The murder of George Floyd (and yes, I believe that it was murder) was one of the more ghastly and stomach-turning videos I have seen in quite some time. Sadly, this country's racial divide seems to be getting more pronounced, not better, as time goes along. Look at what happened in Michigan: Armed WHITE thugs storm a government building and threaten those within with harm. Nothing happens to them and the asshat President says that Governor should actually NEGOTIATE with them. Meanwhile, an African American man is accused of passing a bad check, and it costs him his life in horrifying fashion.

This country is so messed up.

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So much insanity. I really can’t understand how people have lost the ability to see each other. That wheelchair woman made this all about her. Why? A man was murdered. Where is the empathy.

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Not trying to defend this woman AT ALL - but the tone here bothers me. Ambulatory wheelchair users are definitely a thing. Not everyone who uses a wheelchair is paralyzed. Some people with limited mobility can walk for short distances but need a wheelchair to do longer tasks like shopping.

This woman though... agree with everyone slamming her for making the situation all about her, after she violently attacked people. She should be arrested for assault.

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There are frequently agitators who insert themselves into protests, especially BLM protests, seeking to cast the peaceful protesters in bad light for the media. I don’t believe for a second the organizers are responsible for the looting & damages.

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There is a lot I could say - my old stomping grounds - but this "Frankly, I’m surprised something like this hasn’t happened sooner with the pandemic stress everyone is under." is irrelevant. Instead of calling out the behaviors that the sheer exhaustion of racism and race brutality expose, can we PLEASE push the fix which is VOTE. POC have GOT TO MAKE THE CHANGE themselves because nobody profits from their success stories. For laws to change and policies to change, responsible & responsive representation needs to be put in place. That means doing the hard work at the local level to find and vet candidates who will truly represent the needs of POC and the poor and others disenfranchised in the society that blesses the rich and rams one up the backside of anyone else - women, children, everybody else. So, if you really want to help change this horror story, then you do it by pushing the VOTE message and the game plan. It's a long game but if it starts today with the effort coming from everyone who is underserved and underrepresented or privileged but compassionate, we can get somewhere beginning with the 2020 election and on. This is the superpower. This is the only way to change law and policy.

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Watts 1965

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