Gaetz is a lowlife scumbag. When the party of corruption, lies, deceit and illegality is saying you have gone too far then you know he must be guilty of some serious shit. I love it that the republicons control the House so can't blame this on partisan politics, this is your own party of lowlifes deciding you're too much of a lowlife even for them. LOL. Now let's hope the democrats can get beyond their "high road" bullshit and use this during the election. A vote for Fat Don is a vote for his goons including Gaetz and a vote for Gaetz is a thumbs-up for sex trafficking. The ads write themselves.

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For years, he's been a known (by people who should know) slimeball but no one has stopped him.

I can only hope he gets arrested, tried, and convicted and sent to a very awful prison.

If anything, his impunity is evidence of just how banana republic we have become.

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Looks to me like the ideal CV for VP

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That initial pic of the vile gaetz is strikingly similar to Jack Nicholson in The Shining. Only difference is Jack Nicholson was just acting.

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