The "letter" was so embarrassing that I felt embarrassed. We are no longer respected, we are now the global laughing stock. Something popped into my head, concerning the picture. It speaks volumes! But, if, God forbid, something of terrorist nature happens, tRump will use that picture, blaming Pelosi, really juicing up his base. I hope and pray the scenario does not happen. These are scary times and I scared of this madman and his recklessness.

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Pat, I truly believe Trump is hoping/pushing for a terrorist attack. He would see it as a way to stay in power, and to “prove” he was right about the bans. He doesn’t care about the lives that would be lost. He only cares about himself.

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The letter to Erdogan just blew my mind, although it probably shouldn't have. The BBC has reported that Erdogan tossed the letter in the trash. Our "President" writes and talks like an elementary school student, and his supporters just lap it up. That too blows my mind.

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