the government. All these folks who think the government should operate like a business or think that money denotes skill or brains--there is no correlation. As I've said to others, being self-serving doesn't take intelligence, just watch a developmentally disabled child manipulate their parents and teachers. You just have to be willing to do what it takes to get what you want at all costs--so lie and cheat and steal, how utterly admirable.
Isn’t it something else (I.e. isn’t it just remarkable how manipulative pro-business entities like CPI expertly trick the Trump voters into voting against their own self interest. Kudos to Amee at Shero for pointing out this nefarious system of perception by CPI in perpetuating perceived enemies (‘the deep state’, ‘the elites’, the ‘enemy within’).
They cheated, plain and simple. He knew without a doubt, that he was going to win. It was evident in his words and actions. Now, how did they know, undoubtedly that he was going to win? That’s the question.
Nobody seems to question Commander Crazy Pants win either which is the most frustrating aspect for me. A World Famous Liar and Cheat has once again ascended to becomd president.
Especially odd since he had to pay people to attend his Hate Rallies through Craigslist, we've all seen that evidence.
Meanwhile the D’s are retreating like spanked puppies, not willing to fight for their constituents which is even more disheartening.
There's no way a rapist who’s mismanaged his families billions, BILLIONS of dollars won…he lined his and his families pockets on every grift they could pull during his last Reign of Chaos. This money is there because of our sweat and labor.
I'm saddened and embarrassed to have witnessed this neanderthal moron pulling off this win. Someone needs to be fighting for us, all you hear is silence. 😞
“Trumpism was never about making America great again. It’s about weaponizing your fear and resentment. Immigrants, women daring to expect control over their own bodies, trans kids, and “wokeness”—these weren’t your enemies until he told you they were. Trumpism isn’t about policy, principles, or progress; it’s a spectacle, a theater of grievance where you gleefully cast yourself as the victim while ignoring the real threats tearing this country apart.”
They won because their lie-pushing machine was so much bigger than anyone imagined.
They helped keep their marks away from mainstream media. They had the ear of rural America, through dozens of small podcasts that were aired on conservative A.M. radio, in the remotest pockets of America. Those are the people telling them to not trust the government for 25 years.
Follow that with them flooding every corner of the internet with their false narratives and outright gaslighting propaganda. They had the presence, and the left did not. The left was over-obsessed with sending fundraising requests by the thousands, to both people's phones and emails. That kept our attention too busy to notice a lot of other things. I am very angry at Harrison and ActBlue for that.
Last but not least, this was THEIR infrastructure, that they worked to put in place, for three years and none of the Dem campaign people seemed to be paying attention. When money can buy social engineering, why try and talk logic? They wanted to own the messaging, everywhere, and they did. And nobody on the left even tried to get placement alongside of them, where they were. They were just allowed to own the voices in rural America.
Last week I bought 2 Rokus, because I have pure fiber internet, now, and am a few days away from taking my Comcast equipment in. So, there I was, setting up my two Roku boxes this week and when I brought up the list of Roku channels to add, guess which ones were front and center? FOX and all the FOX related apps for Roku, were offered and suggested right from the beginning, at the top of the list, along with NewsMax and the other right-wing propaganda stations. News sources like NBC, Sky, PBS, CNN and others, were shown to me, near the bottom of the list.
Now, maybe Roku was paid to position those items, in that way, or maybe it was a personal preference of the programmer. Regardless, Roku users have been socially engineered to lean towards right wing media, for a while now. Of course, many Roku users are people who cannot afford or get TV any other way, and they are often low-income and easily influenced by that.
It would be great if some gung-ho investigative person, did some interviewing with Roku, to see what their logic is, in how they group and offer their channels to new sign-up people.
I'll be 73 next week and struggling with health issues, or I would attempt this myself. The best I can do is try and inspire someone to look at this angle.
Fundamentally, you have to get the votes - and when there are a huge number of people who (despite prior experience) are prepared to believe practically anything Trump and his associated demagogues tell them, running a more honest campaign and winning is difficult at best. It doesn’t take political genius to sell bread and circuses to people who are completely satisfied with bread and circuses. At the same time, any campaign has to provide positive reasons to vote for them instead of the other side, and that can’t just be “the other side sucks.” The Dems failed to successfully engage on the fundamental “home economics” issue of higher prices - which seemed to be the #1 concern of those prepared to swallow Trumponomics hook, line, and sinker. Post-inflation relief comes in the form of higher wages, not generally lower prices, and the Dems have a much better story to tell there. They should have told it.
I’ve reflected back to my formative years during the uber conservative John Birch Society of the 1960’s when their agenda was centered around getting local citizens involved starting with taking over PTA groups, etc. to influence not only parents but to get to students well before they reached college age and formed their own opinions. Their nationalism and ideas of stacking the judiciary via hand picking, vilifying immigrants and women’s rights was espoused in the name of fighting “communism”. The “normal” conservative GOP of that time with a strong media platform lead by more thoughtful folks like William F. Buckley warned against JBS morphing into something that could smother reasonable critical thought and lead us into fascism. Seems to me Buckley had it right! History is useless if you’re not paying attention…
We now have MAGA and FOX and Project 2025 media. Definitely reminds me of JBS projects of those early decades but with a LOT more money and a LOT more reach. They had postcards via snail mail; we have instantaneous social media and a candidate willing to lie his way through any reasonable conservative agenda and drag the majority of the GOP with him.
But we can go back farther to the Gilded Age and see how monopolistic policy leads to an inequality that won’t be tolerated for long no matter the number of billionaires buying elections. They should also be warned that just like for the middle class, history is useless if you’re not paying attention!
I read an article by a West Point educated guy who spent his career in counterinsurgency. The military and intelligence departments have developed a list of factors (red flags) that indicate how likely a country will split apart. They've successfully used that list for years. The more factors or red flags, the more likely it is the country will split apart in some way. The U.S. has all of those factors. Every. Single. One.
The author opined two or three months before the election that if Trump won, the U.S. would split apart in some fashion before the end of this decade.
Beyond the caricatures lies a chilling blueprint: how both leaders exploited grievances, scapegoated the vulnerable, and built myths of strength to dismantle democracy.
Agree with Amee as I scan. They are NOT united I believe there is a lot of infighting and yes something big may be revealed of how it was done. Thanks SHERO. .
In many of his rallies he would say oh how I love my poorly educated and they would just applaud, that might give you a little bit of a clue; they dismantled our educational system starting 50 years ago never teaching Civics for example and now they want to dismantle the entire Department of Education
Just saw your interview with Thom Hartman I recommend you read Opus Dei to begin to get your answers. And possibly interview the author I look forward to reading what you have to say
To me it smelled more like outside "influence" from Putin or Xi. The election was bought, there's no way the moron who had to pay people to attend his Hate Rallies on Craigslist truly won.
Kamala had standing room only at her events and no matter how people try to explain Commander Crazy Pants winning it doesn't make sense.
What is THE most frustrating aspect is that the D's immediately skulked back without any protest. The numbers are NOT adding up but all we hear are crickets. This Nation IS worth fighting for and the ones who can save us from the lunatic are frozen and doing nothing.
These are the times that I dream for another Party that believed in its constituents and fought for us instead of the cowardice we are witnessing. An Audit would be a wise choice, contesting this election would be the bare minimum if anybody else is smelling the rotten stench of Commander Crazy Pants and his Clown Posse.
Cheating is something straight out of Commander Crazy Pants repertoire, he's always been a liar, cheat and thief so nothing is new. Dems need to DO SOMETHING!
He cheated, that’s how. He was bragging he had the votes in July after he became best friends with Elon Musk.
I agree and have thought this from the moment I saw the election was called just as some polls were closing. Until I am 100% convinced otherwise, I am going to stick with my hypothesis that the election was stolen - I am not entirely sure how but have read about a few things that could have been done.
That said, the extremists on the right have always been much better organized and goal-focused than the rest of us and that is because the goals were clear: end Roe; install Trump-friendly judges; dominate the US Supreme Court with extremist justices; install Christianity as the state religion; kill public education; and control the WH, the Senate, and the House to ram their policies through. Collaterally, the incipient brown shirts will be recruited to scare the rest of us on the ground.
Reputable data scientists have written Duty to Warn letters to VP Harris and I don't know why Democrats aren't fighting harder to save us from fascism
Hi Amee, It seems to me that there is a strange cocktail coalition of working class people and the CPI marinated upper class members with their mainstream Senators and Representatives. It is with this strange brew of misinformation to also tempt some of the middle and upper middle class voters who belong to the ethnic minority Americans (black males, Hispanic males). Aside from black women voters, enough of these groups voted to tip the scales on the election.
So not only is the GOP greasing the wheels on the top tier socioeconomic groups, they are sowing propaganda to the masses (I.e. those insurrectionists who had never had a criminal record until January 6th, 2021). The communications wizards at CPI certainly vetted and introduced a marketing blitzkrieg that easily made the working class (I.e. those that benefited from Biden’s infrastructure investment) a tool for the “ruling class” government House and Senate leaders.
I have to squarely point a finger at the well paid Iowa Senators Grassley and junior Senator Joni Ernst as well as the four Iowa House of Representatives who were all reelected. This includes Senator Miller-Meeks who proposed a nationwide abortion ban in 2021. This marketing ploy seemed to have tricked enough people into thinking that “they” knew what was best for the country. Run the government like a business for profit. The sad reality is that government is not business and business is not government. They can interact and can positively influence each other but they can never be the same, because they have different purposes. I have to wonder what those masses will think about the consequences when they will inadvertently be wounded by the incoming administration.
William: Thanks for pointing out something I think not many people think about, i.e., the different missions of business and government. No business has a mission statement that focuses on securing liberty for all or the general welfare. Likewise no government's mission is profit unless you're a self-serving autocrat or dictator--this isn't new, but the massive grift of the incoming administration, from 45 selling made in China watches and sneakers and fragrances and crypto, to the incoming first lady selling Christmas ornaments, it's ALL about the money, thus the 14 billionaires lined up for positions in the government. All these folks who think the government should operate like a business or think that money denotes skill or brains--there is no correlation. As I've said to others, being self-serving doesn't take intelligence, just watch a developmentally disabled child manipulate their parents and teachers. You just have to be willing to do what it takes to get what you want at all costs--so lie and cheat and steal, how utterly admirable.
Isn’t it something else (I.e. isn’t it just remarkable how manipulative pro-business entities like CPI expertly trick the Trump voters into voting against their own self interest. Kudos to Amee at Shero for pointing out this nefarious system of perception by CPI in perpetuating perceived enemies (‘the deep state’, ‘the elites’, the ‘enemy within’).
They cheated, plain and simple. He knew without a doubt, that he was going to win. It was evident in his words and actions. Now, how did they know, undoubtedly that he was going to win? That’s the question.
Nobody seems to question Commander Crazy Pants win either which is the most frustrating aspect for me. A World Famous Liar and Cheat has once again ascended to becomd president.
Especially odd since he had to pay people to attend his Hate Rallies through Craigslist, we've all seen that evidence.
Meanwhile the D’s are retreating like spanked puppies, not willing to fight for their constituents which is even more disheartening.
There's no way a rapist who’s mismanaged his families billions, BILLIONS of dollars won…he lined his and his families pockets on every grift they could pull during his last Reign of Chaos. This money is there because of our sweat and labor.
I'm saddened and embarrassed to have witnessed this neanderthal moron pulling off this win. Someone needs to be fighting for us, all you hear is silence. 😞
“Trumpism was never about making America great again. It’s about weaponizing your fear and resentment. Immigrants, women daring to expect control over their own bodies, trans kids, and “wokeness”—these weren’t your enemies until he told you they were. Trumpism isn’t about policy, principles, or progress; it’s a spectacle, a theater of grievance where you gleefully cast yourself as the victim while ignoring the real threats tearing this country apart.”
They won because their lie-pushing machine was so much bigger than anyone imagined.
They helped keep their marks away from mainstream media. They had the ear of rural America, through dozens of small podcasts that were aired on conservative A.M. radio, in the remotest pockets of America. Those are the people telling them to not trust the government for 25 years.
Follow that with them flooding every corner of the internet with their false narratives and outright gaslighting propaganda. They had the presence, and the left did not. The left was over-obsessed with sending fundraising requests by the thousands, to both people's phones and emails. That kept our attention too busy to notice a lot of other things. I am very angry at Harrison and ActBlue for that.
Last but not least, this was THEIR infrastructure, that they worked to put in place, for three years and none of the Dem campaign people seemed to be paying attention. When money can buy social engineering, why try and talk logic? They wanted to own the messaging, everywhere, and they did. And nobody on the left even tried to get placement alongside of them, where they were. They were just allowed to own the voices in rural America.
Last week I bought 2 Rokus, because I have pure fiber internet, now, and am a few days away from taking my Comcast equipment in. So, there I was, setting up my two Roku boxes this week and when I brought up the list of Roku channels to add, guess which ones were front and center? FOX and all the FOX related apps for Roku, were offered and suggested right from the beginning, at the top of the list, along with NewsMax and the other right-wing propaganda stations. News sources like NBC, Sky, PBS, CNN and others, were shown to me, near the bottom of the list.
Now, maybe Roku was paid to position those items, in that way, or maybe it was a personal preference of the programmer. Regardless, Roku users have been socially engineered to lean towards right wing media, for a while now. Of course, many Roku users are people who cannot afford or get TV any other way, and they are often low-income and easily influenced by that.
It would be great if some gung-ho investigative person, did some interviewing with Roku, to see what their logic is, in how they group and offer their channels to new sign-up people.
I'll be 73 next week and struggling with health issues, or I would attempt this myself. The best I can do is try and inspire someone to look at this angle.
They out-gamed us, is what happened.
Hoping you feel better soon.
Fundamentally, you have to get the votes - and when there are a huge number of people who (despite prior experience) are prepared to believe practically anything Trump and his associated demagogues tell them, running a more honest campaign and winning is difficult at best. It doesn’t take political genius to sell bread and circuses to people who are completely satisfied with bread and circuses. At the same time, any campaign has to provide positive reasons to vote for them instead of the other side, and that can’t just be “the other side sucks.” The Dems failed to successfully engage on the fundamental “home economics” issue of higher prices - which seemed to be the #1 concern of those prepared to swallow Trumponomics hook, line, and sinker. Post-inflation relief comes in the form of higher wages, not generally lower prices, and the Dems have a much better story to tell there. They should have told it.
I’ve reflected back to my formative years during the uber conservative John Birch Society of the 1960’s when their agenda was centered around getting local citizens involved starting with taking over PTA groups, etc. to influence not only parents but to get to students well before they reached college age and formed their own opinions. Their nationalism and ideas of stacking the judiciary via hand picking, vilifying immigrants and women’s rights was espoused in the name of fighting “communism”. The “normal” conservative GOP of that time with a strong media platform lead by more thoughtful folks like William F. Buckley warned against JBS morphing into something that could smother reasonable critical thought and lead us into fascism. Seems to me Buckley had it right! History is useless if you’re not paying attention…
We now have MAGA and FOX and Project 2025 media. Definitely reminds me of JBS projects of those early decades but with a LOT more money and a LOT more reach. They had postcards via snail mail; we have instantaneous social media and a candidate willing to lie his way through any reasonable conservative agenda and drag the majority of the GOP with him.
But we can go back farther to the Gilded Age and see how monopolistic policy leads to an inequality that won’t be tolerated for long no matter the number of billionaires buying elections. They should also be warned that just like for the middle class, history is useless if you’re not paying attention!
I read an article by a West Point educated guy who spent his career in counterinsurgency. The military and intelligence departments have developed a list of factors (red flags) that indicate how likely a country will split apart. They've successfully used that list for years. The more factors or red flags, the more likely it is the country will split apart in some way. The U.S. has all of those factors. Every. Single. One.
The author opined two or three months before the election that if Trump won, the U.S. would split apart in some fashion before the end of this decade.
Can you add the citation? Thanks.
Putin is the top dog behind all this. Then Elon Musk. And so forth.
This is the first article that I've read of yours Amee. Uncanny to me that we are on precisely the same wavelength; I find that a comfort.
Beyond the caricatures lies a chilling blueprint: how both leaders exploited grievances, scapegoated the vulnerable, and built myths of strength to dismantle democracy.
Read more…
Agree with Amee as I scan. They are NOT united I believe there is a lot of infighting and yes something big may be revealed of how it was done. Thanks SHERO. .
In many of his rallies he would say oh how I love my poorly educated and they would just applaud, that might give you a little bit of a clue; they dismantled our educational system starting 50 years ago never teaching Civics for example and now they want to dismantle the entire Department of Education
Just saw your interview with Thom Hartman I recommend you read Opus Dei to begin to get your answers. And possibly interview the author I look forward to reading what you have to say
Because you were wearing blinders INSIDE your silo. Therefore, easy mistake. You’re forgiven.
No, Trump cheated with Elon Musk’s help
To me it smelled more like outside "influence" from Putin or Xi. The election was bought, there's no way the moron who had to pay people to attend his Hate Rallies on Craigslist truly won.
Kamala had standing room only at her events and no matter how people try to explain Commander Crazy Pants winning it doesn't make sense.
What is THE most frustrating aspect is that the D's immediately skulked back without any protest. The numbers are NOT adding up but all we hear are crickets. This Nation IS worth fighting for and the ones who can save us from the lunatic are frozen and doing nothing.
These are the times that I dream for another Party that believed in its constituents and fought for us instead of the cowardice we are witnessing. An Audit would be a wise choice, contesting this election would be the bare minimum if anybody else is smelling the rotten stench of Commander Crazy Pants and his Clown Posse.
Cheating is something straight out of Commander Crazy Pants repertoire, he's always been a liar, cheat and thief so nothing is new. Dems need to DO SOMETHING!