Barr will lie, lie and then lie some more. His only goal is to act as the President's publicly-paid personal attorney. He will continue to do so today.

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Bill Barr has blatantly violated the constitution and has acted as Trumps personal attorney instead of performing the duties of the Attorney General. He needs to be removed from office. I am encouraged that congress is investigating his actions. I am skeptical that the spineless Republicans will actually take any meaningful action. I expect that Barr will repeatedly lie and distort the truth in an attempt to justify his actions. I will watch the testimony as my schedule allows, probably won't see all of it.

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Great job putting context around today's witnesses and activities. I am glad to see Congress trying to be effective and trying to hold people whom we KNOW to be complicit responsible. I find, however, that I am too invested in outcomes now. The protests, the DOJ corruption, the pandemic, Trump, and now Biden's VP choice are all weighing on me, as I know must be true for everyone else, too. This has happened before. It is easy to lose objectivity and to become emotional. So I will take a few days to recalibrate and then come back with a steadier perception. Thanks for putting this stuff in context and in perspective. Your work is always appreciated, even when reading it DRIVES ME CRAZY! <smile>

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He'll lie, nothing will be done.



I am not optimistic, at all, about this. If something does happen, whatever that may be, I will be shocked. The corruption is so vast and deep, it will take years to clean up.

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Great headline. Ha ha ha! What COULD he possibly say? He's already published his introduction. He is creating a dictator. How can he have advanced as far as he has career-wise with this skewed view?

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Dear Amee, I tried, I really tried, but I can´t listen anymore to the deflections, denials, the wheeling and dealing of Bill Barr or Trump. I´m raised & educated to be open minded and to see both sides in a “discussion” but for me this goes beyond any form of comprehension or empathy.

And again, I know I´m repeating myself, I really don´t understand that still 40% of Americans approve of Donald Trump. How big a mess can he make?

But for me that begs the question: How is it possible that the 60% that disapprove are completely unable to communicate this to the rest?

You have Lincoln project, Meidas Touch, Eleven Films, Don Winslow, Vets … etc etc. But they´re all preaching for their own parish. The 60% stays 60% …

I understand there will always be a % of hardcore racists/fascists, we have ´m here in Europe too. But 40%? I find that hard to imagine.

Shouldn´t some different tactics or strategies be applied? This way Trump will go into the elections with 40% secure support? Damn

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Nah, I don’t need to waste my time listening to that lying, traitorous sack bluster and BS while repugs waste time with procedural machinations, objections, and childish disruptions. They make a mockery of their oaths. I’ll be watching Law & Order reruns.

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I’m feeling particularly pessimistic this morning; probably the excellent, but uncompromising report I listened to this morning here: https://youtu.be/DtLDrskGLqU https://youtu.be/DtLDrskGLqU

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He's an idiot, plain and simple and a corrupt one at that.

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I held down my gorge while Jordan rapped drivel. Again. I stayed with it until Barr said there was no cause to investigate Flynn because he had not committed a crime. But he knows better than I do that the charging of a crime follows an investigation, not vice versa. He cares only about his chance to create a theocracy. Which church got gobs of relief money? “His” church.

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