Recently I saw that police in the US are given 5 months of training whereas in the UK they are given 2 years. The seriousness of the job should have the same amount of seriousness in training and in culture. It’s astounding that the people at the top often are the instigators - I’m thinking about the cops DC who were told to flatten the car tires of protestors.

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The world has gone mad.

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Well there is that

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Did they test the milk shakes? Being law enforcement, they certainly have the resources to do so.

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We don’t know do we? I can tell you hospital ERs tend to be very gracious to the cops

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We need to demilitarize the police. The video of an entire squadron responding to a report of a homeless man asleep at a bus stop, showing up in full battle gear, and then all officers shooting him to a pulp when he wouldn’t lie on his stomach was horrifying.

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Right and when did our tolerance slip for this

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New York’s finest has always had a checkered past, so I think it is immaturity on one hand and the next level of mistrust by the public. It also tends to be an incestous group, GrandDads, Dads , sobs and daughters etc.

They pretty much get anything they want hazmat, tactical weapons, special teams plenty of overtime but they also see the worst of everything. It’s not LAW AND ORDER DADAT out there it can be a tough place.

We are in a surreal time with the pandemic, coming out of one recession and into another, and it easy to say let’s all take a breath and sit down and talk this through and we know that’s Not going to happen.

So what to do? I think Tracey has the right idea, more education. They want to be treated like professionals so Academy should be much longer with critical courses on race relations, peer pressure, etc. I have no idea what psychological screening is employed. I simply don’t believe they are victims. I have seen three murders of black men all for petty things. Haven’t seen any white men killed.

There are also so just mean violent people who choose this profession so they do what they want. A good weeding of those types must occur now.

One other point every single profession has their own blue line, Doctors do, Lawyers do, teachers do, if you are professional and participate in having some’s back in the secreted up you are part of the problem, but you don’t have guns. I honestly belueve for every bad cop there are 5 good ones. They aren’t victims IMHO

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Just FYI: There are approximately 1000 people killed every year by cops. About 50% are white people, 25% are black people. Course what these stats don’t reveal is how much is undue harassment of black people etc. Black people are about 13-17% of the population, so that is a disproportionate amount per population.

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No one group has a monopoly on knuckleheads.

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I think there is a real problem. With 40% of police officers having a domestic violence (DV) history (http://womenandpolicing.com/violenceFS.asp#notes), DV is higher in America's police than it is in the general population and the NFL. Intimidation and aggression practiced in the privacy of their own home certainly can't be good when they go out into the community.

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This is true , big time Domestic Violence problem with police make and female

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Absolutely this needs further explanation(!- really? !)

It’s unfortunately another sign of poor quality hiring over a long period of time. And why police get called ‘dirty

pigs’ in the 1st place.

We could start with :

Restructuring and retraining.

Disarming and teaching.

Police should be another arm of community leadership. Not our disciplinarians; with Justice handled by the court system, not an individual


Currently I have little sympathy for Police. It’s about time the ones that need to be called out for overstepping bounds is happening. Finally. BLM

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Interesting ... What did the 'thorough investigation's actually consist of ?

File this under "Things that make you go hmmmm."

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I think the answer is 'yes'

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I think it is them trying to manufacture the case that there is violence against them where they can find none.

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We should expect police to be as transparent as they'd expect us to be. This mealy mouthed rebuttal by the chief of police of an unfounded claim by the association president is insufficient; in addition, the association president must issue his own retraction.

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So: best case scenario, the officers got sick because the machine wasn’t properly cleaned (according to a CNN report), and the press release is paranoid & troublemaking; the tweet is icing on the cake. (Kind of “dammed with faint exoneration.”)

Worst case: the Shake Shack employees are crummy poisoners, and the police are crummy investigators. Ugh.

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Paul DiGiacomo, President and DEA BOD is a Karen.

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Half the country accepts juvenile behavior from the POTUS so dishonorable actions by his supporters will become commonplace. It makes everybody else look impeccably wise and adult by comparison.

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Sorry about the spell non check below

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People have lost their damned minds and there is no end to depravity and cruelty and nonsense and dumb stuff they'll pull. It's Lord of the Flies out there.

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