What I can glean from this is that Trump had no interest in hiding what happened with Stormy from his wife, and that it only became important when he was running for president, especially in light of the Access Hollywood interview. So, his "excuse" that he didn't want Melania to know is bull. I hope that the jurors understand how clear this is from Stormy's testimony. Also, her profession should be discounted and not used in the trial. It's discriminatory and misleading.

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I agree totally bullpucky. Melania could care less ,it gave her one chance to not to have to have sex with him .. .I'm sure she was grateful but not for it costing $139,000.. and yet Stormy deserved double that

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It certainly does sound like a sexual assault😥

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Ms. Daniels' account of her 'encounter' with DJT mirrors what I remember thinking when the guy who borrowed my GTO for an evening brought the keys back & then coerced me into letting him have sex with me. "How did I get in this situation?" He threatened to tell his family that I asked for it if I made any loud noises. I said 'no.' I shoved him a couple times, but I did not scream, shout, or attempt to run away. Now I recognize this as 'acquaintance rape,' but it was 1973. Do you know how many women actually pursued successful rape cases in my little corner of the world? None that *I* knew of.

I don't care what Ms. Daniels' line of work was. It shouldn't even matter. What does matter is that this pig behaved as entitled as the asshole that borrowed my car and then raped me. And that is NOT ALL RIGHT! The former "President" should never again get anywhere near the White House. Period.

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I agree with your speculation, as well as with the comments below.

"(It’s important to note that I believe the reporter above incorrectly stated "yes” with regard to the question about whether Trump wore a condom, as evidenced by what is said later.)" I'm pretty sure I read several tweets where Ms Daniels said that he was not wearing a condom.

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I wonder what kind of prenup he has with Melania.

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Wow, I have only been paying partial attention to this, I did pick up on the IMPACT of yesterday's testimony, but I had too many pieces that did not fit. You did the hard work of connecting why the reports were disjointed and left dangling...

Thank you.

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I feel like you and Stormy should chat some time. You have curiosities and I bet she has stories haha.

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May 8
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As a survivor of sexual assault I completely agree. I believe Mrs. Daniels, like many other survivors of rape, did not immediately label what happened to her as rape. She explicitly says that she did not want to have sex, but she felt she had no choice. Ladies and gentlemen this is rape. Trump knew how she felt. He didn’t care. He knew he would get his way. Stormy knew that saying no was futile. Trump is slime, the lowest form of a human being. He has always gotten his way, because the people surrounding him acquiesce to his every whim and desire. Money buys power and, for Trump, it buys power over women. Why else would any woman have sex with this man?

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Is an eight-year-old a woman? Don't forget all the little girls. It's worse, actually, if you submit without a fight. You feel guilty for the rest of your life.

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