This comes as a surprise only if one hasn't been paying even casual attention to this president* for the last four years. Evidence is insurmountable that he will never accept a loss in November's election and will claim even before West Coast voting is done either that the election is compromised or that he is the winner. His militias will be out all day on some places threatening people by their armed presence in open-carry states and by nightfall will be packing streets across the nation to intimidate protests. At this point, either the military and police step in to stop it all or turn their backs on it all and surrender to a dictator. From them on, underground resistance may be the only possible response. Trump will suspend Congress b/c it's possible it will be controlled by Democrats. Courts will be involved, of course, but hundreds of Trump appointees will likely side with him in state after state and unless the Supreme Court justices find Jesus, so will that Court. I'm utterly jaundiced about any other scenarios.

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And once again, his supporters see absolutely nothing wrong with this. Nothing.

Our country is so screwed.

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Awesome, as usual.

Quick (minor) correction: Those are Navy Sailors featured in the photo on the USS Wasp, not Marines.

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I know where a few of his 'patriots' hang. I'm going to finger them as insurrectionists before they can shoot me.

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