First, putting Pence in charge also puts him at risk when the virus shit hits the fan - and it will. Other people have said that if this becomes a debacle - and it will - Pence can be cut from the 2020 ticket.

Pence as the gatekeeper of all federal public health info is an intentional catastrophe. I do think some federal public health officials will lose their jobs because they will release verifiable data on the virus' spread, the numbers infected and the casualties. I also think I can find honest data from other sources than the government so I am not too concerned about Pence's inevitable lies; the people who will suffer are the cult, who believe everything Pence will say and everything Fox News will spew. However, you lie down with liars, you suffer, so I don't care about the fate of any cult members.

Mnuchin and Ludlow - the latter being a dimwit and the former being a cult leader - will do whatever Trumputin says to do; they are loyal only to Trumputin, not to the country. Also, Pence is so ignorant, he'll need more superficially reputable voices to present information. Pence will just pray the virus away.

Trumputin doomed us when he eliminated the WH staff responsible for coordinating responses to health crises; no more evidence is needed to prove that Trumputin wants re-election at any cost and US citizens who die because of his stupidity and arrogance are his responsibility.

Ultimately, as amazed as I am to say this, lying is the single most damaging feature of this administration and it has worked incredibly well to confuse the public and jerk the chains of the media. It's beyond sad.

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Let's face it, tRump wants someone else to take the blame when this virus becomes an epidemic. Pence adding ill equipped people with other jobs they should be focusing on is exactly the version of the current administration's Keystone Cops you cited. The budget cuts will haunt the GOP for decades as well as the slashing of the US pandemic response team in 2018. It's tRump's playbook, it will always be someone else's fault.

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Amee, Thanks, good job. Am I the only one that has noticed therre's virtually no mention of the Virus in NORTH KOREA , they share a long border with China and seems to me they would be a significant incubator . With their secretive government and apparent primitive healthcare and demonstrated government lack of concern for citizens, I think this is concerning.

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This is beyond nuts! I think Trump is setting up Pence as the fall guy for whatever missteps are bound to happen with these unqualified “cops” at the helm. Dr. Anthony Fauci should be the crisis communicator, not Pence. The consistent message to the American people should come from the CDC, not Pence or Grisham or the idiot-in-chief. I say this based on my experience working at a public health agency. God help us.

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45* needs a patsy; he found one in Pence. When it hits the fan, he'll "have a good reason" to drop Pence off the ticket and pick a new running mate. My money is on Ivanka. [Shudder!]

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time to throw a virgin into the nearest volcano.

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Don’t worry, tRump is having a rally tonight in NC. All will be fixed...and no one who attends that rally will drink Corona beer out of fear that it’s tied to the virus. WE. ARE. IN. GREAT. HANDS!

My apologies, Amee, probably not the credible information you’re looking for. I am dumbfounded. Just when I think that things can’t get more weird, stupid, and scary, this administration provides another hold my beer moment.

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Sorry, the rally is in SC not NC

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Think of all the complete idiots you've ever encountered throughout your lifetime.

Then, multiply that number to the exponent 0f 100.

Even though you'll come up with an unfathomable number, this amount pales in comparison to our current administration.

From November 2016 to the present, I'm ashamed to be an american.

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A black swan is an unpredictable event that is beyond what is normally expected of a situation and has potentially severe consequences. Black swan events are characterized by their extreme rarity, their severe impact, and the practice of explaining widespread failure to predict them as simple folly in hindsight. THE ELECTION OF DONALD TRUMP

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Why do they keep dipping into their own gene pool? Aren't there ANY qualified experts out there that they can get?

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Frightening and disgusting. Not a doctor in charge? Someone familiar with epidemics? They don't want the truth to come out. Pence does not believe in science and caused a HIV epidemic when he was governor in Indiana. Kudlow shrugged COVID-19 off, claiming we have it contained. Mnuchin is just a complete ass. They will praise tRump, they are complete loyalists, no matter the cost.These incompetent morons love playing with people's lives. I really do pray it does not get bad. Let's not forget Mulvaney claims it's a hoax to bring down tRump. I have run out of descriptions for these vile people.

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Let the ass-kissing begin & damn the consequences!

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Donnie's all-important popularity is built on the economy - or, more accurately, the stock market (which isn't the same thing, but we're all friends here, right?). With the stock market in free fall, he has to try to do something about it, hence Tweedledee and Tweedledum on the task force. If people die, meh, they were probably Democrats.

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Most dispensable after virus explodes, typical off-load the blame

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Mnuchin and Kudlow were selected to attempt to calm the markets, period. Pence is the scapegoat. Trump is only concerned with the stock market, so there is no plan to protect our supply chain from disruption. We get so many “ingredients” for everything from medication to surgical steel to medical technology from China and our POTUS* is doing nothing to ensure we can provide these domestically. We have fewer than one million hospital beds in the US and far fewer isolation and ICU beds. We. Are. Not. Prepared.

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Wow, talk about a confederacy of dunces. We're sure to be safe now!

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There's weather warfare, biological warfare, cyber warfare, psychological warfare, chemical warfare, economic warfare, guerrilla warfare, mechanized warfare, and political warfare. The war is on. We were warned by the man in the oval office. The world watches. It can happen here. No land is free from blood being spilled by greedy men.

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Why not put an eminent physician in charge...or at least in place of Dumb or Dumber? At least it would show that they knew the importance of what they were dealing with rather than just assigning a political value to everything.

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My Twitter is still locked BC of my birthday 😠😠😠😠 over one week. Their support is BS 😡

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Why would your twitter be locked because of your birthday?

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Jesus. Just like the only reason the stock market is plunging is because of the coronavirus 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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