FYI. I think there's a mistake in this clause: "While the Iowa Democratic Party would confirm who had created the app they were now using for the first time," - I think you mean "would not confirm."

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A company called "Shadow"?? Dark money? Mayor Pete and Biden investors? OK. A major PR fail all around, sort of like the roll out for the ACA a few years ago. Caucuses are confusing and (to me) ridiculous... as is (to me) white bread Iowa being the first primary, making it so consequential, despite being rather unrepresentative. As has pretty much been the case with New Hampshire for decades. OT, I had to laugh watching an MSNBC field guy doing a stand up at the Buttigieg hq. In the background, a manager was "casting" the bleachers behind the podium - putting every brown and female person they could find back there. HA.

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Iowa Caucus 2020 Live Results And Updates - https://apps.npr.org/liveblogs/20200203-iowa/

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