I'm old enough to remember when republicons tried to claim they were for "small government." We knew it was bullshit then but now they don't even pretend.

They want to control what we read, believe, who we have sex with, if we choose to procreate, how we raise our teens, on and on. If only they cared so much about dead children, a la guns. Gun control = bad, people control = good.

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No, we don't get to "choose to procreate," that is also being controlled.

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Time to mass report the Bible.

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As a school librarian, it is a legitimate fear for those in my profession. But it only makes me feel stronger about my belief in the need to select literature that represents all of my students. The power of a book to make a young person feel seen and understood is worth the worry. School librarians (and public librarians) are taught how to select appropriate materials for the libraries they serve. We don't just randomly pick books. We read professional reviews, we look at the reading level and interest levels, and we know our clientele. Just because a handful of people dislike a subject matter, or take words or scenes out of context, does not make a book obscene or harmful.

I am also a parent of a 10- and 14-year-old and it frustrates me that some people want to take away my children's options for reading material. My eldest read "Gender Queer" when they were 12. I hadn't read it yet, but I didn't object to them reading it. They had just come out as non-binary, and this book was one of few on that subject. I read it after they had, and while some pictures in the book could be taken out of context to be criticized, I felt the book, as a whole, was an important addition to the genre. It helped my child understand some of what they were feeling, and that makes it worth it to me.

These Moms for Liberty, and those pushing the same agenda, need to stop. Their efforts to "protect children" are hurting some of the most vulnerable.

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I. Just. Don’t. Understand. I foolishly thought that in my twilight years the world would have progressed and my kids and grands would be living in a wild, wonderful society.

I was terribly wrong.

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This is getting more ridiculous every day. Big Brother is watching and waiting to nab “violators”, like Hitlers Germany or Stalins Russia! The LEFT needy to get better organized to stop these people before we can’t. The Republican Party has gone off the rails,

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