(Man looking at Pleiades star cluster and Orion constellation, Nickel Plate Lake, Penticton, British Columbia, Canada.)
We are living the same day over and over and have so little control over a lot of our circumstances, so what do you choose to focus on each day to lift your spirits or keep you focused? Is there a leader you are looking to during this pandemic who inspires you? Do you have a faith you practice? Is there a goal you have or a strategy you are using to move forward daily? Is there a family member or friend you chose to focus on?
What is your inspiration in this uncertain and scary time?
These days, when each day seems like the one before, I still like listening to Andrew Cuomo as the voice of reason and assurance. He is the leader I follow. And PS, I don't live in NYC or NY.
The nurses and doctors on the front lines are my hero’s.
Instead of worrying myself depressed, I gathered ALL my fabrics for quilting and started making masks. So far, I’ve made almost 100 masks; still going strong.
My goal, do something positive that’s filled with love from my heart to replace the worry. I believe worrying is wasted energy that feeds the beast.
I am a mother of two (college age) and an educator. My students are my motivation to not surrender to the dark night of the soul this Covid-19 wants me to give in to daily. I work for them online.
I also read MADELINE L’Engle quotes.
Like it or not, we either add to the darkness of indifference and out-and-out evil which surrounds us or we light a candle to see by. -
My wife and I cheer each time you send out an update that you are getting better.
We both are at home teleworking and that keeps us busy for most of the day.
My North Star is most definitely my wife.
She always has been and even more so now.
Shortly before Covid 19 started, she took up knitting to keep both her hands busy and not scroll through Twitter and the news constantly reading about our current insane administration and politics.
As for myself, I bought a sewing machine and some supplies and began learning how to sew. I've gotten pretty good at making masks.
We also have three dogs and three small parrots that are really enjoying the hell out of us being home all day. They do get irritating when we are on conference calls and they see someone or something outside and begin a barking and screeching party.
We watch the Cuomo brothers in the evening too get updates (you should really get on Chris Cuomo's show and share your Covid 19 experiences) Other than that we are just taking it day by day.
Keep getting better and virtual hugs from your home state.
The frontline workers are heroes to me in the same way the civil servants are that testified about Ukraine. Every doctor speaking truth about covid are my north stars. That and nature. Every flower, weed (those budding weeds are beautiful!) and tree on my morning walk through my neighborhood and the succulents I grow in my house. So happy to hear from you. I go looking for you on twitter when it’s been too long ; )
I found a 60 day exercise calendar online, and being able to ✓ every time I do a workout gets me out of bed every day. Simple but effective. Added bonus: working out keeps me offline for a little while at least, which offers a nice reprieve from, well, everything.
The 7PM cheer for essential workers lifts my heart and fills me with joy. My community comes together (at our windows) and it reminds me that New Yorkers are strong and unified.
This is so touching. As an RN in the midst of this, knowing we have so many people cheering us on through what feels like a futile shift, helps refocus us. So thank you.
I have a fantastic partner his name is Swift the Corgi and everyday he reminds me love can be unconditional and a game of ball is the epitome of good time. I focus on simple things. Check in with Family and Tuesday night got the neighbors to go out on their decks and watch the Pink Full Moon rise over Narragansett Bay. It was magnificent. So glad you are feeling Better Amee! Patricia
In my non-professor side, I write paranormal romantic suspense. Romance always has an happily ever after (HEA). These days, we need the promise of a happy ending more than ever. Writing fiction is my happy place. xoxo
Hi, Amee, I hope you are feeling much better by now. I do have a deep and abiding faith in the Creator. To lift my spirits, I work in my flowers and I'm planning a vegetable garden. I also am doing more housework. I'm a usual homebody before COVID 19 became another concern.
I live in a rural town, with few citizens. Social distancing is something I've always practiced as a Health Care Professional.(retired 8 years ago by my Dr.) I really feel for city dwellers who are stuck in their apartments in a concrete jungle. Thank you for your work, especially when you were so sick.
I just push forward with the hope that maybe someday, things will return to "normal", even though I also think that normal will become something different than it was before COVID-19 swept across the planet. I still have a job (even though I am working from home now), so each morning, I get up, brush my teeth and shave, just as I did every workday before this ongoing nightmare began. Then, I plunk myself down at my dining table, turn on my laptop, and begin to work (after responding to your newsletter, of course!). It's the only way I've found for me to personally deal with this insanity.
I do really miss the close, personal interactions that I had before, though.
My family and I are survivors. We fight for what we want, never give up, and always have hope. As a child born in the 70s, I've been through plenty of change, and have lived without convenience. We're all survivors - sometimes we just have to dig deep. We're all in this together. That's my message. Much 💛 to you, Amee - thank you for sharing your Coronavirus nightmare.
I am not originally from, where I live, my husband is. Here it is RED, very cliquey, almost clanish. A church on every corner and the most judgemental people you'll ever meet. I tried, for years, to make friends. Nope. So I lost myself in my work. We tried to have a child with some help with fertility drugs we had a daughter. She is my star. She is 23, graduated college in Dec and had been job hunting when the world changed. I cry, at night, for her. I want her to have a chance and move from this area. She has friends, scattered all over. I want her to be able to visit them. I want her to have a family. I get my strength from her. She is my star.
My adult children and my grandkids keep me focused on staying home, staying safe for them. My kids FaceTime with me to check in and seeing my little identical twin granddaughters happily calling,”Hi Granny!” feeds my soul. 🥰
I follow Elizabeth Warren and the fights she is fighting. It gives me hope to see principled public servants like her, Bernie Sanders, AOC, Pelosi, and so many others doing what they can to help the public. I have local leaders doing a lot too, including Governor Cuomo. Personally, I am trying to just remind myself that whatever hardships I have, like my salary being slashed by 40%, so many have it worse. I try to be grateful for what I have, as much as I can.
My North Star is getting out every morning to hike with my labradoodle, Murphy. Then working in the mornings which is really making calls to family, friends, colleagues, current and past clients, just to check in, ask if they need anything. It's been a remarkable lesson in listening. There is always something I can share in a follow up email or text. A recipe, a picture of my garden, emailing an article I found that would answer a question. I am thrilled that Joe Biden is now the nominee to move America forward. My inspiration is being grateful I am alive.
Greetings from Southern California, Amee. I send my sincere best thoughts as you continue to recover. Be well.
I live with my wife and my 23 year old son. Julie and I have an active North Star of relocating to a beach town in Mexico (Puerto Morelos) as I retire and to do so in a way that allows my son to remain stable and successful, as he is. Also to be set up in a way that allows him and our other family - my step daughter and her daughter - to visit when opportunity arises. We use this as our focus as we research, take steps in that direction, and continue to dream it into being.
Photography is a diversion I love. I've joined into some online communities that do photographic scavenger hunts, which are great fun on top of being able to create photos and see the great photos created by others.
Finally, as these past years have evolved, I've become more and more focused and radical in my politics. I believe that greed and the associated capitalism-without-ethics are the true root causes of all the big issues we face. Climate change, healthcare, social justice, racial justice, gender and racial inequalities all spring from the same fountain. That is the enemy I focus on dismantling. That focus allows me to use my resources and energy wisely by filtering my efforts through that prism.
I struggled at first - not because Covid-19 brought many changes to my day-to-day, but because I grew up with The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits. This feels like a you-are-here, Rod Serling narrating at my back, episode. I keep reminding myself that this is not like war - it has an end, an expiration date. Science will provide an antidote and be more on top of what's coming down the pike.
I've had to grab hold of my focus and give it a good shake... I'm planning the vegetable gardens to help stock the local food shelf and women's shelter pantries. I am applying for a grant to work with a mentor on my dark fantasy novel. And I've gone back to a daily writing routine and regular showers (HA!).
Regaining my focus started with a jigsaw puzzle. A few minutes here, a few minutes there whenever I felt stuck in mental drift. The puzzle's done, boxed up, and put away. I'm ready to shed the distractions.
Please get better - and trust that recovery will take time.
Three things to move through lingering symptoms....Aerobic excersize (cycling, fast walking, indoor low impact aerobics), Respiratory Therapy Breathing (plenty of amazing ones on line), Having someone slap your back (also a therapy that one can find on line) Key is...get the lungs working, expanding, circulating. Much luck and love to you.
My Spiritual practices have risen to the occasion. Beyond Yoga, Meditation, Prayer, I also enrolled in an online Tarot study. The Biddy Tarot Certification Program. A fascinating tour of symbols and Jungian philosophy. A beautiful distraction or guidance (your choice) that helps my friends and family.
Hi Amee! I’m so happy to read your email and knowing you’re getting better. I’m observing Holy Week (gave up Instagram for a week), has been helping small businesses locally and statewide by purchasing goods and services especially certain businesses donating/giving for covid19 cause. On a daily basis, I check on my family/friends, fellow nurses from afar - ensuring they are ok, lifting them up, assuring them I am well. My 87 y/o mom surviving Multiple Myeloma and Alzheimer’s, Mother Teresa and Don Bosco are my inspirations/motivators. I’ve been asking for their intercession since 1995 - it’s always been my goal/dream to retire my nursing career early so I can do personal philanthropy/volunteer work. As what Mother Teresa said, “do small things with great love” - indeed, indeed, indeed. No matter how small we can give/do - reach out to someone, one day at a time. Practice simple/small acts of kindness and mercy - everything else will follow. The unexpected desires of your heart follows. This mantra keeps me going, after all it’s personally tested/proven. Everyday.
I am grateful to so many people at this time of crisis, for every role each one gives, for contributing in “we are in this together” acts of kindness. I am grateful to you for what you give, and to your followers as we learn from each other . X💙X🦋 🕯🙏🏼🕊💐
The workers: the nurses, the doctors, the grocery store employees—who risk their lives unprotected for WAY too little money so we can fight over toilet paper & eggs. I just sent pizza (from a local place) to my local market. They were BOTH so incredibly happy at the small gesture... I didn’t even tell them my name. I just said it was from “a grateful community.”
It sounds trite, but one thing that I have turned to, and always depended on, is music. It's not a north star; it's a release, a chance to feel - alone - what I can't express to others. But of course, I write in my head all the time as well. I tend not to rely on people, but I'm grateful beyond expressing to Andrew Cuomo, who's acting like a president and whose press conferences remind me that rational, thoughtful, and caring people are still here.
These routines are so inspiring! Sending all the good vibes to Amee and everyone during this difficult time. My Dad and Mom are healthcare workers seeing patients during this time (cardiology) so I try to stay positive and support them (just mailed them masks). Meditating, taking walks and listening to music are keeping me sane (so far!). ❤️❤️❤️
How are you? I hope that you’ve been good to yourself during this period. Did you ever get access to a Covid-19 kit? Has someone been dropping of food for you?
First of all, I’ve been gobsmacked at the level of indifference, glutinous hoarding, and this boorish behavior playing out at any convenience stores: that it’s all about what my family has and what everyone else will have to live without as needy people. This includes hand sanitizer, female hygiene products, toilet paper, paper towels, napkins , etc. I’m getting close to living without one item that I depend upon for my complex healthcare needs. This may increase my susceptibility to becoming infected.
To answer your answer, I’ve been stuck by the variety of readers that you have throughout the United States. That is a tribute to you Ms. Vanderpool for engaging with us and encouraging us to respond.
My North Star is the scientists who are working long, hard hours to come up with a sure-fire vaccine. Basic science , process development, and good manufacturing practices (GMP) vaccine work with QA/QC standardization. The work is so unforgiving to the body and mind. Those days are unfortunately behind me, but I remember all too well that in order to have a good product, you needed nothing short of rigorous double blind testing to determine a positive vaccine candidate. Unfortunately our unprofessional President has further thrown the entire process into disarray with his unsubstantiated claim that hydroxycloroquine is the silver bullet. Well, studies show that it isn’t. People have suffered and died from this misstep. A mentor informed me that he was willing to test for SARS-CoV-2. So the NIH (Dr. Francis Collins), Dr. Anthony Fauci, the scientific community has given me affirmation that they will come up with a solution. Personally Spiderman our greyhound has given warm companionship to me and my family🌷.
Be well, Amee. My best wishes toward your recovery!
Hi Amee, I hope you are feeling better. My North Star is the hope that this unprecedented event is forcing all humans to review the way we have been living, and to reassess what we should keep and what we need to change. I am hopeful that we will emerge with a firm desire to reduce our negative impact on the planet by reducing our carbon emissions, our reliance on the global supply chain, and our support of a system that enriches the very few at the top while leaving the vast majority of us in misery, sickness and poverty. We need to return to a state of strong local communities with values of cooperation, collaboration and sharing of resources and end support of that which keeps us separate and enslaved. Practices which keep me positive are daily yoga, eating healthy, prayer, meditation, supportive 12-step and spiritual community and reading and watching uplifting materials. I also try to take a larger view of human history and prehistory. We have all been here before, let's recreate the world now.
I am doing yoga with my teacher on Zoom! It’s a blessing to be able to do this with a full class, all of us in our homes together. I’m also calling my 80 year old Mother once a day. I have never done this in my life, it’s never been an easy relationship. You know what? It’s not so bad. I feel for her like I never have before. She’s alone I’m not. Maybe something will shift permanently going forward. This would be a COVID miracle. I hope you are doing OK Amee. Sending virtual hugs 🤗
You're one of my inspirations, along with Chuck Wendig, Sean Dietrich (aka Sean of the South), and my husband. Watching nature. Giving thanks that we're here for one more day to see plants growing, budding, blooming. Loving our neighbours, friends and family from a safe distance.
My faith is my north star. This has reminded me how little control I have in life. This is an extraordinary and ordinary time. Control is an illusion. I just keep trying to be a positive impact and trust that God has not brought us this far to leave us. Compassion, empathy and kindness is key. I pray everyday for everyone who has this virus, protection for those not infected including all medical, first responders and service provider and pray for scientists to be inspired to find the cure.
I like MATH.:.it helps ask questions and focuses on Reproofing and proof;like,is it so hard to hold one anothers hand worldwide(mobitels CAN help fuck an app) and take 1 step foreward together into the shallow
Been going over my old books too- LOGIC - which goes over all the rules of well, logic and how to build an argument, and going over my Geometry, I was soo bad at it in HS and although I passed with a B, I left that class clueless. I guess I want a crack at it again, to see 20+ years of life and additional education has led me a place I can now easily understand it.
My students are keeping me super focused as I've thrown all my classes online. It's an adjustment that hasn't been easy for anyone, and I already teach 2 online lecture classes. I've had to wrangle a few students back in knowing full well I probably can't keep all of them. Some of my normally solid performers have really been shaken up by the the whole thing, so the amount of counseling I do has tripled. But it's worth it. Some of them are really stepping up and it's making the hours I spend in front of the computer worth it. I should probably take more breaks, but instead I sit there waiting for the next upload, the next comment, the next post that reassures me that they're okay. My students really are propelling me forward, keeping me from drowning in this mess.
I am lucky (or not) that my husband and I started a kitchen remodel in late February. It has had its challenges but it looks like next week it might be mostly completed except for the floor which we still haven't decided upon. That has given me something to focus on, plus to see new life in my old awful kitchen has given me joy. Then in May we will start working on the backyard. Our house will never look better after this is over.
Disicipline -- Just do it!~! Work from home, improve your environment, connect virtually with family & friends. Try to find grocery delivery services that have time slots to deliver- HA! Play great music and sing!
A deep Faith. I take in the words of the 23rd Psalm to heart. Plus I am a home helper so way out on the fringe of the essential workers but still very necessary to my clients. Keeping myself germ free for their sake is added responsibility but serving them is a great way through this time. It gives me a sense of purpose and of great peace.
I hope you are feeling better and getting stronger everyday! For me this is all about my two girls. One is 31 and living on her own, one is 17 and living with her dad and I at home. I have generalized anxiety disorder and keeping it together is sometimes not so easy. But they need to see me going about my business and not freaking out because they are scared and worried. I'm not suggesting hiding my fear and worry but trying to show them how to manage it and still function. Mostly I would like to curl up in a ball with the covers over my head and wait for it to be over, instead I have gotten up everyday and managed to accomplish something, even if it was just dinner and baking bread. One of the discoveries of parenthood-I need them as much as they need me.
Normally I’d work out daily but I’ve been fighting a bronchitis which is new to me. Some days are better and I can sneak an ab workout in but pay for it. My work hours were cut down to three days a week. Getting caught up on home maintenance, walking, doing crafts with my girls. Drinking wine. Ha
I do my 3 morning pages, the brain dump exercise from the book the Artist's Way, transfer any important to-dos that come from the exercise to my google tasks or a BUJO, eat a whole foods plant based diet, do yoga or walk each day, checking in with friends and family, and focus my free time on doing the things I love the most, which usually is either learning, discovering, or making art of some form. This has been helping me stay balanced.
“I don’t want to die in poverty, I want poverty to die in me”, attributed to a single mother, living in N.YC., many years ago. This has provided guidance to me through my life. Of course, this remarkable woman was speaking of non physical needs. She gave me a lift when I most needed it. Today, I live on Galiano Island, British Columbia, surprisingly the size of Manhattan Island with a population of 1,200. A simpler life. I believe the outcome of this current hell is that an awakening will emerge. Community. Appreciation for what we have or truly need, not the elusive and temporary satisfaction from material goods.
From my point in life I'm on borrowed time, since my retirement I've become a homebody mostly not by plan but due to medical conditions not related to the virus, I was amazed that the current studies are showing the total blind side of the virus coming from Europe and not China as Washinton and Georgia seem to think, which goes to show if you only look in one direction you might not see anything and least of all what kills you. Also try to keep tabs on some of the miss direction of the some of the simulus items in the bills that have passed seem to be misdirected in the form of tax free gifts, the notion that a free loan (that doesn't need to be paid back if they keep paying employee) is not going help when employees can get better deals by unemployment benefits, with $600.00 bonus, but the fact loan deals hinge on the banks and were so late that to many employees had already been layed off..
My governor has become the mover of the country, which is great, it's nice to have a guiding light at times like this, one who tries to be truthful, and informative rather then one who is a pat on his own back with lies and misinformation from his lawyer who has no Medical degree to recommend medicines that hadn't been approved giving false hope to some and killing others, is a crime and should be treated as such, president or not. These are things that keep me mentally active, I might of got off subject to much but thinks were run more fluid during WWII, so I don't consider this president as a war time president, he's to affraid to act as it might impact his billionaire buddy's, his little care for the common person.
Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry's daily report, soothing ASMR voice, great necklaces, calm demeanour, all the time telling the truth of where we are, where we are going, here in BC in Canada. Step by step awareness, clarity and reality without fear. Makes me want to stay inside!
These days, when each day seems like the one before, I still like listening to Andrew Cuomo as the voice of reason and assurance. He is the leader I follow. And PS, I don't live in NYC or NY.
I don't live near NY, or NYC and I would love to have Andrew Cuomo as my POTUS.
ME TOO. For reassurance I go to Andrew Cuomo. I live in Texas.
The nurses and doctors on the front lines are my hero’s.
Instead of worrying myself depressed, I gathered ALL my fabrics for quilting and started making masks. So far, I’ve made almost 100 masks; still going strong.
My goal, do something positive that’s filled with love from my heart to replace the worry. I believe worrying is wasted energy that feeds the beast.
I am a mother of two (college age) and an educator. My students are my motivation to not surrender to the dark night of the soul this Covid-19 wants me to give in to daily. I work for them online.
I also read MADELINE L’Engle quotes.
Like it or not, we either add to the darkness of indifference and out-and-out evil which surrounds us or we light a candle to see by. -
Madeleine L'Engle
Good morning from Arizona Amee !
My wife and I cheer each time you send out an update that you are getting better.
We both are at home teleworking and that keeps us busy for most of the day.
My North Star is most definitely my wife.
She always has been and even more so now.
Shortly before Covid 19 started, she took up knitting to keep both her hands busy and not scroll through Twitter and the news constantly reading about our current insane administration and politics.
As for myself, I bought a sewing machine and some supplies and began learning how to sew. I've gotten pretty good at making masks.
We also have three dogs and three small parrots that are really enjoying the hell out of us being home all day. They do get irritating when we are on conference calls and they see someone or something outside and begin a barking and screeching party.
We watch the Cuomo brothers in the evening too get updates (you should really get on Chris Cuomo's show and share your Covid 19 experiences) Other than that we are just taking it day by day.
Keep getting better and virtual hugs from your home state.
The frontline workers are heroes to me in the same way the civil servants are that testified about Ukraine. Every doctor speaking truth about covid are my north stars. That and nature. Every flower, weed (those budding weeds are beautiful!) and tree on my morning walk through my neighborhood and the succulents I grow in my house. So happy to hear from you. I go looking for you on twitter when it’s been too long ; )
I found a 60 day exercise calendar online, and being able to ✓ every time I do a workout gets me out of bed every day. Simple but effective. Added bonus: working out keeps me offline for a little while at least, which offers a nice reprieve from, well, everything.
The 7PM cheer for essential workers lifts my heart and fills me with joy. My community comes together (at our windows) and it reminds me that New Yorkers are strong and unified.
This is so touching. As an RN in the midst of this, knowing we have so many people cheering us on through what feels like a futile shift, helps refocus us. So thank you.
We’re cheering for you, John. 💙👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
I have a fantastic partner his name is Swift the Corgi and everyday he reminds me love can be unconditional and a game of ball is the epitome of good time. I focus on simple things. Check in with Family and Tuesday night got the neighbors to go out on their decks and watch the Pink Full Moon rise over Narragansett Bay. It was magnificent. So glad you are feeling Better Amee! Patricia
What is your NorthStar Amee?
Two things:
1) music - keeps my spirits lifted and my brain engaged.
2) belief that we are only small specs of dust in a vast universe of wonder and miracle.
In my non-professor side, I write paranormal romantic suspense. Romance always has an happily ever after (HEA). These days, we need the promise of a happy ending more than ever. Writing fiction is my happy place. xoxo
Hi, Amee, I hope you are feeling much better by now. I do have a deep and abiding faith in the Creator. To lift my spirits, I work in my flowers and I'm planning a vegetable garden. I also am doing more housework. I'm a usual homebody before COVID 19 became another concern.
I live in a rural town, with few citizens. Social distancing is something I've always practiced as a Health Care Professional.(retired 8 years ago by my Dr.) I really feel for city dwellers who are stuck in their apartments in a concrete jungle. Thank you for your work, especially when you were so sick.
I just push forward with the hope that maybe someday, things will return to "normal", even though I also think that normal will become something different than it was before COVID-19 swept across the planet. I still have a job (even though I am working from home now), so each morning, I get up, brush my teeth and shave, just as I did every workday before this ongoing nightmare began. Then, I plunk myself down at my dining table, turn on my laptop, and begin to work (after responding to your newsletter, of course!). It's the only way I've found for me to personally deal with this insanity.
I do really miss the close, personal interactions that I had before, though.
My family and I are survivors. We fight for what we want, never give up, and always have hope. As a child born in the 70s, I've been through plenty of change, and have lived without convenience. We're all survivors - sometimes we just have to dig deep. We're all in this together. That's my message. Much 💛 to you, Amee - thank you for sharing your Coronavirus nightmare.
I am not originally from, where I live, my husband is. Here it is RED, very cliquey, almost clanish. A church on every corner and the most judgemental people you'll ever meet. I tried, for years, to make friends. Nope. So I lost myself in my work. We tried to have a child with some help with fertility drugs we had a daughter. She is my star. She is 23, graduated college in Dec and had been job hunting when the world changed. I cry, at night, for her. I want her to have a chance and move from this area. She has friends, scattered all over. I want her to be able to visit them. I want her to have a family. I get my strength from her. She is my star.
My adult children and my grandkids keep me focused on staying home, staying safe for them. My kids FaceTime with me to check in and seeing my little identical twin granddaughters happily calling,”Hi Granny!” feeds my soul. 🥰
I have re-started my Tai Chi routine and also started running with my dog. Some good must come from this.
I hope you are 100% soon.
Learning to grow indoor sprouts. Learning to eat them.
I follow Elizabeth Warren and the fights she is fighting. It gives me hope to see principled public servants like her, Bernie Sanders, AOC, Pelosi, and so many others doing what they can to help the public. I have local leaders doing a lot too, including Governor Cuomo. Personally, I am trying to just remind myself that whatever hardships I have, like my salary being slashed by 40%, so many have it worse. I try to be grateful for what I have, as much as I can.
Amee, how are you feeling this week?
My North Star is getting out every morning to hike with my labradoodle, Murphy. Then working in the mornings which is really making calls to family, friends, colleagues, current and past clients, just to check in, ask if they need anything. It's been a remarkable lesson in listening. There is always something I can share in a follow up email or text. A recipe, a picture of my garden, emailing an article I found that would answer a question. I am thrilled that Joe Biden is now the nominee to move America forward. My inspiration is being grateful I am alive.
Greetings from Southern California, Amee. I send my sincere best thoughts as you continue to recover. Be well.
I live with my wife and my 23 year old son. Julie and I have an active North Star of relocating to a beach town in Mexico (Puerto Morelos) as I retire and to do so in a way that allows my son to remain stable and successful, as he is. Also to be set up in a way that allows him and our other family - my step daughter and her daughter - to visit when opportunity arises. We use this as our focus as we research, take steps in that direction, and continue to dream it into being.
Photography is a diversion I love. I've joined into some online communities that do photographic scavenger hunts, which are great fun on top of being able to create photos and see the great photos created by others.
Finally, as these past years have evolved, I've become more and more focused and radical in my politics. I believe that greed and the associated capitalism-without-ethics are the true root causes of all the big issues we face. Climate change, healthcare, social justice, racial justice, gender and racial inequalities all spring from the same fountain. That is the enemy I focus on dismantling. That focus allows me to use my resources and energy wisely by filtering my efforts through that prism.
I struggled at first - not because Covid-19 brought many changes to my day-to-day, but because I grew up with The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits. This feels like a you-are-here, Rod Serling narrating at my back, episode. I keep reminding myself that this is not like war - it has an end, an expiration date. Science will provide an antidote and be more on top of what's coming down the pike.
I've had to grab hold of my focus and give it a good shake... I'm planning the vegetable gardens to help stock the local food shelf and women's shelter pantries. I am applying for a grant to work with a mentor on my dark fantasy novel. And I've gone back to a daily writing routine and regular showers (HA!).
Regaining my focus started with a jigsaw puzzle. A few minutes here, a few minutes there whenever I felt stuck in mental drift. The puzzle's done, boxed up, and put away. I'm ready to shed the distractions.
Please get better - and trust that recovery will take time.
Three things to move through lingering symptoms....Aerobic excersize (cycling, fast walking, indoor low impact aerobics), Respiratory Therapy Breathing (plenty of amazing ones on line), Having someone slap your back (also a therapy that one can find on line) Key is...get the lungs working, expanding, circulating. Much luck and love to you.
My Spiritual practices have risen to the occasion. Beyond Yoga, Meditation, Prayer, I also enrolled in an online Tarot study. The Biddy Tarot Certification Program. A fascinating tour of symbols and Jungian philosophy. A beautiful distraction or guidance (your choice) that helps my friends and family.
Hi Amee! I’m so happy to read your email and knowing you’re getting better. I’m observing Holy Week (gave up Instagram for a week), has been helping small businesses locally and statewide by purchasing goods and services especially certain businesses donating/giving for covid19 cause. On a daily basis, I check on my family/friends, fellow nurses from afar - ensuring they are ok, lifting them up, assuring them I am well. My 87 y/o mom surviving Multiple Myeloma and Alzheimer’s, Mother Teresa and Don Bosco are my inspirations/motivators. I’ve been asking for their intercession since 1995 - it’s always been my goal/dream to retire my nursing career early so I can do personal philanthropy/volunteer work. As what Mother Teresa said, “do small things with great love” - indeed, indeed, indeed. No matter how small we can give/do - reach out to someone, one day at a time. Practice simple/small acts of kindness and mercy - everything else will follow. The unexpected desires of your heart follows. This mantra keeps me going, after all it’s personally tested/proven. Everyday.
I am grateful to so many people at this time of crisis, for every role each one gives, for contributing in “we are in this together” acts of kindness. I am grateful to you for what you give, and to your followers as we learn from each other . X💙X🦋 🕯🙏🏼🕊💐
The workers: the nurses, the doctors, the grocery store employees—who risk their lives unprotected for WAY too little money so we can fight over toilet paper & eggs. I just sent pizza (from a local place) to my local market. They were BOTH so incredibly happy at the small gesture... I didn’t even tell them my name. I just said it was from “a grateful community.”
It sounds trite, but one thing that I have turned to, and always depended on, is music. It's not a north star; it's a release, a chance to feel - alone - what I can't express to others. But of course, I write in my head all the time as well. I tend not to rely on people, but I'm grateful beyond expressing to Andrew Cuomo, who's acting like a president and whose press conferences remind me that rational, thoughtful, and caring people are still here.
Oh, and I'm reading Alice in Wonderland. I thought, I'm living in an insane time in history, why not read a book by an opium addict?
These routines are so inspiring! Sending all the good vibes to Amee and everyone during this difficult time. My Dad and Mom are healthcare workers seeing patients during this time (cardiology) so I try to stay positive and support them (just mailed them masks). Meditating, taking walks and listening to music are keeping me sane (so far!). ❤️❤️❤️
Dear Amee,
How are you? I hope that you’ve been good to yourself during this period. Did you ever get access to a Covid-19 kit? Has someone been dropping of food for you?
First of all, I’ve been gobsmacked at the level of indifference, glutinous hoarding, and this boorish behavior playing out at any convenience stores: that it’s all about what my family has and what everyone else will have to live without as needy people. This includes hand sanitizer, female hygiene products, toilet paper, paper towels, napkins , etc. I’m getting close to living without one item that I depend upon for my complex healthcare needs. This may increase my susceptibility to becoming infected.
To answer your answer, I’ve been stuck by the variety of readers that you have throughout the United States. That is a tribute to you Ms. Vanderpool for engaging with us and encouraging us to respond.
My North Star is the scientists who are working long, hard hours to come up with a sure-fire vaccine. Basic science , process development, and good manufacturing practices (GMP) vaccine work with QA/QC standardization. The work is so unforgiving to the body and mind. Those days are unfortunately behind me, but I remember all too well that in order to have a good product, you needed nothing short of rigorous double blind testing to determine a positive vaccine candidate. Unfortunately our unprofessional President has further thrown the entire process into disarray with his unsubstantiated claim that hydroxycloroquine is the silver bullet. Well, studies show that it isn’t. People have suffered and died from this misstep. A mentor informed me that he was willing to test for SARS-CoV-2. So the NIH (Dr. Francis Collins), Dr. Anthony Fauci, the scientific community has given me affirmation that they will come up with a solution. Personally Spiderman our greyhound has given warm companionship to me and my family🌷.
Be well, Amee. My best wishes toward your recovery!
Appreciative regards,
W. R. Staplin
Hi Amee, I hope you are feeling better. My North Star is the hope that this unprecedented event is forcing all humans to review the way we have been living, and to reassess what we should keep and what we need to change. I am hopeful that we will emerge with a firm desire to reduce our negative impact on the planet by reducing our carbon emissions, our reliance on the global supply chain, and our support of a system that enriches the very few at the top while leaving the vast majority of us in misery, sickness and poverty. We need to return to a state of strong local communities with values of cooperation, collaboration and sharing of resources and end support of that which keeps us separate and enslaved. Practices which keep me positive are daily yoga, eating healthy, prayer, meditation, supportive 12-step and spiritual community and reading and watching uplifting materials. I also try to take a larger view of human history and prehistory. We have all been here before, let's recreate the world now.
I am doing yoga with my teacher on Zoom! It’s a blessing to be able to do this with a full class, all of us in our homes together. I’m also calling my 80 year old Mother once a day. I have never done this in my life, it’s never been an easy relationship. You know what? It’s not so bad. I feel for her like I never have before. She’s alone I’m not. Maybe something will shift permanently going forward. This would be a COVID miracle. I hope you are doing OK Amee. Sending virtual hugs 🤗
Wonderful image.
I too use astronomy to distract me from too bad news and toxic politics.
My current mottos in these hard times:
'together we stand, divided we fall' &
'saving one life at a time'
BTW, I just received the best & most complete guide to address the covid infection.
For you and fellows...
(Help to spread the good word.:). )
You're one of my inspirations, along with Chuck Wendig, Sean Dietrich (aka Sean of the South), and my husband. Watching nature. Giving thanks that we're here for one more day to see plants growing, budding, blooming. Loving our neighbours, friends and family from a safe distance.
My faith is my north star. This has reminded me how little control I have in life. This is an extraordinary and ordinary time. Control is an illusion. I just keep trying to be a positive impact and trust that God has not brought us this far to leave us. Compassion, empathy and kindness is key. I pray everyday for everyone who has this virus, protection for those not infected including all medical, first responders and service provider and pray for scientists to be inspired to find the cure.
I like MATH.:.it helps ask questions and focuses on Reproofing and proof;like,is it so hard to hold one anothers hand worldwide(mobitels CAN help fuck an app) and take 1 step foreward together into the shallow
Been going over my old books too- LOGIC - which goes over all the rules of well, logic and how to build an argument, and going over my Geometry, I was soo bad at it in HS and although I passed with a B, I left that class clueless. I guess I want a crack at it again, to see 20+ years of life and additional education has led me a place I can now easily understand it.
My students are keeping me super focused as I've thrown all my classes online. It's an adjustment that hasn't been easy for anyone, and I already teach 2 online lecture classes. I've had to wrangle a few students back in knowing full well I probably can't keep all of them. Some of my normally solid performers have really been shaken up by the the whole thing, so the amount of counseling I do has tripled. But it's worth it. Some of them are really stepping up and it's making the hours I spend in front of the computer worth it. I should probably take more breaks, but instead I sit there waiting for the next upload, the next comment, the next post that reassures me that they're okay. My students really are propelling me forward, keeping me from drowning in this mess.
I started learning the piano again. After two months I've come along better than I expected.
Faith, communicating with family, close friends, social media, and reading fiction.
Health care providers - everyday they are fighting the good fight to save lives in a dangerous environment.
Agreed, getting out every morning, early, to walk my dog, then go back out and walk myself. That is what keeps me sane.
I am lucky (or not) that my husband and I started a kitchen remodel in late February. It has had its challenges but it looks like next week it might be mostly completed except for the floor which we still haven't decided upon. That has given me something to focus on, plus to see new life in my old awful kitchen has given me joy. Then in May we will start working on the backyard. Our house will never look better after this is over.
Disicipline -- Just do it!~! Work from home, improve your environment, connect virtually with family & friends. Try to find grocery delivery services that have time slots to deliver- HA! Play great music and sing!
I like MATH.:.it helps ask wuestions;like,is it so hard to hold one anothers hand and take 1 step foreard together into the shallow
A deep Faith. I take in the words of the 23rd Psalm to heart. Plus I am a home helper so way out on the fringe of the essential workers but still very necessary to my clients. Keeping myself germ free for their sake is added responsibility but serving them is a great way through this time. It gives me a sense of purpose and of great peace.
I hope you are feeling better and getting stronger everyday! For me this is all about my two girls. One is 31 and living on her own, one is 17 and living with her dad and I at home. I have generalized anxiety disorder and keeping it together is sometimes not so easy. But they need to see me going about my business and not freaking out because they are scared and worried. I'm not suggesting hiding my fear and worry but trying to show them how to manage it and still function. Mostly I would like to curl up in a ball with the covers over my head and wait for it to be over, instead I have gotten up everyday and managed to accomplish something, even if it was just dinner and baking bread. One of the discoveries of parenthood-I need them as much as they need me.
Be well, stay safe and wash your hands. 😉
Normally I’d work out daily but I’ve been fighting a bronchitis which is new to me. Some days are better and I can sneak an ab workout in but pay for it. My work hours were cut down to three days a week. Getting caught up on home maintenance, walking, doing crafts with my girls. Drinking wine. Ha
I do my 3 morning pages, the brain dump exercise from the book the Artist's Way, transfer any important to-dos that come from the exercise to my google tasks or a BUJO, eat a whole foods plant based diet, do yoga or walk each day, checking in with friends and family, and focus my free time on doing the things I love the most, which usually is either learning, discovering, or making art of some form. This has been helping me stay balanced.
“I don’t want to die in poverty, I want poverty to die in me”, attributed to a single mother, living in N.YC., many years ago. This has provided guidance to me through my life. Of course, this remarkable woman was speaking of non physical needs. She gave me a lift when I most needed it. Today, I live on Galiano Island, British Columbia, surprisingly the size of Manhattan Island with a population of 1,200. A simpler life. I believe the outcome of this current hell is that an awakening will emerge. Community. Appreciation for what we have or truly need, not the elusive and temporary satisfaction from material goods.
From my point in life I'm on borrowed time, since my retirement I've become a homebody mostly not by plan but due to medical conditions not related to the virus, I was amazed that the current studies are showing the total blind side of the virus coming from Europe and not China as Washinton and Georgia seem to think, which goes to show if you only look in one direction you might not see anything and least of all what kills you. Also try to keep tabs on some of the miss direction of the some of the simulus items in the bills that have passed seem to be misdirected in the form of tax free gifts, the notion that a free loan (that doesn't need to be paid back if they keep paying employee) is not going help when employees can get better deals by unemployment benefits, with $600.00 bonus, but the fact loan deals hinge on the banks and were so late that to many employees had already been layed off..
My governor has become the mover of the country, which is great, it's nice to have a guiding light at times like this, one who tries to be truthful, and informative rather then one who is a pat on his own back with lies and misinformation from his lawyer who has no Medical degree to recommend medicines that hadn't been approved giving false hope to some and killing others, is a crime and should be treated as such, president or not. These are things that keep me mentally active, I might of got off subject to much but thinks were run more fluid during WWII, so I don't consider this president as a war time president, he's to affraid to act as it might impact his billionaire buddy's, his little care for the common person.
Your intro is so damn true!
Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry's daily report, soothing ASMR voice, great necklaces, calm demeanour, all the time telling the truth of where we are, where we are going, here in BC in Canada. Step by step awareness, clarity and reality without fear. Makes me want to stay inside!