I have an acquired Traumatic Brain Injury after a road rage incident 22 years ago. It is a closed Brain Injury affecting my executive functions or frontal lobe. I went from making million dollar decisions in a half hour to being last at the table to give my order. I happen to have a high IQ believe me that makes this worse. There are few, if any,cognitive tests I have not taken , even some that were trials. A battery of cognitive tests first time around takes two days. Second time around 1 day and third time around 4-5 hours. I had a very high powered job in Heath Care Mangement, And was working on my second Masters, I also taught at Simmons college and never missed a good party. The Last Paying job I had was packing Groceries, bringing carts in( appreciate it if you bring them to the round up area) and cleaning toilets. All work is honorable. I am telling you this To give you a scope of what goes into the scope of real cognitive testing, which as the physician explained the difference between a neurological examination the organ and network, and cognitive testing or thinking if you will.

It is standard procedure in your Primary Care’s Physican’s office at your annual physical, if you are over 65, to get a brief cognitive evaluation such as orientation to time , place, date, what you had for lunch, how did you get here and maybe a ringer. There is no pass or fail on this there is more like a “Susan Collin’s concern” If you get tge date and time wrong or you say you had baloney and cheese for lunch but your appointment is at 9:30 am. Sorry for the length Of this and you will find grammatical errors and spelling errors. Hurts me more than you.

Per usual DJT or as we Irish pronounce it IDJIT is lying .

Hope this takes any mystery out of his “ aceing” An exam that is graded on skill sets and degrees. Thank you and be Safe wear a Mask

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Patricia--thank you for educating all of us about this from the patient perspective. I'm so sorry you have suffered this loss. I'm a professor of Health Care Management, and I know Simmons has an excellent program. Health Care and Higher Education have also suffered a loss because of your TBI. I promise to return my carts. (((HUGS)))

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Thanks Sharon ! It’s hard to wrangle those carts! Where do you teach , my MHA was from GWU

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I went to GW, too!

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I'm Graduate Program Director for the MS in HCM Program at Stevenson University. Fully online. I know GWU well. I'm also a past chair of the BOD of AUPHA and have a few textbooks out, too. LOL! I see workers struggle with those carts on leashes and cannot imagine how hard that is to coordinate. I can't chew gum and push a cart.

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"Acing" a cognitive test is not a thing, and no physician would ever say "no one's ever done this." Getting a perfect score on a cognitive screener (which BTW is not synonymous with neurological testing) is a very low bar, indeed - not as impressive as he imagines it would be. It involves very basic attention, language, visual-spatial, short-term and long-term memory tasks and is meant to screen for potential degenerative processes.

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Great now you guys have Doctor and Patient perspectives

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My mom has severe dementia and can no longer complete a sentence before the perseveration takes over and she just repeats a word or sound. Six years ago, concerned about her frequent falls, I took her to a neurologist who spent about two hours testing her. The cognitive function tests included telling her to remember three words (cat, pencil, spoon) and asking her a few minutes later what the words were (she didn’t know). He gave her a circle on a piece of paper and asked her to draw a clock face with the hands pointing to 2:10. I can’t upload a picture here but I tweeted it about two hours ago. It was a mess. No clue what trump “aced;” he probably paid someone to take it.

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I keep wondering if he had a fall.

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Watch his golf game! We don’t get to see much of it, but I will watch is stance and Swing next time I see a clip. My Da has a TIA and it did effect his swing but he could play the piano after. Personally, I think he is on the autism spectrum. The neuro system is so complicated and fascinating

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exactly, that's called the Mini Mental Status Exam, it's a screening tool and probably what he "aced" --any other probable tests would be to check word memory if he had some aphasia (loss of speech from brain damage) from a stroke or TIA, basically he's either lying and didn't know it wasn't an IQ test he's talking about, he's been screened for dementia being asked where he is, what time it is, etc like the previous poster said and he's boasting about drawing a clock, or he had a stroke and they were assessing the damage. None of it good.

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I am a geriatric neuropsychologist and happy to answer any questions you have about cognitive testing. It is somewhat routine to give a cognitive screening measure to an older adult if there is some concern about cognitive decline. This used to be a Mini Mental Status Exam (MMSE), but now clinicians prefer the MOCA (Montreal Cognitive Assessment test). Trump appears to me to have had a mild left hemisphere stroke. The left hemisphere of the brain controls language (for the most part) and the right side of the body. He is making many more linguistic errors in his speeches -- not being able to pronounce common words, etc. -- and his attempt to drink water at West Point with only his right hand suggests weakness in the hand. If you look at the video he used his left hand to push the glass up to his lips. His arm appeared to be too weak to do this one handed. When he drank water at his Tulsa rally, the movements were not normal. He used his entire shoulder to make his arm move the glass to his mouth and his head also came down to meet the glass. This isn't how normal healthy people drink from a glass.

He also appears to have some type of learning disability and ADHD.

Trump lies so much there is no way for any of us to know how he really performed on this simple brief cognitive screen. And it is highly unlikely that he would consent to a full neuropsychological evaluation as this is a situation where he would not be able to control the outcome. Testing would show how his brain is really working in a variety of domains and he probably knows the results would not be flattering.

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He is lying, as usual. My daughter suffered a concussion in her senior year of HS, she had cognitive testing. The cognitive testing is not something you "ace". God help me but I hate that man. No one is going to have him step down, he is the golden goose. The Rs are getting everything they wanted. They don't care if he is losing it.

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Any of the scenarios you offer is possible, which is, of course, typical of everything involving something trumputin says or does. Obfuscation IS the strategy for trumputin - it's now baked into his mind so it's an involuntary process. My take: he did take some kind of "test" though I doubt be knows what it was or was for, that it wasn't recently - not at Walter Reed, where it would be very hard to cover that up - that acing a mental functionality test is probably not something anyone can, and that almost everything he said, except, maybe, that he went to Walter Reed, is a lie or an exaggeration.

This man is the president* of the United States. This man is both a humiliation for the country and a threat to it. If I thought at length or depth about what's he's inflicted on us since 2016 or what he's doing to us at any given hour, I would not be able to function at all; he's erasing my entire life as a US citizen because he's erasing its history, my history. We're trapped here in this country because of him; that's a reality that should terrify most of us.

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I have located my Maternal Grandpa’s BC in Ireland , too damaged to move but my niece’s and nephews may be able to use

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I think he is a puppet being propped up by people who profit from the dummy at the desk. The minute he is out of commission, they lose the golden grifter goose.

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Of course he's lying ! It's what he does best.

If he even had a test it consisted of something like this ...

How many fingers am I holding up ?


What year it it ?


Who is the president of the United States ?

I am.

OMG, Sir !! Nobody has ever aced thid test like you.


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How can you "cognitively decline" when you were starting at a baseline of zero? #askingforafriend

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He's lying, IMHO. I can't imagine a narcissist like Chump submitting to a cognitive test.

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My mother's quick screening before her Alzheimer's diagnosis was "Who is the current US President?" and "What year is it?"

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After that it was a week in a hospital to get a proper diagnosis.

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I am sorry if it was Alzheimer’s, it’s like loosing them twice

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Yes, she is 8-9 years into it. My best to you as well.

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I am 67 my cousin my age has it. Take care of yourself first , hard to do I know

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The grifters gonna grift. But yeah, the November Walter reed visit was suspect at best. I really wanna know what went on there. That news cycle went poof pretty quickly.

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Trump is lying (news flash). I believe he spends the day reading negative comments from “the radical left” - which includes Republican never trumpers. He always comments on something I just read on Twitter, etc.

The anti-trump circle was commenting and making fun of his ramp walking and lifting a glass of water. He makes it worse by not ignoring it (his mental problems prevent him from ignoring criticism)

I have taken one of those tests and like many have said, you don’t ace it. It is very simple.

He said, “I proved I was all there, because I aced it.”

That’s bullshit. He has not proven anything.

Where’s the proof ?

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He technically has the right to Privacy under the HIPPA law, the VP would have to be told So he cold round up the Cabinet, so does HIPPA APPLY TO HIM ?

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He definitely screwed up. Part of the dementia. His lies are usually some sort of projection...accuse the other person of what he himself does/is. So, of course he's attacking Biden for the problem he has now...mentally unfit in a medical way (besides his other unfitness due to narcissism, etc). Mentioning Walter Reed is the screw up...he should've stayed more generic, as this proves what happened last November was not a normal "check-up" and something happened. He continues to lose control and these slip ups will happen more often.

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I think it is standard procedure at his age, that said, his unsteady gate and 2 handed drinking, and a blotch of purple on his face after the unscheduled trip to Walter Reed indicates to me the possibility of a stroke.

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It is not standard procedure unless someone is exhibiting cognitive decline.

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My mother is the same age as tRump. She has yet to be given a cognitive test by her doctors during her annual physicals. She has zero signs of cognitive decline, so no it's not standard unless the person in question is exhibiting unusual behaviors.

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I have a (benign) mass in my brain, as well as a lifetime of horrendous migraines (& now cluster migraines.) I’m no neurologist, but I’ve BEEN to many, & lemme tell ya: these tests ARE NOT typical, & there IS no “acing” them. Furthermore, no doc is going to give you an attaboy for being healthy: they’re highly indoctrinated to speak neutrally. (Much like lawyers are trained to tell clients to hope for “the best outcome,” rather than encourage them to rub their hands together in greedy anticipation of a huge jury award.)

As always, even the grains of truth are poisoned in all his blather.

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Doctors are trained to be neutral as are lawyers , they are not all greedy! We have a very generous lawyer helping us understand what the heck is going on with his blather.

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Nooo...! Did not mean to suggest attorneys are greedy; I just failed in my effort to be concise, obviously. What I meant was this:

In the same way doctors speak neutrally to patients—so they don’t give patients the wrong idea, but instead, deliver FACTS—so too do attorneys speak neutrally to clients, who can often be (justifiably) emotional about whatever legal situation they find themselves. Attorneys advocate legally for clients, in a dispassionate manner— and thus may, e.g., advise angry clients seeking to “sue the pants off” someone to hope instead for “the best possible outcome.”

Neutrality & facts, not greed. That was ALL I meant. Sorry for any misunderstanding. I also know many wonderful attorneys... one, sadly, recently died of COVID-19, and he was gifted and generous.

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No worries Elizabeth , I hired a greedy lawyer ! He was good too. I am

Sorry you suffer from headaches like that must be brutal.

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He's delusional but possibly tests well. Besides, who is his trusted guardian? To whom do you deliver the bad news of his impairment? His loving wife?

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He paid someone to take the test for him.

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I think trump is being trump - a liar. He didn’t take any test. IMHO.

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I think that his erratic behavior, and the #tRumpIsUnwell tag have been trending for a while. Someone led him to Walter Reed for cause.

No, you can't "ace" these kinds of tests. Only a demented, malignant narcissist would need to announce to the world how well he did on a dementia test! Considering that he cheated on his SATs, and is likely functionally illiterate, I would assume that he's lying here about how well he did.

20,000 #tRumpLies and counting, just since he's been in office. No sane person would conclude that pathological lying is normal in any public official. We're so gas-lighted, we all just yawn.

We should conclude that:

1. tRump is demented and/or unfit for office for other, cognitive reasons.

2. His cabinet is in collusion to keep him in office as long as possible.

3. No one has the patriotism or the spine to enact the #25thAmendment.

4. We all need to vote, register other voters, and #VoteBlueToEndThisNightmare.

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I hear Donald is having another test today and he´ll prolly ace that as well. It must be a blessing to have such a cognitive (dissonant) president.

If any1 is interested I have the series "The Powers That Be" ( https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0103515/?ref_=fn_al_tt_2 ) online 24/7. Just get the torrent and away you go.

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