I keep telling everyone DT and CO are playing a game with China against us. DT is weakening America and is selling us off piece by piece to China, Russia and Saudi Arabia.

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Such important reporting and this article alone is worth the subscription. Nothing is as it appears in this administration and knowledge is our only power.

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Thank you lovely subscriber with the long handle that made me laugh when I tried to type it out here. 🙏🏻❤️

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It's not clear whether this is incompetence or deliberate but I'm going to go with incompetence, and I'm going to say that because trumputin has effectively cleaned out thousands of federal government employees and replaced them - or not replaced them at all - with loyalists, not competent people in the agencies (https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2020/04/how-to-destroy-a-government/606793/). The loss of institutional knowledge across government agencies is staggering and cannot be made up...this is the deconstruction of the government that Bannon wanted, to render it ineffective and then declare the federal government is ineffective. This was planned and executed early on in the trumputin imperial era. We don't have the slightest insight into how much damage has been done. Giving money to China-based companies is almost innocuous.

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Well damn. I can't tell if this is pure ineptitude where the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing or if it's the administration telling us one thing but doing another ... Or both.

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Is President Trump in the room with you now?

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I am full of anger and tears!!! Let's call it RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION!!! Trump has GOT TO GO!!! HOW MUCH MORE CAN HE POSSIBLY SHIT ON???

The PPP has been hijacked, and his prints are all over it.

Check out this article and decide for yourself.

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