Dear Amee, your writings inspire us all. It is staggering how buffoonish our country appears to the rest of the world. And yet, domestically we stumble about like a bad acting damsel in distress, unable to make coherent decisions, or comprehend danger. And yet villains within our government (I.e. Representatives, Senators, Governors (e.g. Kim Reynolds, state legislators and school board members) admonish LGTBQIA+, and immigrant minority groups, DREAMERS. These elected villains threaten doctors, teachers, vaccine makers, healthcare workers, women seeking an abortion, ‘woke’ minded people. These villains relentlessly put victims in danger of being violently assaulted either professionally, financially, emotionally or bodily. Our US populace is much like a dizzied damsel/ or fictionalized hero incapable of making the necessary choice. It is such a horrific Russian roulette game.

Amee, don’t get discouraged. You have no idea how inspiring you are to everyone who reads your newsletter. We all need that reassurance that we have each other’s back. You just keep going and publishing your writings. They give us courage and much needed motivation

to fight for truth, education. societal acceptance, and accountability over disturbing racist, misogynistic vitriol. Thank you for your talents, Ms. Amee!

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Thank you so very much, William.

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You are not alone, Amee. But together, we CAN maintain hope and forward progress. At 72, I may not get there with you all but I'll never give up...

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Yes! To all of what you are saying here! Also, I have found that Stephen Colbert is almost always right. I often wonder if I would have maintained even a speck of sanity over the last eight years without his nightly wisdom and humor.

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Yes yes yes, Amee! All you're saying resonates so much with me. For me, my disgust came to a head watching the scurrilous Fulton County hearings this week. Thank goodness Fani Willis and her dad - such inspiring articulate fighters for what's right. Let's find new bits of energy from them and anywhere else we can, as we (so many of us!) move through the coming months together.

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I am glad to support you and your work.

As for the MSM, I have given up hope for it. Too much “both sidesism”, and ignoring the reality and danger that a second Trump presidency would pose to the country and the entire world.

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Well said. Someone said on the internet, perhaps you have wondered what it would have been like to live during revolutionary times. You may wonder what you would have done, had you lived at that time. Well, what you’re doing now is what you would have done then. Vote. Encourage people to register and to vote. Send good candidates all the money you can. Write postcards to voters. Check in with candidates you support and ask them what you can do to help. In baseball parlance, we’ve all got to run through the base.

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Amee, I am 70, I still have the sneakers I wore to get Roe passed, I took them out and am walking more, again. My Shero’s were Bella Azburg, Barbara Jordan , Shirley Chislom . I sat through the Watergate Hearings , and Anita Hill’s testimony .

When I got out out of Graduate school mortgages were 18% and I had 40k in student loans 70’s Dollars.

So now I am seeing Hillary Pilloried , listening to Christine Blasey and looking at bread that is 5$ a loaf . So more things they change the they are the same.

My career was devoted to making Health Care Accessible and Quality based , today I cannot find a PCP.

Very depressing not even mentioning the boil on America’s ass.

On the other hand , I was brought up in an Irish Catholic enclave and today my family consists of 6 agnostics , 3 atheists, 1 Buddhist, and one Jewish man. The nuclear family Includes people from Poland, Germany , France , Italy and Africa, two gays and a converted Republican.

That might not seem interesting but Sociologically it is a tidal wave . Huge changes

I have taken time off from

Politics numerous times because you have too or you implode

Are we at a pivot point? Yes. We are. Are we disappointed with Fani Willis , yes we are, are we over the moon with the DC District Court. You betca!

I can’t remember if it was Plato or Aristotle who said all Democracies end up as Authoritarian govts, but I don’t believe that .

Look to history , Americans have not let America down yet. changes have happened . Many more need to come.

Whilst I understand Shero is part of your income stream , everybody needs to take time off to process. We are 8 months away from what is going to happen and a dozen things are boiling over unrelated to that horizon. Save your strength we are going to need your quick mind to help sort things out. Take a break.


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Dear, Amee, thanks for sharing what I've been feeling for so long. Let's all reset our mindset and get to work to save democracy and not normalize the right-wing agenda.

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It has been a week. for sure.

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Amee, thank you for reminding us that we are not alone! The other day I was watching Amanpour interview Hillary in Munich and was so proud of her. Couldn't help but think how different the world would be. So glad there are people like her and you to keep us hoping!

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This is why I donate. I urge others to donate also, just five bucks a month. It's a cup of coffee.....

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Perhaps your post should be titled: The Return of The Shero."

I say that influenced by this: https://email.cac.org/t/d-e-eldjtut-tlkrjkkrtk-yd/

Happy return🙏🏻.

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No, it's NOT normal. My Mom and I were just talking about this on Saturday. We were listing all the craziness, in nature and man-made, that is or could be responsible for the apathy we see in the youth in our family and around us. Certainly not all, both within our fam and without we can point to great examples of fired up youth, but they seem either matched or outnumbered by apathetic youngsters. (I'm including kids from 16 to 25.) It's quite the list. Whether you look at natural disasters that are becoming annual or biannual events, the elimination of the middle class, the escalation of corporate greed and power, the technology era erasing many traditional white and blue collar jobs, nevermind those below blue, unqualified politicians pushing anti-democratic agendas despite their constituents' will, or in the case of FL, with their constituents' will, the rate of murder and theft nationwide, the literal dismantling of public education..... that's off the top of my head and in no way a complete list but already it's formidable. How does one continue to care in the face of all this? Nevermind sane. My Mom is a committed Christian, not a maga freak, and to her this matches what Revelations tells her about the end of the world. She sees the TFG as a precursor to the antichrist. She sees her role as continuing to educate, (she's a historian), to volunteer, donate, and otherwise support those causes committed to either righting wrongs or helping the less fortunate. At 80, she's quite the inspiration.

Myself, I'm hoping that much of the absurdity we see is the normal chaos a turn of the century brings, and that logic, sanity, and a recommitment to basic rights for all will prevail. At my most cynical I'm determined to go down swinging; at my most optimistic I see faint signs that sanity will overcome this irrational,overblown and knee jerk reaction to change.

We also discussed how to stay sane while this insanity blooms. More chats w fam and friends, walks, swims, gardening, quality TV, books, musical concerts, art museums, a healthy diet. I also now limit my social media intake to occasional or highly curated. I've not completely disengaged from Twitter (I am totally gone from FB) and have no need for Insta or Tik. Am almost convinced that BlueSky will work while we wait for T's replacement.

Allll of this to say, YES!! Completely agree and really glad you decided to recommit.

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And this is why we - I - subscribe. You refuse to back up or back down or stop doing the necessary work of finding and publishing facts.

We thank you.

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Thank you for not giving up the fight. I’m fighting for my granddaughter, Ava, and my three grandsons Ryan, Theo & Arlo. ✌🏻💜 Patty Coudriet

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You are brilliant and you help me keep going and keep the hope alive. Truly appreciate your writing and tweets. I loved Twitter too and feel the same. Keep up the good words, reporting and authentic truths. ❤️

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