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It's all so disgusting and immoral. I'm infuriated at how fast this country is sliding into a failed state with misogyny and women as second class citizens embedded in our laws and blessed by this so-called Supreme Court. As we've said a million times, the fight to overturn Roe was never, is not, and will never be about saving babies, it was and is about controlling women, period, hard stop. The fact that here we are in 2024 having to let courts and judges decide what is/is not appropriate healthcare is insanity to me. These assholes can barely interpret the very law they swore to uphold, much less have any credible thing to say about women's health. So a live baby and a dead mother is a win in their book? Explain that shit to me. We need a democratic party and president with balls of steel, not afraid to blast these non-elected, insulated windbags daily, DAILY. Biden should have a daily briefing on how the Mullah Court is fucking up America today, call these republican toadies out. Obviously appealing to decorum and professionalism has failed us, 6-3. Time to call these dipshits out on a regular basis for their inanity, cruelness, corruption and basic failure to understand law. Dems can rally around abortion all they want to win elections but unless they are willing to do something drastic to reign in this court, it will be for naught. Court reform should be top of mind; impeach Kavanaugh because he's a blatant liar, impeach Thomas because he's irredeemably corrupt, establish term limits, rotate the entire federal judiciary into supreme court seats every year, something, anything. It's time for some creative thinking and our democratic party is still playing by the 1950s playbook.

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