I'll start! The lack of real-time information coming out of the Trump border camps is so concerning. There are now reports that THOUSANDS of reports of sexual abuse have occurred and they can't even pinpoint the actual report numbers because of agency overlap. This means we can't really know statistically how many more allegations there are under this new Trump policy of separation. In addition to separation and death, the children are now being abused (likely at record numbers) because the Trump administration has created the perfect facility and policy for predators.

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Just off the top of my head...

1. The missing, abused and murdered children. Personally, I believe he's running the world's biggest human trafficking ring right out of the WH, and is having the tax payers fund it.

2. The selling off of federal land to strip miners, loggers and frackers.

3. The devastating deregulation of air, soil and water protection. And changing focus of the EPA.

4. The deregulation of animal protection and the changing of wildlife protection.

5. The sweeping changes he's made to the military. Privatization of the VA, changes in status for soldiers from other countries, the purging of trans soldiers, the change to mercenaries and thugs for hire, the brutal assault on the military chain of command.

6. The corruption of government contracts handed to "personal friends" vendors, such as the ones handed out to completely unsuitable and unreliable companies to repair Puerto Rico.

7. His never ending sexual assault allegations.

8. The emolument violations.

9. Kellyanne Conway's 13 Hatch Act Violations.

10. Stephen Miller. 'Nuff said.

11. His attack on the judiciary.

I could think of more, but these are a good start...

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I'm so glad I'm not the only one thinking all of this. You said it all so succinctly! Thank you!

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It's hard because it's a never ending frenzy. Every single day it's a new outrage and new assault on our democracy, sometimes more than one. The media, either from laziness, being overwhelmed, gagged by their bosses or whatever, just stand around like a pack of mid school mean girls, popping their gum and criticizing his tweets.

It's really no wonder so many of us paying attention are suffering from "trump fatigue."

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Laura, that is a devastating list of the horrible consequences of electing Trump. I live in a red state and many people say to me: "What are you so worried about? He's just doing what all politicians do." They don't see the long-term ramifications of these disastrous decisions. And most of them don't care about foreign policy, our overseas allies, or anything that happens beyond their backyard. Even here in Texas, people don't care about the border camps. Or the wall. Or... Anyway, traditional media has not picked up on most of this and, when they do, there is so much "bothsideism" and failure to point to those we should hold accountable that they might as well skip it. Ok. Thanks for asking this question, Amee. Sorry for venting.

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Other than shifting Miller up on your list -- I totally support your recap! by the way... there is one addition: the evisceration of local newspapers makes the high costs that local governments bear as they fill-in the Federal government collapse, is a pocketbook issue that isn't being covered

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I promise I won't say, "good news" or, shudder, "nice news," because we know that sort of pap doesn't sell newspapers.

(I'm a retired newspaper editor.)

I do think the MSM has dropped the ball on the horrendous situation on our southern border. Not that long ago there were daily reports on the conditions there, senators and congressmen flew down and issued sympathetic statements and photos of wide-eyed children living alone in corrals and cages were pasted onto our consciousness.

I doubt the situation has gotten any better and has probably gotten much worse, yet you don't hear a peep from the media. Conditions won't change until we force a change; trump certaintly isn't going to rescue the children (and their innocent families).

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Yes, exactly!

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As a Canadian I don’t think it’s my place to comment on your politics but I’m very hopeful you get universal medical care. I see any doctor I wish, get great free senior preventative care (bone density, colonoscopy, annual check ups) and in Canada efforts are made to make sure healthcare is equal for the wealthy and average person. I wish there was more in depth coverage of how it works so Americans wouldn’t fear it so much. It’s so sad how how the cost of medical care is destroying lives in the US. It doesn’t have to be that way. I’m glad it’s being discussed though. If anyone has any questions about how universal care works for me and my family I’m glad to answer any questions.

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Gerrymandering! Judd Legum talked about it today, but the Republicans’ ongoing, insidious effort to disenfranchise minority voters is a huge part of their effort to maintain perpetual power.

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The disembowelment of virtually federal agencies to the point of paralysis or simply ineffectiveness...Hundreds - probably thousands across the agencies - of experienced professionals have left as cabinet and other senior officials have been appointed, all of whom have one mission: deconstruction of the government. This is going to create long-term, nearly intractable problems that affect all of us, from food safety to water purity to clean air to labor regulation to consumer protection. It's almost completely ignored, IMO, by the MSM.

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I would hit the like button many times on this one -- the lingering virus this administration will leave in our collective system, if you will.

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Bannon's dream becoming a reality.

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I think people have either forgotten what Bannon said or never heard it but I did.

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Given what Trumputin has done to undermine morale in the military, especially among the senior leadership; morale in our intelligence agencies; and morale in the FBI - and scrapping our cybersecurity capability - I think we are significantly weaker in the ability to protect and defend ourselves, so, great idea, Donny, to kill Gen. Soleimani.

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I've always felt that while Trump and his goon squad create chaos and confusion, they have actually been committing the biggest most blatant theft in global history. Stealing huge swaths of the public's Treasury and transferring them into private control and profit.

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I think Trump and the kiddies admitting they've been running a sham charity for years to fill their own pockets is one of the worst things that scum bag family has done and nobody seems to really care.

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Ivanka Trumps patent on Chinese polling machines.

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1. Who paid Kavanagh's bills to buy a right wing seat on the Supreme Court?

2. How many people at Deutsch Bank need to die / commit suicide to be worth researching?

3. The children and families at our borders. WHY doesn't MSM keep this in the forefront?

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It's the forgotten children at our southern border. I send reports with video to the International Criminal Court at The Hague as I believe it's genocide.

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and, what, less than a year ago, DHS admitted that there were approx. 3K they couldn't locate. now, they're trying to say, all the kids have been united with family members, or (?). who is or? and where is the proof these kids were unified with anyone? esp. family members. this entire topic seems to have vanished, along with the children. this 3K, by my count, made a total of over 5K misplaced kids & now we believe they've all been unified with family?, when DHS couldn't even find them? for over a year?? i believe in the random miracle, but i don't think this is it. WHERE ARE THE CHILDREN DEVOS??

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I wonder also if Epstein was involved.

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i have thought of that too. funny, how after jr.s russia meeting in '15? kids were no longer US adoptable. then all, the immigrant children go missing? seems a bit convenient for devoss, her bro. & her 3 adoption agencies. we sell children, now? into what? slavery, sexual predation, pornographers? i want proof of where they went. i don't buy this for a NY minute.

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1. Russia and China collaboration. Is it real? 2. GOP and Americans generally not grasping the scope of Putin’s influence over the USA....it’s astonishing really, the lack of pushback.

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My God, where do I start? The MSM sugar coats everything dealing with this admin. It's sickening what they DON'T report. They pepper in some stories but there's no follow up, no in depth reporting, nothing. Some of the MSM show their bias, you can tell in how they explain tRump's handling of a situation. A couple even do it with a smile! They used to be our front line fighting the corruption, turning on the light so you could see clearly. Not anymore, IMO they have, also, become enablers. A respected profession - no more!

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An incompetent and/or malevolent cabinet.

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As mentioned in the comments, lots of important information left out of MSM. Main stream and social media are now battlegrounds for ratings and propaganda, sponsored and infiltrated by the worst of people and governments. It’s sad and scary to see what’s going on. Thanks, Amee, for sparking the discussion. Happy New Year!

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Where is Mnuchin? Why isn't he in the hoosegow for contempt of Congress?


What about the 2017 Inauguration slush fund? Who is looking into it? ($107 million for THAT??

"We gave it to charity" "we did an audit and everything is OK" ... very very fishy)

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The deregulation frenzy across all agencies and the energy leases on federal properties are the legacy stories of the past three years that MSM has inadequately covered.

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what he has done in de-regulating every damn thing & will continue to do, shbe impeachable in & of itself. what he has done in 3 yrs, it will take us a good 10yrs to make up for, if we can.

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Trump’s stealing from charities convictions

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Misogyny in the ranks of Democrats and MSM. Re the candidates for president. The children in cages and separated families. Investigate where the children are being placed. Why did the 8 republicans go to Russia? It’s too overwhelming to list it all, but your other readers have made great lists.

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DMV selling off our own data to make extra profit.

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I prefer that major media outlets forget certain things. They tend to muck it up with endless opinion pieces that turn it into something subjective when there’s nothing subjective about it. It’s time to stop giving them so much attention. More and more people are gravitating to outlets such as these and that’s how it should be. Let the Bret Stephens of the world have their place in crap journalism. We’ll hold down the fort

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media layoffs complete with non-disclosure agreements

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Why can’t we force Trump to hand over all documents even remotely linked to the investigation of the impeachment trials?

Why can’t we imprison those that refuse to testify?

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All of the above...excellent thread. For me the most glaring is the lack of discussion about The Koch Network of American Oligarchs and their Alt-Right infiltration of state and federal politics,going on now for decades. They use extreme 'Christian' concepts like the Prosperity Gospel,Dominionism,Christian Reconstructionist, Quiverfull, the Cyrus doctrine, End of Times bs...to twist the Evangelicals into a controllable base.They promise them a Theocracy so Jesus can return when what they are actually doing is establishing an Oligarchy by destroying the administrative State,regulation,the balance of powers , Democracy itself. They are pushing for a Constitutional Convention under the guise of term limits and national debt but would likely be a Runaway Convention.They are behind all of what we see happening with Republicans bizarre behavior. Hard right Pols., Judges , top appointees come from their devotees, Barr , Pompeo , Kavanaugh, Pence, Nikki,Haley , Kelly Anne , the list is long. They are connected to an International Cabal of Oligarchs promoting Nationalist/Fascist agendas including Putin. Think Steve Bannon. No,it is not conspiracy theory I'm afraid. Until we face this reality and stop it we will have no ability to fix all else.

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