Jul 2Liked by Amee Vanderpool

Newsletters rarely make me both fume tear up, but this one did. You tweet did it for me.

“ I'll say it again: my beloved country is alone, late at night, drunk at the bar and surrounded by predators. I'm not leaving her alone when she needs my protection and my help.

Hold my hand, we got this. ❤️”

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Jul 2Liked by Amee Vanderpool

Now, more than ever... Register your friends, family, neighbors. Join, donate, phone. Find your local Democratic org and volunteer. We can do this... Vote.

Copy and past, liberally, like a lot, everywhere...

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OK, rush the QB (trump) and force a fumble. In other words, the defense goes on offense and be really offensive, down and dirty. All his mud thrown back until he gets rattled right before the next “debate”, then pile it on . In this case, they go low, we go lower. EVERY LIE GET REBUTTED WITH THE ACTUAL FACTS! If mikes are again muted, he cannot respond in real time and just keep it going!!😡

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Take that as wannabe dictator's words and use it against him. If you want your (our) country back, you (we) got to fight like hell for it

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Amee, I have asked so many people and I'm hoping I get an answer from someone at some point.

In the Oath of Office, a POTUS takes, and that one DJT, didn't believe in, it states that the POTUS, to the best of his/her ability will execute the blah, blah, and blah. Not needing to recite what is known what, realistically, can Biden do to protect the country and its people from what is now a national threat, international threat and a threat to individuals using violence and "retribution"? Trump is an enemy of the US, domestically, for certain.

I know there have been extra constitutional powers executed, emergency powers, etc. that don't need congressional action. Right or wrong I believe it naive to think the election will be the answer now. As you stated he will never accept a loss and he will never leave if re-elected. He is part Duterte and part Hitler and the "federalists/originalists" are now the 7 pillars of tyranny with a very weak opinion not based, in reality, for the actual conduct of the issue but rather the accountability of over zealous prosecutors.

Federalist 70 was about an energetic ONE Executive and argued against plurality but not energy and criminality were ever mentioned as both being requirements.

Madison, wrote in Federalist 51, that human nature and ambition need met with the same and if angels were running things no one would need a government. I like his assessment as we've now allowed the devil to celebrate, this 4th, as our last, if action doesn't meet this action equally.

My great grandmother would be 132 years old tomorrow if only she could have lived that long!

A town in Iowa, by the crow flies was 40 miles from where Trump told people to come, during the primary, but don't die in the freezing temps, and was named for my family. Iowa is not what I remember it to be. My great grandfather was the president of the small town bank and kept a loaded pistol under his pillow due to the threat of Dillinger and I could tell stories all day but I think back to one question when I was forced to move in with my grandparents, at 10 because my father evicted my mother and me from our home in FL, as they were divorced yet still living together and he was an addict and abusive. More yada yada but he also was an original owner of ColorTile and I used to say that to make him seem better than he was. Justification of things you don't understand happens up and until a point. The same keeps happening with Trump.

But, I got his genes so back to my question to my grandmother when visiting and my "geetma" from IA was there in the summers living in my home town in IL with my grandparents, why geetma only used one piece of toilet paper when peeing and two when pooping. I was little so I walked in and out and no issues but once saw this happen and my grandmother looked at me and said very frankly "you're geetma lived through two world wars, and the Great Depression, had a farm and they had the bank position in the town named after them but she suffered such hardship that she now is habitually taught herself how never to be without or prepare for the worst."

I think it was TP PTSD but the story is relevant today as history is cyclical and as things grow so does the need to protect what everyone has used to get to where they are today and never forget where you hailed from and how your own experiences teach you to respect those who deserve it and when they don't do some ball busting.

I've learned a lot and I'm still dumb as ever. So, what can Biden do, with the powers that are immense, to stop pre-election this nightmare? Thank you all for reading my outpouring as I teared up as well reading Amee's post. It is a reality I didn't show any emotions until it hit me today. All at once. Sorry for my poorly written post.

P.S. every one who votes for Trump may they choke on their non-woke beer and hot dogs, this 4th, respectfully, of course!!!!

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Great rake on an impossible decision. In my 70 years, I've never been so convinced that the deck was stacked. Here we are, though. Unless the entire non-Magat electorate can be convinced that Project 2025 spells democracy's doom, we are ip the proverbial creek. Trying to keep the faith, working to recruit... 🙏❤️

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