You had me at "the convicted former president". Language matters, and you and your fellow substackers are doing your part.

Kudos to you!

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To say nothing of the Russian nuclear sub 90 miles off the Florida coast today.

I'm sure it's just there for tourism.

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Interesting and brazen. This “strategy” the rethuglikkkans have with embracing Putin and authoritarianism…I truly wonder if they think they can maintain control of the situation, just to win. Also, if they think giving the conservative Christian’s their taliban will please them. All these factions who are power hungry.

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It truly sounds like too many politicians have severe personality disorders. The kind that makes them dangerous and should not be deciding policy or law. They are in it for their grift. We need to restructure our elections. The elections alone are a big money maker. It is big business. Regulating congressional members is a must starting by screening prior to running for a seat. Limiting expenses to a fixed amount. Short campaigning period, no rallies while in office. Basically abolish privatized campaigning, elections should be run by strict guidelines, limited budget from federal funds and equal airtime.

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These people must be out of their minds!

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