Bernie knew the Russians were helping him and he remained silent, just as he did in 2016. I doubt he did it for some conspiratorial reason as some are suggesting. I think it was much simpler than that. He knew it might hurt his campaign, so he didn't tell the voting public. The Presidential thing to do would have been to release it as soon as he was told and then use it to pressure Congress to pass election security bills, but that would mean putting country before election and he failed the test.

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I have not spoken against a candidate, but I do not trust Sanders. He is not my choice, never has been.

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Add the fact that he only becomes a Dem at election time.

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I too really dislike Bernie running as a Dem and then his followers are always angry that the DNC isn’t run the way *they* like. But the alternative is Bernie runs as an independent? That would only hurt Dems, right?

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If Sanders wanted to change the Democratic party he should have joined 30 years ago. Bernie is a freeloader

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What do you think Michael Bloomberg did?

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Bloomberg was a lifelong Dem, until he first ran for Mayor. There was already a Dem fave on the ticket and some Party muscle didn’t want Bloomie knocking him off during the primary. GOP ticket was wide open, so Bloomie ran on it—the same way Bernie is—without joining. By second term, he ran as an Independent. But who elected him three times? Dems.

He’ll give more support to the nominee and downballot Dems than Bernie ever will.


A New Yorker

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BTW! Bernie would not be my first choice either...

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Sanders and DT are the same to me. Neither have ever accomplished anything that has not benefited them and their supporters are mean and nasty.

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Bernie is all about Bernie. He always has been and always will be. And, he’s happily going to take the Democrat Party down in order to gratify his colossal ego. Oh, and he’ll guarantee us four more years of the Orange Asscactus as President. There won’t be anything left of the country once that’s done.

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I get it. Warren Harris 2020 Biden Harris 2020...

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I notice a lot of Bernie defenders use “whataboutisms” ‘What about Bloomberg?’ ‘What about Hillary?’ If you have to use “whataboutisms” you’re backing the wrong candidate

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Ditto 💙 what about Bloomberg?

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Let's not leave Hillary Clinton out of it either! But..she damn sure knew what President Bill Clinton was doing with Monica Lewinsky!she would have had a lot more credibility with me without even throwing Benghazi into it if she would have kicked his ass to the curb! They both would have survived separately...

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I was for Bernie in 2016. I think his time has past, due to his age/health time bomb. We aren’t electing a pope, we need someone we can count on to be vital. We have to overcome this Russian manipulation and put safeguards in place. To do this we must take back the Senate and elect a Democratic President.

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okay so he's elected president he drops dead in the oval office and Kamala Harris takes over with one hand tied behind her back cooking dinner and could probably deliver a baby at the same time what's the problem? 💙💙💙

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If anyone on the planet does not understand that Michael Bloomberg is only trying to deter votes away... I swear to God!

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My dad had a heart attack and was on coumadin for over 25 years no. He left his job and open to thriving businesses... After he sold the businesses,my sister and I took him to shands in Gainesville to have him test it because his memory was fading. We thought he might have had a touch of dementia. He had glioblastoma. The exact same thing that senator John McCain had. they gave him 6 months and he lasted exactly 6 months to the day. When your time is up your time is up! No one knows when your card will be pulled ☝️☝️

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If he did not have a massive heart attack while on the campaign trail? Give me a break 💙

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Wouldn't change my vote as I'm #NeverBernie, but it demonstrates his consistency in looking the other way rather than actually taking any action to reign in their attacks & the spread on misinformation. Like trump, he's a grievance candidate, the victim of a rigged system. He's also a political opportunist looking the other way while as the Russians continue their support and feigning outrage when a investigative journalists do their job & inform the public about his duplicity. How dare the press challenge St. Bernard's honesty or sincerity

In reality, he lies through omission, moves the goal post, & is a skilled gas lighter. He's been consistent on 1 thing in his nearly 40 years in politics: HE LETS OTHERS DO HIS DIRTY WORK.

Sanders won his first statewide election (after losing in 5 previous runs) in 1990 when the NRA which became his de facto super pac. GOP incumbent Peter Smith courageously stood up the the NRA to support a federal assault weapons eliciting outrage from the NRA & Smith's GOP primary challenger Timothy Philbin who challenged Smith's credibility w/voters. After a confrontational campaign debate among 5 candidates, Bernie, who also supported the ban, confided in his press secretary, "[his] unease about the role of firearms in the campaign. 'It's an issue I do not feel comfortable about...We want Mr. Philbin to do our dirty work for us.'"

When his supporters, AND STAFFERS, attacked Hillary in 2016 & are continue the attacks aims at his current primary opponents, his outrage rings hollow as all talk & no action.

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#AnybodyButBernie as the dem candidate. He simply cannot win against Trump and will lose even more senate seats. This is a fact. This is why Putin and Trump are helping him in the primaries. They are even having republicans pose as Dems to vote for Bernie.

If Bernie had any decency he would withdraw. He had a heart attack on the campaign trail. His VP pick will be Tulusi. He is a nightmare and must be stopped now.

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Long before Bernie ran in the 2016 primary I liked the senator from VT. 2016 managed to make me dislike him as I had to hideout in Pantsuit Nation and this round, just when I thought I was all wrong, all the same issues as last time have pushed me to disliking Bernie once again. His antagonism towards the Dems in the debate was repulsive - save it for Trump I think. I am very fearful that as a nominee Dems will lose. If he wins, will we end up with an equivalent left presidency to Trump’s chaos? The two most extreme candidates running against each other, is that what we want? I am forlorn.

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Oh and great, Russia can help both Bernie and Trump! What could go wrong?

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Agreed. Russia knows the average American won’t vote for Bernie or Warren as socialists, Pete as a gay man, Bloomberg as a NY Jew. All they have to do is add chaos on the Dem side- Bernie did that to HRC campaign so expect him to do again- and the Tangerine Tyrant wins again.

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Statistically speaking, Pete is the most electable on your list.

Only 47% of Americans would vote for a socialist

Only 63% would vote for someone over 70


But 76% would vote for gay or lesbian candidate

And 71% would vote for a candidate under 40


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The world is leaning right. What is the motivation for Buttigieg to run for the most important position in the world when he is sure to be a target of abuse by the current administration, Russians, and the rabid followers of trump chomping at the bit for a dog whistle to attack the next target Don the Con points to? What is his motivation EXACTLY? Follow the money.

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Trump campaigned as a socialist.

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I sure hope that we have our strongest IT professionals on top of the issue of foreign interference in the 2020 elections. And if Trump actually had anything to do with the 2016 election interference... Why the heck is Trump President!?? We should have the SWAT team on the WH lawn by now!!

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Makes one wonder why we suddenly have a king who could shoot me in the face because I do not agree with this blatant destruction of principles for which our beloved country was founded and all the witnesses can exclaim "Look! Trump shot and killed Zak!" And while I am dead, Don gets to eat chocolate cake and boast about his supreme power.

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It is absolute insanity. This is what I say about anyone that I know that backs him. Even if you play completely stupid and say you knew nothing about Donald J Trump which may be some young people did not,BUT to stand behind one of the most evil,racist bigoted men on the entire planet is unfathomable to me...

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Jesus Jesus Jesus I agree so much... How come they have not gone after the elephant in the room, Trump's mental stability! WTF?

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Because when they hit us ✈️ it's not a question of if it's a question of how and how bad. Their going to hit us in the satellites 😠😠

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This and his refusal to release all medical? Gives me 2nd thoughts and a reminder of TRUMP. I have to question where Bernie is heading....or misleading? I would question how I would vote!

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If Bernie gets the nomination, I'll vote for him. He didn't ask Russian to interfere, unlike 45. Russia has its own agenda. It would have been prudent to let us know about Russian interference when he learned of it. It would have been a strong move for him to tell Russia to stay out of American elections back then. He didn't, and here we are. Warren is my choice, but I believe Bernie can beat Trump, too. Millennials are coming out in droves for him. And for those who are upset that he's an Independent, his voting record places him squarely in the center of Democratic ideology. He and Warren agreed on 93 percent of votes in the 115th Congress (2017-18).Turn that ire against Bloomberg, who is an Obama-bashing Republican, running as a Democrat, trying to buy the White House. Now that ticks me off!

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Bernie only says he's a Dem when he needs DNC resources. Otherwise he spends his time disparaging us. Calling Dems "corrupt establishment" and he expects Dems to vote for him? Now we find out he's had Russia's secret help, has known about it for a month and has kept it secret from everyone? I don't trust Bernie. I will not vote for Bernie.

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And he will have no reasonable percentage of Congress on his side, as he’s never been a cooperative member/coalition builder. So he won’t pass a damned thing, won’t re-build our shredded democracy, won’t get Supremes seated. I cannot support him.

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AS Andy Berkowitz said, it's been reported that all the young voters do not vote, except when they do! 💯💯💯💙💙💙

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It would not change my vote, because Sanders isn’t for sale. He has been consistent about his policies -fighting for the oppressed, the marginalized, the disenfranchised- for over 30 years. I was and continue to be with Bernie, and cannot wait to cast my ballot for him.

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No way would I vote for Sanders, although if he's the nom I will have to and I will do it sobbing because that means another 4 years of trump.

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The bottom line for me is to vote for whoever gets the nomination and runs against Trump. Nothing else matters to me, and frankly, if people care at all about stopping what's happening, they'd better wake up and focus. I don't like Sanders, and wish neither he nor Biden were running. But I'll still vote for whoever gets the nomination.

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It's like the Kentucky Derby, you can change your mind right until you walk up to pay for your bet💖💙💯

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Presumably an intelligence briefing is classified information. If so, then is it reasonable to expect Sanders to reveal this? Isn't that what we pound on Trump for doing? As a candidate, he has a responsibility to act as he would act as President. That includes protecting security information even if it's personally inconvenient. The briefing would have given him the ability to understand and act on odd happenings that would be explained by Russian interference, and it was his right to know if anyone was meddling in the campaign, but I seriously doubt he was told he could spread this information around.

Would it change my vote? No, I'm a Warren supporter by a very big margin. But this doesn't lower my perception of Sanders. In fact, it may raise it a bit. Self-discipline is a very important trait for a President.

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That is not true. If the information were classified. Bernie would still not be able to discuss it, even after the story broke. We saw that was not the case. he has confirmed it and discussed it.

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My understanding is that it is illegal to disclose information received from a classified source. Once it's leaked and published, there's no prohibition (with maybe some exceptions for things like weapons details and such). The details of the Russian interference were classified in 2016, because the Obama Administration and congressional leaders discussed releasing it (with McConnell screwing up that plan), but we've been talking about it ever since the news broke. It would be madness to try to outlaw citizens discussing a news article, even if the article reveals classified info.

Now, I'm not a lawyer and our host is, so I am expecting to be corrected!

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Not true. You can not confirm or deny classified information, even if it's been leaked, until it's officially declassified.

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I think we're talking past each other. I'm talking about what citizens (and Bernie is in that role because he doesn't work with such information) can do with information that has been made public. When he was entrusted with confidential information, he didn't talk about it. Once it became public knowledge, he did. His responsibilities are different from those of the person who did the briefing, who can't disclose to an unauthorized person.

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Did you watch the debate? Warren has exactly the right amount of self-discipline!

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Which is why I'm such a strong Warren supporter!

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I can't even explain to you how much I like her. But this is what I truly think. I think if she's elected president she is going to drive everyone around her insane Russia is.. that is the only thing that I worried about.. I am a huge Kamala Harris supporter BC she is genius.. she does not back down and her political savvy is incredible.. I do not think she would fare well as VP for Warren but if Warren won the nomination and chose Kamala Harris they would slay Donald J Trump 💙💙💙 but if Warren wins the nominee.. Lauren Harris 2020 could slay Donald J Trump 💯

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Warren Harris 2020

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Should have said Warren not Russia

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I like her so much but... Who would be your first choice as her VP?I'm like not putting you on the spot or anything just throw a name you don't have to put it in blood 🤣

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My first thought was Harris for VP. I think she would be a great, active VP and in eight years she'll still be younger than Warren is now, ready to move out of Observatory Circle. I do worry a bit about taking two active Democrats out of the Senate, but California isn't a big risk for a poor appointment. Other good choices would be Abrams or Castro. I suspect Warren will come up with a surprising choice, though (that will seem obvious in retrospect). No pressure, Senator!

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Men have f***** this up for way too long! Let the women get ahold of it and see what happens 💖💙

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With the exception of I don't care what their personal b******* was JFK and Barack Obama! Barack is not included in that last comment!

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I'll watch my language, Amee, I will, spell your name right I never did on Twitter! I need my Twitter account back 😭

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💙💙💙 a perfect example would be former President Barack Obama.

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As for Anderson Cooper! You are your mother's child 💖💖💖💖💖

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Bloomberg is nothing but Donald J Trump tool although he has spent $500,000 in planted ads, I don't buy it for 1 minute!Anybody with Kamala Harris as vice President of the United States of America! Except Bloomberg OR blogdanovich 🙄🙄🤣

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No. I'm still going with #Warren2020

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No, my mind is not changed. Of course Russia will interfere...it's a given. Unless they can physically change votes, we still have a chance. We ignore the propaganda and check the facts.

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Election security, his desire for lifetime appointment, and takeover of DOJ, he will never leave without force. We are in a crisis.

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Can't trust Bernie. 2016 says it all.

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Russia? It's happening while we speak...

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I am locked out of my Twitter account PC I tried to add my birthday it has been 48 hours and that to me is unacceptable!when I signed up for Twitter I block Donald J Trump. I was very methodical of who I followed and posted tweet almost daily. I began this journey like fighting for my life when I left the hospital with stomach cancer. I am so upset with Twitter....

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I am interested in hearing what you have to say about Bernie’s statement above. Lots on twitter about his implied conspiracy theory.

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Bernie is not wrong. The Establishment doesn’t want him to win. And, therefore, he’s insinuating that the WaPo leaked this to make it look like the “The Russians want him because they know he’ll lose” and people will tuck tail and not vote for him out of fear of losing.

Well, he WILL lose. He’s threatening healthcare that unions fought hard for (Nevada Culinary Union) with the notion that with Medicare for All, employers who provide insurance will save a ton of money (offset, no doubt by higher taxes to fund it but whatevs...details), and that money will translate into higher paychecks. Yeah. Right. Just like Tax Reform led to more investment in lieu of stock buybacks (it didn’t). He’s lying. Or he’s false promising. Either way, it’s BS.

Also, good luck winning PA when you’re saying you’re going to ban fracking. So idiotic.

Bernie won’t beat Trump. Plain and simple. Voting for him is voting for another four years of Trump. Trump is untethered post impeachment. Imagine him. It having to worry about re-election??

Ps. If Bernie knew about renewed Russian interference a MONTH AGO, wouldn’t that have been helpful info to combat the R-peddled conspiracy theory that it’s been Ukraine and not Russia?! He’s not a Democrat and he chose not to help the Democrats making the case. Which benefits nobody but him.

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I'm as confused about this as I was in choosing my last husband 😂 😅

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Kind of late to be in discussions isn't it? Choose. Act. Stop playing / feeding for chaos.

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No, it's not too late to be discussed here considering no major outlet is really discussing this to the level they should be.

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Wapo deserves some anger, just look at their snipes / hypocrisy about this issue

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Why? If not for their reporting Bernie would have kept it a secret again.

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