Great article Amee. I love that you incorporated the Talking Heads song. Perfect. I am worried for the children. I wish that if not for anyone else, people would get vaccinated for the children. Thank you for bringing awareness to this issue. I wish you all the best.

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When ADULTS refuse to do something for the safety and comfort of CHILDREN only one song comes to mind Warren Zevon:

🎶Send Lawyers, Guns, and Money the shit has hit the fan!🎶

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Living the nightmare of the after effects. As discussed prior infected mid July fully vaccinated beginning of April delta takes no prisoners.

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To quote a good friend of mine (who is not from and does not live in the US), who asked the following when talking to me about our mushrooming Covid numbers, "What the hell is wrong with you people?"

Sadly, I had and have no answer for him.

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I confess to feeling despair this morning. Maybe I shouldn't read the news reports any more. It seems as if everything is a mess - evangelicals taking over everything; covid (of course), the absolute lunacy of the GQP. We have four grand children who will be heading back to school (all under the age of 12) in a couple of weeks. Fortunately Denver Public Schools have mandated masks for everyone. But Delta seems so slippery that I worry that's not good enough. I have been buying kids masks like crazy to make sure they will have enough on hand. This is no way for little ones to have to live. But they must.

Had chills run up and down my spine when I read this from your post. So very very true.

"In the immortal words of David Byrne: “We’re on a road to nowhere…” and we are now traveling with a school bus full of children who never asked to take this trip."

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I understand and taking a break is key-but the most important thing to remember is that we are in this together and you are not alone. Chin up. ❤️

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Covid psychosis! Yeeee gods, Ameeeee!

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Although our governor in Nebraska is an idiot and he threatened to ban mask mandates, Omaha Public Schools has once again taken a stance in support of the students and staff and is requiring masks be worn by all people in district buildings. I was very worried about my two children (under 12) who are headed back to school next week, and myself working in a high school building, but this helps me feel a little better about school starting up again. I still worry about how many people will get sick once we are all packed back into tight classrooms. Approval for a vaccine for those under 12 can't come soon enough!

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I worry about you guys constantly-is it too late for you to be an astronaut or ballerina or something...

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I still want to be a movie star — maybe I should try pursuing that! 🤣

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Yes, please go to Hollywood, where it’s safe.

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Excellent analysis.

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I should also mention that although Iowa has maintained their dashboard, reporting has significantly dropped. Our governor, not to be outdone by DeSantis and similar governors, has passed a law that bans mask mandates in schools. Although she claims to be against government interference, she has made it difficult for cities and counties to put mandates in effect. I have two little granddaughters starting preschool. I'm worried about them, and I'm worried about all the younger kiddos heading off to school this month.

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Excellent article. As someone suffering from long-haul symptoms, I feel every bit of this.

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And thank you for the insightful POV…this is exactly what I was hoping for ☺️

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Our govenor is Texas talks about everything (transgender issues, the border, Dems fleeing the state) but covid and our failed electric grid. That’s the state of thing here in Texas. Not a bit of care for the average person in our state.

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