(The scene from a downtown street in Louisville, KY as protests over the murder of George Floyd continued into Saturday.)
Protests erupted into absolute chaos overnight in even more cities across the U.S. in response to the recent murder of George Floyd by a Minnesota police officer. Derek Chauvin, the white officer who placed his knee on the neck of of a black man named George Floyd that resulted in his death, was arrested and charged yesterday with third-degree murder and manslaughter.
Chauvin has been taken into police custody, but the other officers involved in Floyd’s murder have not been charged. The Floyd family has issued a statement that expresses their disappointment with the result: “[The arrest] is a welcome but overdue step on the road to justice. We expected a first-degree murder charge. We want a first-degree murder charge. And we want to see the other officers arrested."
From a legal perspective, it’s understandable why only Chauvin was charged in this way. County Attorney Mike Freeman explains in the video below that there may be subsequent charges added once the entirety of the evidence is reviewed. It is also likely that prosecutors want to ensure a conviction on this high-profile case and have therefore opted against charging Chauvin with first-degree murder and charging the other officers involved.
Regardless of the single arrest and subsequent charges for the man directly responsible for killing George Floyd, protests continued overnight in several cities including:
Minneapolis, Detroit, Milwaukee, Columbus, Washington, D.C., Richmond, Louisville, Los Angeles, Cincinnati, Atlanta, New York, Sacramento, Chicago, St. Louis, Memphis, Kansas City, Indianapolis Dallas, Houston, Las Vegas, Omaha, San Jose, Seattle, Denver and Des Moines.
This feels like a tipping point in the ongoing battle for the soul of America. George Floyd is yet another name in a long list, but something seems different this time. Maybe it was the fact that the video caught the murder in such a way that there is no way to justify or escape what really happened. Maybe it is because his murder occurred so soon after E.R. tech Briana Taylor was shot and killed by police in her bed in Louisville in the middle of the night while she was sleeping. Maybe it is the cultivation of coronavirus fatigue and the fact that the virus is disproportionally killing and bankrupting people of color.
I am hopeful this is the final push that we need to stand united with our brothers and sisters of color to protect each and everyone like they are our own family members, because they are and it’s past time.
As a black man who has seen it all having lived through the Civil Rights Era, it’s time for white folks to understand that racism and bigotry is a problem that YOU must fix—-if there is ever to be real, lasting hope for our country. Instead of talking about the injustice in America, figure out what you can DO to begin engaging with the issue. And btw, having a black friend does not fix anything!
I’m old AF. So old, it wrecks my head to know that The Voting Rights Act happened in my lifetime, and the 19th Amendment was passed the year before my father was born. It feels weird because how all that wasn’t already legal for centuries has felt impossible to me. Impossibly wrong on every fucking level. Same for gay rights/marriage, etc... the fact FGM still exists along with honor killings... all of it, is insane to me. (Thankful I’m a Native CalGal, and have never lived more than a few minutes in a red state.)
So even though I’m a tiny elf of a (mostly) white girl, I’ve NEVER been the person who stays quiet to keep the peace. Any use of disparaging treatment, or some ignorant redneck using any derogatory slur, or fat shaming, or the ever popular, “don’t be such a girl,” sends me into Atomic Blonde She Hulk Bene Gesserit Reverend Mother Killing You With *THE VOICE* mode. (I do Shakespeare professionally. My voice is a weapon.)
One Thanksgiving at my soon to be (very Catholic) in-laws I’d just met in überWhite eastern Pocono Pennsylvania, there was a conversation (I can’t remember about what) happening, when one of them... I think it was my soon to be Father-in-Law said, “...well, you know how those people are.”
Me: (setting down my fork, blotting my mouth like I was having tea with QEII, then flipping the table in my mind), “Those people?”
Silence fell as I starred at him. My fiancé stopped breathing.
His Dad: (slightly surprised and shaken because obviously no one had EVER dared call him out on his overt passive-aggressive racism), “You know.”
Me: (Calm as fuck, while my eyes bored a hole into his frontal lobe), “I don’t actually. Why don’t you explain it to me?”
It’s a fucking miracle my fiancé didn’t die of shame and heart failure, and that I didn’t turn into Carrie and cause theIr entire house to spontaneously go up in flames I was so enraged. That should have been the sign the marriage was doomed from the start. But then bad man choices are one of my superpowers.
My point is.... I don’t have all the answers, but I do know that silence = acceptance, and racism/inequality is UNACCEPTABLE,
Oh, and the confederate flag is a flag of fucking SURRENDER.
Paul Gazelka, the Republican majority leader of the Minnesota Senate, went crying to Trump, who didn’t take his call, rather than stepping up with all legislators to help Gov. Walz strategize for control of the chaos and devastation here. Gazelka has proved through his actions that he is a weak, manipulative, child looking for attention from his celebrity and all-powerful party leader.
Along with that, from the onset in Minneapolis, it was clear that outside instigators and agitators were hard at work to destabilize the city/cities.
This is all about taking advantage, one more time, of people of color who are so terrified of this nation’s lynching mentality – not just by law enforcement. Chauvin proved in front of the entire world how easy it is to kill a black man. I doubt he had a second thought that his actions would turn against him. And the black community blew. You don’t need another accelerant to consider. All the other stuff doesn’t matter.
And then you have white leadership that means well in the face of this war – thank you for your grace under pressure, Gov. Walz – that has no choice but to say, okay, it’s been too long to rectify the wrongs and right the ship and we’ll do something about it. This well-meaning and sincere gesture (that’s all that is) was then met with the Gazelka chorus of “see me, hear me!”
This is where we’re at. The only way to put racism down like the sick dog it is, is to remove those in power who have served themselves and not citizens of every race, color, creed, and gender and age and all of us.
Nobody likes to hear this as a solution because it’s not sexy or flashy and takes effort, but every single individual who has been harmed by the isms must vote to remove all GOP representation. The next step, the minute after the election, is to get busy rebuilding town, city, state, and federal institutions from the true will of all people. There will be some bad apples even on the Democratic side. Pick them off as elections proceed. Begin to build a party of the people, by the people, for the people. And don't leave the work to somebody else. That somebody else will take advantage, too.
Town boards, city councils, school boards, judges, police and fire chiefs, county commissioners, regional councils, state legislatures, and Congressional representatives. All need to go. And your local business owners – put them on notice that you will not patronize any business that doesn’t meet a standard of decency and fairness – especially banks and builders.
Build your own list.
This is the end to crazy – stop seeking wealth, power, and status. Take the power you have and vote.
It was the absolute callousness of those four officers, especially Chauvin with his hand in his pocket, looking away from the man he was murdering. They seemed to enjoy every agonizing minute of it. Depraved disregard for human life.
this is different, due to the fact that we have everything on film, making folks know exactly what happened. people of ALL colors see it for the murder it was. previously, some people had doubts cuz it didn't always show, the out & out violence by cops that we see with floyd. this must be a learning exp., for everyone. and we must NOT cont. to ignore their racism.
Racism has history in this country ( and the world) but over the last 3 years has been more open than in a long time. But the violence distracts from the goal. What worked best in the 60’s was the bus boycott. Economic protest gets attention fast, money talks. Stay home, don’t buy anything other than food and even then just buy staples. Yes beans and rice will keep you alive for weeks. And do it til they change, let them know we won’t stand for racism. The powers that be depend on us to stay in power. Don’t give them that.
This feels different because we are tired! Black people are weary of playing by the rules and having the goal posts moved by white people all the fucking time. Tired of Beckys and Karens and Brads calling cops on us just because we're black. Tired of said cops killing us and getting away with it. The murder of George Floyd is the culmination of years of frustration and anger and pain and pure RAGE. This level of tired is from the souls of our ancestors...that's how tired we are!
Honestly, I’m frightened, not encouraged. I don’t think chaos brings people together. Does anger? I hope you are right. I hope we are all angry enough not to be scared (now, in Nov and beyond).
That she has a female police chief who had the courage to speak with protesters also speaks volumes; unfortunately, don't know that they'll be able to overcome the evil forces that are fomenting this violence (and I don't believe for a moment it's the peaceful protesters).
Trump is eagerly fanning the violence from his toilet, tweeting garbage and glorifying violence in a transparent attempt to change the conversation away from the 104,000 dead Americans. All of the people arrested in MSP for violence and arson were from out of state, as far away as Texas, and white. Vans were streaming through the crowds shouting out where they were going next- various suburbs of the Twin Cities. I live in a peaceful, low crime, friendly suburb and our Mayor just announced an 8pm curfew tonight and tomorrow. The whole situation fills me with sorrow, on top of the COVID nightmare.
Amee, this was my post on my Facebook wall yesterday afternoon. It’s kind of a stream of consciousness, but I just wrote until I had nothing more to say.
“ I've really tried to stay away on my Facebook page from politics and any "current news" of any type, really, for the past few months. Mostly, it's been because I'm just so tired, so very tired, of everything that is going on. Those who know me know my politics--I don't hide them. However, what is going on around the country now is too much for me to bear or just ignore.
I've posted fairly often about anti-Semitism. It's something that I've experienced personally over my lifetime. However, here's the thing: If I am walking down the street, someone walking towards me in the opposite direction will see only a bald, paunchy, middle-aged man walking towards them. That is it. They won't cross the street to walk on the other side. They won't move to the edge of the sidewalk in fear or apprehension. They will just walk past me, most likely without a second thought. Meanwhile, I will continue on my way, completely unaffected.
Here's what WON'T happen to me: I won't be surrounded by four police officers, cuffed, forced to the ground and arrested for allegedly passing a bad $20 bill. I certainly won't ever have to worry that one of those police officers will then place his knee on my neck for almost nine minutes, strangling the life out of me. I won't be falsely accused of "resisting arrest". Why not? For one reason and one reason only: The colour of my skin. That is the very definition of white privilege, and it is something that most of us so rarely consider because it is something about which we never even have to think. Yet, for millions of African American citizens of this country, it is their daily reality, or I should say, their daily nightmare. It is something that must always be on their minds, because they are the ones who see people cross the street to avoid them. They see their fellow African Americans get gunned down for the "crime" of jogging in a mainly Caucasian area. They are the ones whose lives are viewed as disposable (or worse) by a society which has treated them so horribly for hundreds of years.
I don't know what the solution is, and I just don't know how we move forward from here. I just know that when I see how little progress we've made in the century and a half since the Civil War was fought, it makes so very sad and frustrated. Oh, and if you plan to respond to this post, please do with respect and thoughtfulness. Smartass or insulting comments will just be deleted.
Maybe one day, this country will live up to the following words, because it certainly hasn't in the almost-57 years since this speech was made: "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., August 28, 1963”
In my family they are! My niece married a black man and our extended family grew. I fear for them and my beautiful grand nieces and nephews daily. What that cop did was pure unalder -rated Murder. All the cops should be charged. The theory around our house in a tiny village is now we tell the kids when we are not at home here
The riot in Louisville is primarily for Breonna Taylor, the EMT who was murdered by LMPD when they performed a no-knock warrant. During the conduct of the warrant, the boyfriend fired at who he thought was intruders and LMPD riddled the house.
Subsequently to the initial story, a 911 call has been released where the boyfriend is calling 911 that someone is breaking into the house and his girl friend has been shot. Other reports seem to indicate the police may have been at the wrong address.
I’m white, retired from law enforcement, and this is Monday morning quarterbacking but for plain clothed officers to be performing a no-knock warrant in the early morning hours in plain clothes are a recipe for disaster. The house was supposedly part of a drug investigation so that appears to be the reason for the no-knock; to prevent destruction of evidence. Breonna‘s boyfriend allegedly shot at what he thought was intruders and LMPD returned fire. For police to return fire when they did not know who else was in the house was irresponsible and in this case, deadly. As a former member of a SWAT team, the suspects were contained and to prevent what happened, police should withdraw, establish a perimeter, and start negotiations.
This is not an assault by an Army so there was no need to take the objective any means necessary. The police did not know who else was in the house. Had someone else been in the house, could have killed more; elderly relatives, children, etc. As it is, a young innocent black woman who lived to serve and by all rights was a member of the brotherhood that shot and killed her.
An additional thought; we must stop the violence because trump does have the Power to deploy the military and this violence is giving him the excuse. Warning orders have already gone out to stand by.
§252. Use of militia and armed forces to enforce Federal authority
Whenever the President considers that unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States, make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in any State by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, he may call into Federal service such of the militia of any State, and use such of the armed forces, as he considers necessary to enforce those laws or to suppress the rebellion.
The irony - would that be the word? - is that 80% of the rioters that were arrested in Minneapolis area were from out of state. White supremacists are encouraging others to riot and loot across the nation. There is a virus in our nation and it's called #racism. Mr. Dildy in the comment thread is absolutely correct, we ALL need to engage with this issue.
I think at least in party that this was a case caught on film where the officer had a lot of chances to stop what he was doing but kept on when Floyd said "I can't breathe." When it is something like a shooting in the spur of the moment and the officer can say "I thought he was reaching for a gun" or the video is not immediately released or there is no video and people are beginning the officer to stop and the other officer to intervene, it is just cold-blooded murder.
It has been piling up and now with Breonna Taylor's murder and Ahmaud Arbery's and coronavirus fatigue and people losing their jobs, something like this seems to have pushed people to the breaking point.
I'm also concerned that Trump white supremacist supporters like the Proud Boys knowing they will be losing in Nov are trying to start a civil war and give Trump his Reichstag fire to change the narrative. I wouldn't discount Russian influence too, stirring things up on both the left and right side.
I know we will win in Nov if we keep focused and vote and this will all pass, but there is unfortunately going to be some more pain between now and then.
If only we had a POTUS who had leadership and empathy to de-escalate the situation, instead of one woh says "When the looting starts, the shooting starts."
There is a sector in our country that is just racist! If you are not white then in that sector you don’t deserve to live, if you are POC, part of that sector includes Cops vs Police Officers
For what we have seen Graphically a cop shooting a black man in the back, Eric Garner being choked to death over a dollar cigarette, Trevon Martin was a boy with candy .It’s always been there but Trump has brought it out into
the opeN. I believe we are going to have a summer of 1965 Watts
What people are saying is getting rediciuos considering who is saying it, Biden says George Floyd needs to be respected, I think it's a little to late for that, and considering how long Biden was in Senate, and the white house why wasn't something done all these decades ago, not just now as a convince, all those years working across the aisle, yet how many where bills that improved relations across the board for all races that you wrote or co-sponsored that passed that changed this country, don't act coverned now as we move to an election. I just there are questions that need to be asked and answerped.p
As a black man who has seen it all having lived through the Civil Rights Era, it’s time for white folks to understand that racism and bigotry is a problem that YOU must fix—-if there is ever to be real, lasting hope for our country. Instead of talking about the injustice in America, figure out what you can DO to begin engaging with the issue. And btw, having a black friend does not fix anything!
Yes. Yes. X infinity!
I’m old AF. So old, it wrecks my head to know that The Voting Rights Act happened in my lifetime, and the 19th Amendment was passed the year before my father was born. It feels weird because how all that wasn’t already legal for centuries has felt impossible to me. Impossibly wrong on every fucking level. Same for gay rights/marriage, etc... the fact FGM still exists along with honor killings... all of it, is insane to me. (Thankful I’m a Native CalGal, and have never lived more than a few minutes in a red state.)
So even though I’m a tiny elf of a (mostly) white girl, I’ve NEVER been the person who stays quiet to keep the peace. Any use of disparaging treatment, or some ignorant redneck using any derogatory slur, or fat shaming, or the ever popular, “don’t be such a girl,” sends me into Atomic Blonde She Hulk Bene Gesserit Reverend Mother Killing You With *THE VOICE* mode. (I do Shakespeare professionally. My voice is a weapon.)
One Thanksgiving at my soon to be (very Catholic) in-laws I’d just met in überWhite eastern Pocono Pennsylvania, there was a conversation (I can’t remember about what) happening, when one of them... I think it was my soon to be Father-in-Law said, “...well, you know how those people are.”
Me: (setting down my fork, blotting my mouth like I was having tea with QEII, then flipping the table in my mind), “Those people?”
Silence fell as I starred at him. My fiancé stopped breathing.
His Dad: (slightly surprised and shaken because obviously no one had EVER dared call him out on his overt passive-aggressive racism), “You know.”
Me: (Calm as fuck, while my eyes bored a hole into his frontal lobe), “I don’t actually. Why don’t you explain it to me?”
It’s a fucking miracle my fiancé didn’t die of shame and heart failure, and that I didn’t turn into Carrie and cause theIr entire house to spontaneously go up in flames I was so enraged. That should have been the sign the marriage was doomed from the start. But then bad man choices are one of my superpowers.
My point is.... I don’t have all the answers, but I do know that silence = acceptance, and racism/inequality is UNACCEPTABLE,
Oh, and the confederate flag is a flag of fucking SURRENDER.
Amee, this is about power.
Paul Gazelka, the Republican majority leader of the Minnesota Senate, went crying to Trump, who didn’t take his call, rather than stepping up with all legislators to help Gov. Walz strategize for control of the chaos and devastation here. Gazelka has proved through his actions that he is a weak, manipulative, child looking for attention from his celebrity and all-powerful party leader.
Along with that, from the onset in Minneapolis, it was clear that outside instigators and agitators were hard at work to destabilize the city/cities.
This is all about taking advantage, one more time, of people of color who are so terrified of this nation’s lynching mentality – not just by law enforcement. Chauvin proved in front of the entire world how easy it is to kill a black man. I doubt he had a second thought that his actions would turn against him. And the black community blew. You don’t need another accelerant to consider. All the other stuff doesn’t matter.
And then you have white leadership that means well in the face of this war – thank you for your grace under pressure, Gov. Walz – that has no choice but to say, okay, it’s been too long to rectify the wrongs and right the ship and we’ll do something about it. This well-meaning and sincere gesture (that’s all that is) was then met with the Gazelka chorus of “see me, hear me!”
This is where we’re at. The only way to put racism down like the sick dog it is, is to remove those in power who have served themselves and not citizens of every race, color, creed, and gender and age and all of us.
Nobody likes to hear this as a solution because it’s not sexy or flashy and takes effort, but every single individual who has been harmed by the isms must vote to remove all GOP representation. The next step, the minute after the election, is to get busy rebuilding town, city, state, and federal institutions from the true will of all people. There will be some bad apples even on the Democratic side. Pick them off as elections proceed. Begin to build a party of the people, by the people, for the people. And don't leave the work to somebody else. That somebody else will take advantage, too.
Town boards, city councils, school boards, judges, police and fire chiefs, county commissioners, regional councils, state legislatures, and Congressional representatives. All need to go. And your local business owners – put them on notice that you will not patronize any business that doesn’t meet a standard of decency and fairness – especially banks and builders.
Build your own list.
This is the end to crazy – stop seeking wealth, power, and status. Take the power you have and vote.
It was the absolute callousness of those four officers, especially Chauvin with his hand in his pocket, looking away from the man he was murdering. They seemed to enjoy every agonizing minute of it. Depraved disregard for human life.
Who he knew and worked with for more then 17 years, strange..
this is different, due to the fact that we have everything on film, making folks know exactly what happened. people of ALL colors see it for the murder it was. previously, some people had doubts cuz it didn't always show, the out & out violence by cops that we see with floyd. this must be a learning exp., for everyone. and we must NOT cont. to ignore their racism.
Racism has history in this country ( and the world) but over the last 3 years has been more open than in a long time. But the violence distracts from the goal. What worked best in the 60’s was the bus boycott. Economic protest gets attention fast, money talks. Stay home, don’t buy anything other than food and even then just buy staples. Yes beans and rice will keep you alive for weeks. And do it til they change, let them know we won’t stand for racism. The powers that be depend on us to stay in power. Don’t give them that.
This feels different because we are tired! Black people are weary of playing by the rules and having the goal posts moved by white people all the fucking time. Tired of Beckys and Karens and Brads calling cops on us just because we're black. Tired of said cops killing us and getting away with it. The murder of George Floyd is the culmination of years of frustration and anger and pain and pure RAGE. This level of tired is from the souls of our ancestors...that's how tired we are!
Honestly, I’m frightened, not encouraged. I don’t think chaos brings people together. Does anger? I hope you are right. I hope we are all angry enough not to be scared (now, in Nov and beyond).
This has all the hallmarks of the summer of 1968. We shall see if it goes in that same direction.
I saw this on Twitter this morning. The Mayor of Atlanta is an amazingly passionate and articulate woman. I hope that she goes far in politics.
That she has a female police chief who had the courage to speak with protesters also speaks volumes; unfortunately, don't know that they'll be able to overcome the evil forces that are fomenting this violence (and I don't believe for a moment it's the peaceful protesters).
Trump is eagerly fanning the violence from his toilet, tweeting garbage and glorifying violence in a transparent attempt to change the conversation away from the 104,000 dead Americans. All of the people arrested in MSP for violence and arson were from out of state, as far away as Texas, and white. Vans were streaming through the crowds shouting out where they were going next- various suburbs of the Twin Cities. I live in a peaceful, low crime, friendly suburb and our Mayor just announced an 8pm curfew tonight and tomorrow. The whole situation fills me with sorrow, on top of the COVID nightmare.
Amee, this was my post on my Facebook wall yesterday afternoon. It’s kind of a stream of consciousness, but I just wrote until I had nothing more to say.
“ I've really tried to stay away on my Facebook page from politics and any "current news" of any type, really, for the past few months. Mostly, it's been because I'm just so tired, so very tired, of everything that is going on. Those who know me know my politics--I don't hide them. However, what is going on around the country now is too much for me to bear or just ignore.
I've posted fairly often about anti-Semitism. It's something that I've experienced personally over my lifetime. However, here's the thing: If I am walking down the street, someone walking towards me in the opposite direction will see only a bald, paunchy, middle-aged man walking towards them. That is it. They won't cross the street to walk on the other side. They won't move to the edge of the sidewalk in fear or apprehension. They will just walk past me, most likely without a second thought. Meanwhile, I will continue on my way, completely unaffected.
Here's what WON'T happen to me: I won't be surrounded by four police officers, cuffed, forced to the ground and arrested for allegedly passing a bad $20 bill. I certainly won't ever have to worry that one of those police officers will then place his knee on my neck for almost nine minutes, strangling the life out of me. I won't be falsely accused of "resisting arrest". Why not? For one reason and one reason only: The colour of my skin. That is the very definition of white privilege, and it is something that most of us so rarely consider because it is something about which we never even have to think. Yet, for millions of African American citizens of this country, it is their daily reality, or I should say, their daily nightmare. It is something that must always be on their minds, because they are the ones who see people cross the street to avoid them. They see their fellow African Americans get gunned down for the "crime" of jogging in a mainly Caucasian area. They are the ones whose lives are viewed as disposable (or worse) by a society which has treated them so horribly for hundreds of years.
I don't know what the solution is, and I just don't know how we move forward from here. I just know that when I see how little progress we've made in the century and a half since the Civil War was fought, it makes so very sad and frustrated. Oh, and if you plan to respond to this post, please do with respect and thoughtfulness. Smartass or insulting comments will just be deleted.
Maybe one day, this country will live up to the following words, because it certainly hasn't in the almost-57 years since this speech was made: "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., August 28, 1963”
In my family they are! My niece married a black man and our extended family grew. I fear for them and my beautiful grand nieces and nephews daily. What that cop did was pure unalder -rated Murder. All the cops should be charged. The theory around our house in a tiny village is now we tell the kids when we are not at home here
If you get lost look for a Mother
The riot in Louisville is primarily for Breonna Taylor, the EMT who was murdered by LMPD when they performed a no-knock warrant. During the conduct of the warrant, the boyfriend fired at who he thought was intruders and LMPD riddled the house.
Subsequently to the initial story, a 911 call has been released where the boyfriend is calling 911 that someone is breaking into the house and his girl friend has been shot. Other reports seem to indicate the police may have been at the wrong address.
I’m white, retired from law enforcement, and this is Monday morning quarterbacking but for plain clothed officers to be performing a no-knock warrant in the early morning hours in plain clothes are a recipe for disaster. The house was supposedly part of a drug investigation so that appears to be the reason for the no-knock; to prevent destruction of evidence. Breonna‘s boyfriend allegedly shot at what he thought was intruders and LMPD returned fire. For police to return fire when they did not know who else was in the house was irresponsible and in this case, deadly. As a former member of a SWAT team, the suspects were contained and to prevent what happened, police should withdraw, establish a perimeter, and start negotiations.
This is not an assault by an Army so there was no need to take the objective any means necessary. The police did not know who else was in the house. Had someone else been in the house, could have killed more; elderly relatives, children, etc. As it is, a young innocent black woman who lived to serve and by all rights was a member of the brotherhood that shot and killed her.
An additional thought; we must stop the violence because trump does have the Power to deploy the military and this violence is giving him the excuse. Warning orders have already gone out to stand by.
§252. Use of militia and armed forces to enforce Federal authority
Whenever the President considers that unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States, make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in any State by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, he may call into Federal service such of the militia of any State, and use such of the armed forces, as he considers necessary to enforce those laws or to suppress the rebellion.
The irony - would that be the word? - is that 80% of the rioters that were arrested in Minneapolis area were from out of state. White supremacists are encouraging others to riot and loot across the nation. There is a virus in our nation and it's called #racism. Mr. Dildy in the comment thread is absolutely correct, we ALL need to engage with this issue.
I think at least in party that this was a case caught on film where the officer had a lot of chances to stop what he was doing but kept on when Floyd said "I can't breathe." When it is something like a shooting in the spur of the moment and the officer can say "I thought he was reaching for a gun" or the video is not immediately released or there is no video and people are beginning the officer to stop and the other officer to intervene, it is just cold-blooded murder.
It has been piling up and now with Breonna Taylor's murder and Ahmaud Arbery's and coronavirus fatigue and people losing their jobs, something like this seems to have pushed people to the breaking point.
I'm also concerned that Trump white supremacist supporters like the Proud Boys knowing they will be losing in Nov are trying to start a civil war and give Trump his Reichstag fire to change the narrative. I wouldn't discount Russian influence too, stirring things up on both the left and right side.
I know we will win in Nov if we keep focused and vote and this will all pass, but there is unfortunately going to be some more pain between now and then.
If only we had a POTUS who had leadership and empathy to de-escalate the situation, instead of one woh says "When the looting starts, the shooting starts."
There is a sector in our country that is just racist! If you are not white then in that sector you don’t deserve to live, if you are POC, part of that sector includes Cops vs Police Officers
For what we have seen Graphically a cop shooting a black man in the back, Eric Garner being choked to death over a dollar cigarette, Trevon Martin was a boy with candy .It’s always been there but Trump has brought it out into
the opeN. I believe we are going to have a summer of 1965 Watts
All over again.
What people are saying is getting rediciuos considering who is saying it, Biden says George Floyd needs to be respected, I think it's a little to late for that, and considering how long Biden was in Senate, and the white house why wasn't something done all these decades ago, not just now as a convince, all those years working across the aisle, yet how many where bills that improved relations across the board for all races that you wrote or co-sponsored that passed that changed this country, don't act coverned now as we move to an election. I just there are questions that need to be asked and answerped.p