McConnell’s military career was very short, and it’s sudden ending has been Cloaked and covered up for over 50 years. I think an enterprising young reporter from the Courier-Journal may have gotten her hands on some documents that would embarrass the sanctimonious blood sucker. And perhaps Schumer has decided to use ammunition rather than putting it on a shelf and remarking about how interesting it looks.

Or maybe someone got to the bottom of why it was that Fox news executives were seen sneaking into McConnells senate chambers after hours one evening in November Shortly after the 2016 election.

Or perhaps someone found the real vote counts from McConnell‘s last election. Amy McGrath came on strong at the end, as reflected in the polls. The vote counts did not match what was expected.

All three things could be true. I’m taking wagers. 🗽

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For the longest time, I have been saying the Dems needed to play fire with fire. Dems liked to play nice, with this GOP, you can not. I hope Schumer slapped that arrogant smirk right off McConnell's face. McConnell is/was more dangerous than DT. His "reign" has been too long.

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I want that obstreperous man to be forced to stand by and watch Majority Leader Shumer ram through Biden’s agenda just like he did for the disgraced ex-potus**.

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I too am wondering why McConnell all of a sudden yielded. We all know that he despises Trump, but that didn't stop him from support the latter up until very recently.

Curiouser and curiouser...............

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Interesting. The plot thickens...and it was already pretty damn thick. Thank you for this.

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Thanks, Amee for suggesting "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington." It's been a long time since I've seen it. I'm going to do a movie refresher.

McConnell's old arse needs to retire. I'd like to know what ML Schumer has on him.

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The fake republican votes in align with voter charts in McConnells district in his state are enough to a can of worms he doesnt need opened . As well as his wifes role in the administration of the goon that just left . Her PP loans for her chinese family - boy , dont get me started , but maybe a look in a mirror got him .

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