How efficient! You don't need to confiscate anyone's notes if there is nobody (at least no American) to take notes in the first place.

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While no longer surprised by the slippery behavior of this administration, I am appalled and furious nonetheless.

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I am so sick and tired of these people sucking up to Russia and all the GOP that just don't give a damn about this country. I would hate to find out what we don't know.

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If you could imagine it, it has most likely been done.

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Ironically totalitarian Russian press gives out more info that our democratic society. This has happened a few times - most notably they provided pictures and quotes of that Oval Office meeting post Comey firing, wherein top secret docs were distributed.

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I'm glad to see that the dogged independent reporters are dogging Pompeo's footsteps! Freedom dies in darkness, as the WA Post says. If we keep the light burning on these corrupt officials, then eventually they will slink away when we vote them out, and the real criminals will be prosecuted and put away. I am heartened and gain strength to resist them when I see this kind of reporting. Thank you Ms. Vanderpool!

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I just get more and more disheartened by the day.

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This makes me absolutely sick. I served my country with honor and this administration is just pissing it all down the drain along with the @GOP.

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