Right wing groups clash with anti-police protesters on Aug. 22, 2020 in Portland, Oregon: A member of the Proud Boys white nationalist group fires a paint ball gun into a crowd of anti-police protesters, as the two sides clash. (Photo by Nathan Howard/via Getty Images)
Before Biden was elected president in November, the Brookings Institute pinpointed the most important government reforms our political system needed in 2021, in order to instill renewed faith in the process with the American electorate. While there are few positive take-aways from the last four years of political turmoil, it is undeniable that Donald Trump served to reveal many of the biggest weaknesses in our democratic chain link and highlight what needs immediate reform.
Brookings specifies the following glaring issues that need to be immediately addressed by the Biden administration:
Make Deep bureaucratic repairs, that involve limiting campaign spending and special interest lobbing, and create a new path where the government and those who work for us are given the tools and authority to get the biggest jobs done.
Reinforce the ethics system that protects against corruption and overhauls the broken legislative process by ending gridlock and insider dealing and produces effectual federal oversight, by specifically reinforcing the Office of Government Ethics and Offices of Inspector General. (I would argue this should be the first priority.)
Reinvent the federal government, by streamlining and bolstering what is working, and deleting bloated hierarchies, duplication, obsolete field offices, needless regulations, and antiquated systems that serve no real purpose.
Eliminate half of “at-will” presidential appointments, commonly referred to as the Plum Book, to sharply restrict the Trump administration’s process of utilizing every free slot to instill further control over Republicans and the federal hierarchy in general.
Revitalize public service to increase federal productivity and retention, that encourages new generations of Americans to pursue careers in government, restoring “regular order” in the federal budgeting process and focusing on the basic “nuts and bolts” process that creates action.
Employ basic common sense, built on the bedrock of individual responsibility and accountability, that replaces bureaucratic verbiage with real policy that allows the federal government to flourish.
These are all great suggestions and handle some of the most pressing, basic issues that the entire federal government will face in the aftermath of cleaning up the Trump damage, but there is also the issue of unforeseeable obstacles we will continue to face that are keeping the American public in an unproductive state of shell shock. Some of these hurdles can only be handled as they arise, and within the limitations of a nation that is heavily divided and where compromise remains largely absent.
Some of these larger trends will shape the political landscape of 2021 and the next four years and could include issues like:
A continued sense of alternate universes, further emphasized by Trump’s talent for taking over the media and a possible campaign launch for a 2024 presidential bid.
The ongoing struggle over facts and accurate reporting, with half of the country not truly understanding what that means.
The vacuum within the Republican Party, and who big money donors will use to fill it.
The ever increasingdanger of white nationalism and domestic terrorism, and balancing that threat with the need for First Amendment protections.
The implementation of racial justice reform, in a way that has as much broad support as possible, so that policy can be quickly and effectively implemented, making change actually visible in minority communities.
Creating any form of meaningful legislation within the current and unrelenting grid-lock in Congress.
Taking back the pace of politics after Trump has kept us in a four year media cyclone.
These are just a few of my concerns as we start down this new path of possibility, while trying to heal the nation from the residual trauma of Trump. What are your biggest concerns as we move forward in 2021, and attempt to navigate the repair of America within the greatest cultural divide this country has ever seen? What are you hoping for or working toward, and what do you fear most?
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We need to hold trump accountable. If we don’t prosecute him and his cronies for all their criminal behaviors while in office, the next corrupt president will go even further down the path of corruption and self dealing.
The problem is two sided to have unity, Biden can't push to hard to punish Trump without including the whole GOP, and then lose any support from the new congress,
If the system fails to seek justice for trumps corruption + his accomplices, I’m ready to snatch them up & take our justice, then go after the system & people that failed to hold them accountable, & get justice for their complacency. I’m sick of this shit. They got the money, but we got the numbers.
I think that you hit the nail on the head--we have Republicans and Democrats literally living in different political worlds now, and tens of millions of Americans are going to think that we have an illegitimate President come January 20, 2021. That can't be anything other than a recipe for disaster, though I have no idea how to fix this problem. We can't simply go back to the days where everyone got their information from CBS, NBC and ABC. I would love it if people could or would respond to this comment with suggestions as to how to fix this growing political chasm.
Several paths are open to Biden and to congress, but how far Biden wants to push can backfire to a worse situation, I think I would leave it up the DOJ, and who ever is appointed AG.
I feel part of any reinvention should be how bills are written and what gets included. We are told on our jobs to stay on topic, but Congress goes hog wild with add ons.
Most Americans do not read these bills (who has the time?), most Americans do not understand why there are so many add ons and why (who would?), most Americans only care about the intent (why not?).
I do not care if it makes more work for Congress, tough shit. Focus, people, focus!
The bggest problem is letting lobbyists write bills that apply to their industry or to. related industries,, Term limits would limit how much money flows to any party. I know a representatives that stated he actually worked less then a year and half, of a two year term because he had to raise money to get on the committee he wanted and also to raise money for his reelection, which has been what I've complained about to be a politician you have to be greedy or you don't get to far in the party....
Nice refresher; but considering the wide support from all types of electorate, shouldn't Biden, feel obligated to consider the agreements he made with progressives as well sitting in the middle of the aisle ignored by both sides. Dreaming that the Republicans are going to pour favorite status over one of their own when Mitch may still be charge and not realizing that if it doesn't help the GOP, it ain't going to happen, is totally redicioius and very short sighted. Happy New Year, Amee
Wow, Good starting list. It seems a lot of our issues come from lack of civic knowledge/involvement. Civic education for the upcoming generations needs to be a priority. Current generation is a write-off I'm afraid.
No one person should ever again be able to hold legislation hostage in either house. All scheduling should be decided by a committee equally staffed by the dominant parties. Tie votes always go to the floor. Neither house should be allowed to police itself again. An independent authority should be responsible for investigating, and have enforcement authority in investigating/punishment. Both would be unpopular with D or R but it needs to be done.
Police reform needs to be coupled with social reform or it WILL fail. Yes, there are bad cops, but most are just doing their jobs as best they can. When someone calls something in, they are bound to investigate, not knowing all the facts of what may be a citizens prejudice. They get stuck in the middle. Defund is not an answer. Reform of society and police is.
The media (both legitimate & the nuts) need to rein in the rush to ratings. There should be consequences for airing and promoting unproven theories or allegations. Being entertainment should not be an excuse to deliberately mislead (either broadcast or cable/streaming). Yeah, it restricts their 1st amendment rights, but it is just as dangerous as an assault rifle, and no one doubts they should be restricted to responsible use.
Trust in the rule of law will take a LONG time to rebuild, Bail reform, equal justice regardless of how priced a lawyer you have, prison reform, etc.
It's a long list that probably won't get solved in any of our lifetimes but we have to start somewhere.
I think it starts with money and strict laws preventing MOC from making laws that enrich their special interests and themselves. Having a bunch of fat-cat multimillionaires doling stingy pennies of OUR money to starving Americans while buttering the asses of their billionaire donors is criminally immoral. Insider trading based on congressional briefings should be a felony at that MOC’s state level to prevent corrupt presidential pardons. Failing to stem the black money flow is a significant cause of where we are today.
We need to hold trump accountable. If we don’t prosecute him and his cronies for all their criminal behaviors while in office, the next corrupt president will go even further down the path of corruption and self dealing.
Yes, absolutely.
The problem is two sided to have unity, Biden can't push to hard to punish Trump without including the whole GOP, and then lose any support from the new congress,
If the system fails to seek justice for trumps corruption + his accomplices, I’m ready to snatch them up & take our justice, then go after the system & people that failed to hold them accountable, & get justice for their complacency. I’m sick of this shit. They got the money, but we got the numbers.
So well thought out and written. This is very insightful and intelligent. Thank you SHERO 🙌🏻🙂🙌🏻
I think that you hit the nail on the head--we have Republicans and Democrats literally living in different political worlds now, and tens of millions of Americans are going to think that we have an illegitimate President come January 20, 2021. That can't be anything other than a recipe for disaster, though I have no idea how to fix this problem. We can't simply go back to the days where everyone got their information from CBS, NBC and ABC. I would love it if people could or would respond to this comment with suggestions as to how to fix this growing political chasm.
Several paths are open to Biden and to congress, but how far Biden wants to push can backfire to a worse situation, I think I would leave it up the DOJ, and who ever is appointed AG.
Is there an EVERYTHING response? Fix all of the above? Thank God Biden has experience and is bringing in experienced people to undo this wreckage.
I feel part of any reinvention should be how bills are written and what gets included. We are told on our jobs to stay on topic, but Congress goes hog wild with add ons.
Most Americans do not read these bills (who has the time?), most Americans do not understand why there are so many add ons and why (who would?), most Americans only care about the intent (why not?).
I do not care if it makes more work for Congress, tough shit. Focus, people, focus!
The bggest problem is letting lobbyists write bills that apply to their industry or to. related industries,, Term limits would limit how much money flows to any party. I know a representatives that stated he actually worked less then a year and half, of a two year term because he had to raise money to get on the committee he wanted and also to raise money for his reelection, which has been what I've complained about to be a politician you have to be greedy or you don't get to far in the party....
Nice refresher; but considering the wide support from all types of electorate, shouldn't Biden, feel obligated to consider the agreements he made with progressives as well sitting in the middle of the aisle ignored by both sides. Dreaming that the Republicans are going to pour favorite status over one of their own when Mitch may still be charge and not realizing that if it doesn't help the GOP, it ain't going to happen, is totally redicioius and very short sighted. Happy New Year, Amee
Wow, Good starting list. It seems a lot of our issues come from lack of civic knowledge/involvement. Civic education for the upcoming generations needs to be a priority. Current generation is a write-off I'm afraid.
No one person should ever again be able to hold legislation hostage in either house. All scheduling should be decided by a committee equally staffed by the dominant parties. Tie votes always go to the floor. Neither house should be allowed to police itself again. An independent authority should be responsible for investigating, and have enforcement authority in investigating/punishment. Both would be unpopular with D or R but it needs to be done.
Police reform needs to be coupled with social reform or it WILL fail. Yes, there are bad cops, but most are just doing their jobs as best they can. When someone calls something in, they are bound to investigate, not knowing all the facts of what may be a citizens prejudice. They get stuck in the middle. Defund is not an answer. Reform of society and police is.
The media (both legitimate & the nuts) need to rein in the rush to ratings. There should be consequences for airing and promoting unproven theories or allegations. Being entertainment should not be an excuse to deliberately mislead (either broadcast or cable/streaming). Yeah, it restricts their 1st amendment rights, but it is just as dangerous as an assault rifle, and no one doubts they should be restricted to responsible use.
Trust in the rule of law will take a LONG time to rebuild, Bail reform, equal justice regardless of how priced a lawyer you have, prison reform, etc.
It's a long list that probably won't get solved in any of our lifetimes but we have to start somewhere.
I think it starts with money and strict laws preventing MOC from making laws that enrich their special interests and themselves. Having a bunch of fat-cat multimillionaires doling stingy pennies of OUR money to starving Americans while buttering the asses of their billionaire donors is criminally immoral. Insider trading based on congressional briefings should be a felony at that MOC’s state level to prevent corrupt presidential pardons. Failing to stem the black money flow is a significant cause of where we are today.