I don’t believe there was any hack by Iran. We should know from experience that every word out of the Trump campaign is a lie.

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The American press has become a joke. It makes those moronic "I Don't Believe The Liberal Media" stickers even more hilarious. The FAUX news crowd thinks anything that doesn't stroke their ego and confirm their worldview is "liberal." They wouldn't know liberal if it bit them in the ass. The so-called mainstream media is nothing more than corporate entities, run and/or owned by the billionaire donor class pursuing their own agenda of no regulations and no taxes for the wealthy. Not surprising the Trump campaign leak has gotten scant attention while every utterance and meandering thought out of his cocaine-rattled brain is front page news. Just like in 2016 and 2020 they will do all they can to help him get elected while maintaining just enough of a veil of "news" as not to appear blatant about it. On that one topic, Fat Don is right, the press is indeed the enemy of the people.

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After WaPo dumping on Joe Biden nonstop, I dumped them...

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Unfortunately, most people who consume news are not critical thinkers. People believe what they believe, whether or not it rings true or makes sense. But, I believe journalists have an obligation to report the truth, and that media companies need to support that, not throw obstacles in the way. Even NPR has been slanting things. I’m so disappointed. If a journalist speculates, that is not news, it’s opinion. Facts are just that - facts.

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WAPO = Matt Murray

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