Trump has single handedly had more failures in four years than any other person I know. I certainly hope there’s someone keeping track of all these and creating a compilation to show voters

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"Peter Navarro is at the center of the failure for pushing two incompatible entities together in a rush to gain some more political traction for Trump."...all done in "Trump time"

When trumputin announces the imminent release of a vaccine for COVID-19 close to the election, also developed (but insufficiently tested, of course, and ignoring FDA and industry vaccine-development protocols) in Trump time, don't be surprised, and don't be surprised when people who take the vaccine fail to develop immunity to the virus and some subsequently die. I won't be one of the guinea pigs; that'll be the cult.

Chaos is the de rigeur smokescreeen for all that trumputin does and has ever done; he announces things before the exist, putting pressure on weak individuals and organizations to make them happen, and then they often fail. The man has less business or leadership acumen than a family farmer, who has to account for things she cannot control, such as weather, to feed us. Fraud, yes he is, but fraud without a conscience and, IMO, corrupt and evil.

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Wow! just Wow!

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Aug 25, 2020
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That's my concern. What if Trump gets reelected? This will only get much, much worse.

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