While the world waits for the make-or-break ruling regarding Trump's immunity, in another case, a Conservative Supreme Court Majority has rewritten the law to get to a specific political result.
Welp, let's see the SHERO Sundays line up all the extra mass murders (but almost never of anyone lawmakers care about) while the NRA and their Russian sponsors laugh at all the dead Americans. Screw the SCROTUS.
“Here’s the smell of the blood still. All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. Oh, oh, oh!” Lady McBeth and the fascist white supremacist 6
Maddening if not completely expected from this irremediably corrupt Supreme Mullah Court. Thomas is a national embarrassment and he should be impeached along with Alito for corruption and conduct unbecoming. It's sad that we expect and demand better behavior from our military officers than we accept from this bunch of ass-clowns parading around as arbiters of law. It would have cost them nothing to uphold the bump stock prohibition, shit it was even put in place under that moron Trump. While the supremes get their taxpayer funded healthcare and taxpayer funded personal security, the rest of us step into the world daily not knowing if some rightwing nutjob is going to gun us down, no security. It's a farce that these assholes get to live in their little bubble completely immune from the consequences of their decisions. But politicians on both sides have allowed it to be this way for generations, imbuing these mostly halfwits with far more respect and credence than they ever deserved. Now they are beyond control and their toadies in congress are even blocking any kind of ethics bill for the supremes. Incredible. One would think in a rational society that we all agree ALL judges be required to adhere to a common standard of ethics, but in America circa 2024 even that is politicized. It's insanity. All the blather about terrorists coming to kill us, shit the world watches as America kills and eats itself from the inside out. Russia has won the war, the terrorists have won the war. It's only a matter of time before we collapse all on our own.
Welp, let's see the SHERO Sundays line up all the extra mass murders (but almost never of anyone lawmakers care about) while the NRA and their Russian sponsors laugh at all the dead Americans. Screw the SCROTUS.
'tainted' doesn't quite satisfacorily describe SCOTUS
“Here’s the smell of the blood still. All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. Oh, oh, oh!” Lady McBeth and the fascist white supremacist 6
Register your friends, family, neighbors. Join, donate, phone. Find your local Democratic org and volunteer. We can do this... Vote.
Maddening if not completely expected from this irremediably corrupt Supreme Mullah Court. Thomas is a national embarrassment and he should be impeached along with Alito for corruption and conduct unbecoming. It's sad that we expect and demand better behavior from our military officers than we accept from this bunch of ass-clowns parading around as arbiters of law. It would have cost them nothing to uphold the bump stock prohibition, shit it was even put in place under that moron Trump. While the supremes get their taxpayer funded healthcare and taxpayer funded personal security, the rest of us step into the world daily not knowing if some rightwing nutjob is going to gun us down, no security. It's a farce that these assholes get to live in their little bubble completely immune from the consequences of their decisions. But politicians on both sides have allowed it to be this way for generations, imbuing these mostly halfwits with far more respect and credence than they ever deserved. Now they are beyond control and their toadies in congress are even blocking any kind of ethics bill for the supremes. Incredible. One would think in a rational society that we all agree ALL judges be required to adhere to a common standard of ethics, but in America circa 2024 even that is politicized. It's insanity. All the blather about terrorists coming to kill us, shit the world watches as America kills and eats itself from the inside out. Russia has won the war, the terrorists have won the war. It's only a matter of time before we collapse all on our own.