Don't think that we're getting those extra two Senators. Romney was probably the best bet, and he said today that he would vote on a new Supreme Court Justice (I repeatedly told all of my friends who had such faith in him that they shouldn't, because he is a Republican and the issue of abortion is central to his and every other Republican's thinking).

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It's well-intentioned to suggest that the Democrats "need two more Republican votes to stop Trump’s nominee" but that's been the Dem's losing posture since forever. And, btw, Schumer should be replaced when the Democrats regain the Senate as it will be in spite of him instead of because of him. Democrats NEED to convince more of the US's Democratic majority to get out and vote and then correct the filibuster, increase the number of SC justices and install politicians better suited temperamentally and ideologically to keep McConnell and his ilk where they belong, in the gutter.

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