Mar 3, 2020Liked by Amee Vanderpool

I am supporting Elizabeth Warren. It’s time for a woman president and she will be a great one. IMHO she is head and shoulders above the other candidates. No more old white MEN!

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I voted for E. Warren, only woman standing, woman with a plan, not afraid of the man

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Mar 3, 2020Liked by Amee Vanderpool

My plan is Elizabeth Warren, because I love plans and she has them all!

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I voted in Utah already, we are supplied mail in ballots. I voted for Warren. I hope she pulls a real surprise into the lead. But I’ll vote for whoever becomes the eventual nominee!

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Mar 3, 2020Liked by Amee Vanderpool

I was supporting Senator Klobuchar. As a former Minnesotan, I know her record and her spirit and personality. She would have been a great first woman president. Again, the women are getting the shaft in 2020. Elizabeth Warren has the same platform as Bernie and she is being completely ignored by the media. She isn't as controversial as Bernie so doesn't make good press...simple as that. I will likely vote for Biden in Florida in 2 weeks. That is who Amy has given her support. If Elizabeth Warren makes a good showing today...I might change my mind.

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Mar 3, 2020Liked by Amee Vanderpool

I was all in for Mayor Pete, but it was time for him to get out and I'm proud of him and Amy for making that courageous decision. Rich White Male Privilege Poster Boy Mike Bloomberg has no chance and should get out immediately. I voted for Joe Biden today in North Carolina. I love Bernie but Putin and Trump clearly want him to be the nominee which means their internal polling and opposition research tell them he is the easiest to beat. I also love Elizabeth Warren and hope she stays in if only to weaken Bernie. There is only one imperative -- Trump must be defeated.

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As a Canadian, all I can do is watch with great expectations. Trump must be defeated. Job 1. What a way to run a democracy. Sad that a true front runner with all the right stuff isn’t in the pack. Sorry to mention the Kennedys, and yes a different era, but my, my, where are these types now? Pete Buttigieg (finally could pronounce his name) is much needed in the administration. Bonne chance America, from your Canadian friends.

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Mar 3, 2020Liked by Amee Vanderpool

I'm so hoping people who like Warren vote Warren. Even if she doesn't win, it sends a message about what kind of policies and what kind of leadership we want.

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Mar 3, 2020Liked by Amee Vanderpool

I voted Warren by early mail ballot in Arizona. My thoughts: Disturbed by all the negative tweets/press towards Warren. I got into a discussion on Twitter with a man who said Warren would support Bernie if she drops out. He based this 100% on a comment she made in a March 2nd speech about "Washington insiders " putting their support behind Biden. While we can never be completely sure who will endorse whom, I feel we cannot judge a candidate based one comment. Warren frightens a lot of billionaires, so it seems she gets a lot of negative press. Thank you for your insight, Amee.

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Mar 3, 2020Liked by Amee Vanderpool

I early voted for Warren in Texas. I also believe she is most qualified candidate.

It's disturbing that many Dems have dismissed her, even those who would

rather have her as President!

They think she can't win, basically making it a self fulfilling prophecy.

The misogyny is profound.

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Mar 3, 2020Liked by Amee Vanderpool

Biden Harris 2020 💝💝💝💙💙💙💙💙 I love Elizabeth Warren too!

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Mar 3, 2020Liked by Amee Vanderpool

If I could vote, I'd vote for Warren.

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Mar 3, 2020Liked by Amee Vanderpool

My heart has been with Amy Klobuchar, but I'm happily casting my vote for Joe Biden this morning here in Alabama.

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Mar 3, 2020Liked by Amee Vanderpool

I voted early by mail for Warren in Florida. I am amazed by the way she swats away the negative press and lack of press like so many annoying flies, and perseveres with grit and positivity, all the while keeping her eye on the prize while she educates voters at rallies on the campaign trail. She is clearly the most qualified and *likeable* candidate and she is indefatigable! Although my preference is for her to win the party nomination, if she loses to Bernie or Biden, I predict that she will hang in the race as long as possible to take her case to a brokered convention where she will take charge of the debate over who is best suited to lead and unite the party. If the party apparatchik chooses Biden over Bernie, Warren will make the case from the left of the party to include Medicare for All, Free College, and 2% Wealth Tax in exchange for delegate votes. Warren and Bernie can deliver voters that Biden and other moderates turn off. Warren would make a great Senate Majority Leader for any Democratic presidential nominee. I doubt that she'd be satisfied being offered the Vice Presidency, even for Bernie.

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Mar 3, 2020Liked by Amee Vanderpool

I am for Warren, but I do not vote til May. So if things shake up, today, it may change my mind. My second is Biden. In my opinion, I think the others dropped out, they saw they really didn't have a chance and so the party would start to unify to defeat tRump. My fear is Bernie, the spoiler. tRump loves him because he will use Bernie's "socialist" talk against him. Deep down I know Bernie will not defeat tRump. Warren has a workable plan for just about everything! Biden is that comfortable pair of shoes, you wear when your feet hurt. As with COVID19, hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

Here's hoping we all get a good night's sleep come Nov 3!


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I'm for Warren as Pres, but I think this country is still not ready for a woman in the WH, so I wish Bernie would drop out, throw his support behind Biden, Biden noms Warren as VP, then retires after a year, and we get Warren. In a perfect world.

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Mar 3, 2020Liked by Amee Vanderpool

Until about 3 days ago, I had not wavered in my support of Elizabeth Warren, but today I am going to vote in Virginia for Joe Biden. I think Elizabeth Warren would be an excellent president, but I worry that she will not beat Trump, because he will cheat to win. I feel certain that Joe Biden will beat Trump though, despite the cheating, and that is the overriding factor in my decision about who to vote for. Trying to be pragmatic. Having said this, I really hope he asks Elizabeth Warren to be his V.P. and Kamala Harris to be his A.G. They would be an unstoppable trio and Elizabeth Warren will get her opportunity in 4 years, and Kamala Harris in 8. I am committed to voting for whomever the Democratic nominee will be!

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Hoping for Joe Biden ("ABB": Anybody But Bernie).

I previously supported Mayor Pete (and before that Senator Harris). Harris' campaign never seemed to gain traction, unfortunately, and then Mayor Pete must have "read the tea leaves" and determined that Super Tuesday was either not going to work out well for him, or that it would result in a splintered opposition to Bernie Sanders. Either way, much respect to him for doing what he thinks is best for the country and for the Democrat Party.

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Mar 3, 2020Liked by Amee Vanderpool

First choice: Kamala, all the way and then she dropped out.

For the first time in my voting history I felt that I didn't have a candidate. I got over it quickly and decided to strategize. I still wanted a woman to lead this country for the first time because the men (except for Obama) controlling the Oval haven't helped to moved this country forward.

So, here's my funky line of reasoning; I voted for Joe on Sunday, hoping that if he won-------he'd take either Elizabeth or Kamala with him on the ticket. Biden himself claimed that if he won, he wouldn't run for a second term, which would increase our chances of having a madame president in 2024. The here and now is just as important as looking down the highway.

Thank you for the platform, Amee, and girls really do rule!

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Mar 3, 2020Liked by Amee Vanderpool

somehow normalcy will occur and elizabeth warren will start to rise up

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Mar 3, 2020Liked by Amee Vanderpool

I was really excited about Amy Klobuchar so it was disappointing to see her drop out before the vote on Tuesday. I’m voting for Warren now because I like her passion and her plans.

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Mar 3, 2020Liked by Amee Vanderpool

I hope is that Pete, Klobuchar and Steyer supporters will vote for Warren who can unify the party. and win the General election.

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Mar 3, 2020Liked by Amee Vanderpool

I liked Amy K a lot. She ran a class campaign; was a voice of reason and common sense, and had the grit and spirit to take on Trump and get in his face like Biden never could. I kind of agree with Rick Schmidt that this is not and should not be about policy, it's about getting rid of Trump.

Mayo Pete was a bit of a fake, pivoting daily to please his donors. His insincerity outweighed his inexperience for me...

I favor the best candidate, not just the blue nominee. Amy was that for me, and I was also pulling for Bernie and Liz Warren. I would wholly support a coalition of rivals IF they have what it takes to call out the Liar in Chief and Minion Pence.

I agree with the accusations of media bias against Warren and Sanders, seeing it even on the most 'liberal' outlets (which are still corporate). They are both representative of the type of policy leadership we need as a country to correct decades upon decades of wrong. But money has always run the political system, and screwing the poor and the colored is the American way. It started with genocide and today's cruelty is nothing new, it's just out in the open. So that historical New World order being so overtly threatened has given us Biden as the great white hope, Bloomberg as Trump lite, Bernie as an imminent threat to American 'standards' and Warren painted as 'unelectable'.

I was once a card-carrying socialist, and was all for revolution and fighting in the streets. I don't identify with other liberals in that I don't just sleep when Dems are in power; I don't buy conspiracy theories and ideological outrage; and I don't suffer from "liberal intolerance." (I work -and once lived- in a college town that could generously be called a 'bubble'.)

My political orientation could still be considered liberal, though. I voted for Bernie in the NY primary in 2016 and held my nose to back Clinton in the general.

We're all screwed. If Bernie had made it through in 2016 we'd be a little less so, but here we are. Now too much has changed. Starting to reconsider fighting in the streets. We should all worry about what comes next, no matter who prevails in November.

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Mar 3, 2020Liked by Amee Vanderpool

Joe Biden will be President he needs a strong VP that will be groomed to be our next president .I hope Mike Bloomberg gives Joe the space and also helps fund this campaign...no matter what vote blue ...the option is frightening

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Mar 3, 2020Liked by Amee Vanderpool

After the Trump stick terrorized the ants, mobilizing into action, Biden will have an overwhelming victory today and America will continue being the leader for the movement to create a better future for generations to come worldwide.

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Mar 4, 2020Liked by Amee Vanderpool

I have tremendous admiration and respect to Pete after leaving the race with such grace. I am hopeful that when his time is right, America will be ready for his Presidency. I think he will do a major role in the WH if we win the WH back this November.

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Mar 4, 2020Liked by Amee Vanderpool

I called people in Texas as a volunteer for Elizabeth Warren for President to remind them to vote today! I got positive support for Warren and searched out a polling location for someone who forgot voting was today! I hope to see a good turnout on her supporters and a surprise taking of LOTS of delegates in the process. I need for her to stay competitive until *I can vote for her too!"

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Mar 3, 2020Liked by Amee Vanderpool

I voted by mail for Warren in Florida. I also donate to her campaign, phone bank, and canvas locally. I want her to stay in the race through the convention, until she is eliminated by the choice of the Democratic candidate. I think she will be the consensus candidate.

She has the progressive policies, the understanding of how to finance those plans, and how to communicate with the voters. She's the sharpest in the debates. And, she has none of Sanders' ideological baggage.

Although I will vote for Sanders if he is the nominee, I think the fact that he's never, ever been vetted like he will in a presidential campaign means there is much more out there waiting to be dumped on Sanders.

Aside from those liabilities is one of his major faults. While he campaigns as a "democratic socialist," he steals the social democratic traditions and policies of FDR and LBJ for his brand of socialism. When he defines his brand of socialism by pointing to Denmark or the Nordic countries, the primary problem is that none of them are socialist. They are mixed economies, with vibrant capitalist corporations, high taxes, and superb government services. But, they are not in any way, shape or form, socialist. In other words, his entire campaign is based on a classic bait-and-switch. Sanders cannot point to a single successful socialist economy.

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Mar 3, 2020Liked by Amee Vanderpool

I’m in MN and voted early for Amy Klobuchar. This is our first primary election and I guess lesson learned about early voting in a primary! I was very disappointed that she dropped out, but now I’ll support Biden. Too many of Bernie’s followers are angry, nasty trolls and as much a cult as Trumplings. I also fear he won’t survive the campaign if he gets the nom or that he’ll pick Gabbard as his VP. We need a healing presidency, not an angry one.

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Mar 3, 2020Liked by Amee Vanderpool

I hope Warren surges and Bernie does well, too. These last-minute endorsements of Biden, which are really anti-Bernie more than they are pro-Joe, are a flagrant insult to the progressive wing of the party. And that's a lot of people. Bernie's not my first choice -- Warren is -- but to watch the so-called moderates go into a moral panic, as if Sanders were the plague, is nauseating. It could backfire.

In the end, it may not matter who gets the Democratic nomination because as things stand now the Trumpists seem to have the means to steal the election from any of them. Can we do anything about it between now and November? I'm afraid I don't have any brilliant ideas.

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Mar 3, 2020Liked by Amee Vanderpool

One more thought ...the republicans will come after a Joe about anything and everything including Ukraine and his son. Dems keep using this higher standard ...while the Republicans have selective memory ...have we forgotten the monarch in the White House has a terrible past ...you know what is say, if anyone is gonna fall into to the trap of confusion they want to promote ...get over it and stand by your man

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Mar 3, 2020Liked by Amee Vanderpool

What happens to the delegates won by candidates who have since left?

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After 40 years as a wacky Libertarian, I am now an "establishment Democrat." Go figure. White nationalism makes the strangest bedfellows. Technically I'm now a bleeding heart libertarian yellow dog (social) Democrat.

I was originally for Kamala (a Kamala Captain even), but after she dropped out think I hovered between Booker and Castro, then Warren, but it's looking like I'll be ridin' with Biden. In other words, I like most of the Dems anyway.

Hoping that if Joe gets the nom, He picks Kamala. Warren would be cool too. Warren could Heal the rifts between progs, libs and mods. Also that cosmopolitan/ populist divide.

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I liked them all always because i can help them all.but this is no different than the waning public civic duty after 1980 for me.The world and America NEEDED CARTER.we got a mummy with a b acters rating who left the democratic party.I like Warren cuz the whole class aint gonna pass just like in 🇺🇸Math.

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I was a Warren supporter from the time she entered the race. Today I voted for Bernie Sanders. I don't see Warren having any pathway to the presidency.

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I am not a fan of Pete Buttigieg or Amy Klobuchar, so I wish them good riddance but wish them well. I liked Tom Steyer because he was an ardent Trump critic and fully supported aggressive action against climate change. Tom did not have name recognition with most voters and his campaign was too narrowly focused. I have supported Bernie Sanders since day 1. Bernie's campaign is focused on the issues that affect the middle class and working class. Bernie has energized the youth vote, the environmental vote, the healthcare vote, and the criminal justice vote. I am not a fan of incremental change particularly relating to climate change, criminal justice, and healthcare. I believe we need big, bold ideas and major changes to correct the major issues affecting the vast majority of people. I like Bernie's approach to addressing climate change and healthcare. It is evident every time Bernie speaks that he is passionate about the issues and his policy proposals to make meaningful progress in addressing these issues. It would be fantastic if we were able to boot Trump out of office and have a Democrat for President. However, if we do not flipped the U.S. Senate then we are screwed. If we fail to flip the senate, we will end up with 4 years of gridlock. The new president would veto destructive legislation from Congress and then Congress would over-ride his veto with the Republican majority in the Senate. We need a new President and a new balance of power in Congress.

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