I love in California. I receive an absentee ballot, but I usually take my ballot and drop it at a polling place. Voting by mail lets you do more research.

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Same. I always drop mine at the drop box so I can get an "I Voted" sticker =) Will keep doing that.

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Exactly! :)

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I live in California and have been voting by mail since 1988. California has a system where you can simply check a box to declare yourself a

'permanent absentee voter" and the SOS sends you a mail-in ballot for every election. I have been voting this way for decades and all of my friends do the same. I recently received an email from the SOS assuring me that I was currently registered as a Democrat and a permanent absentee voter with a link where I could check my voting history. Although the link only showed the last several years, I was able to see that all of my ballots had been receive and counted.

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I live in California and started voting by mail in 2012. The main reason was convenience, we worked late hours and had a long drive home.

I LOVE voting by mail. The ballot is secure and in Los Angeles county, you can track it online. If you check daily, you will know exactly when you're vote has been received and recorded.

It's nice to take your time with the ballot, too. You have plenty of time to google additional information, look over a candidate's history, social media, etc. It's a really enjoyable way to vote.

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I’ve been voting by mail for years, including in our primaries this year. However, in November I will deliver my mail-in ballot to city hall as soon as early voting opens in September.

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I voted today by delivering absentee ballots to the County Elections Office, where they have a guarded drop box out front. They have them outsides all polls and a few other places today (Election Day). I am a big fan and customer of the USPS! GOP's greed in trying to privatize the USPS is disgusting, but I have come to expect nothing less from them! It's one more way for them to establish feudalism in America!!

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We live in rural Virginia and we will vote all blue in person. There has never been a line more than 2 minutes long.

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And remember what Trump tried to do to my state of Nevada? We now have vote by mail and Trump did threaten to sue the state of NV...he is desperate and sees the handwriting on the wall!

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I voted by mail in the primary in PA this year and I loved it. I loved voting at home, googling ballot questions and politicians and taking time to make good decisions. I loved staying at home on Election Day in a pandemic. I especially loved PA’s email notification system, which told me when they were mailing out my ballot, and when they received it back, and that it was received timely. I want to vote by mail again but I admit I am worried. We also have drop boxes for mail in ballots, and I might use one of those instead of mailing the ballot, but that makes voting back into an errand, too. I might not decide what I will do exactly until October, when we’ll have a better idea of how the USPS is functioning. I can’t BELIEVE that I have to take into consideration that mail might not be functioning this fall, it’s pretty infuriating.

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I'm in PA, too. I voted by mail because I'm an elected poll official and we work 6 AM - 9 PM on Election Day. I will likely drop my ballot off at the Election office this time just to be safe. I found voting by mail convenient and also liked the ability to take my time. Plus I know how hard it is at the polls so one less voter in person is good for everyone in a pandemic!

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I will have to vote via mail for a couple of reasons: 1. I am at high risk for Covid and can't go in person and 2. I don't drive anymore so it is imperative that I have access to vote by mail, however, I may have to take a Lyft to post office to drop ballot off or will go to my election office or polling place to drop off. I do think Trump is making things tough for seniors and the disabled or those of us who must vote via mail. He will do anything to create havoc and I expect things to get much worse the closer we are to the election. He wants to make it harder for people to vote and will do everything he thinks will make his numbers go up. I am hoping that people will vote him out as I can't take another 4 years of him! Main thing is to vote early!

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I will, more or less, vote by mail. I will receive my ballot through the USPS, but I will - depending on the state of the USPS in late October - probably return it to my township clerk via a drop box (if one is available in my rural area). If that isn't possible, I will most likely return my ballot in person to my clerk's office - probably taking time off from work to do so - just to ensure it arrives there in time. Only as a last resort will I be voting in person on election day (which is the only in-person option in my state). Make no mistake, though, I WILL make sure my vote counts. Few things are more important than ousting the squatter in the White House.

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North Carolina resident. The entire family has had absentee applications in for weeks. The ballots are scheduled to be mailed out early next month. Our plan is to fill them out as soon as they come in, then hand-deliver them to the BOE immediately. The irony is that we live across the street from our polling place, but since I'm disabled and can't stand for any appreciable period (also high risk for COVID), it's no longer an option. NC law allows immediate family members to deliver ballots, so we don't have to depend on the mail. Then it's a matter of checking the status online until the ballot is marked as accepted. If all else fails I could use the curbside option at a polling place, as I did for the primary, but that means a fairly long wait in the car and I would prefer to keep that spot open for someone else who needs it.

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I've been voting by mail for quite a few election cycles. I've always dropped my ballots off at a drop-off box instead of mailing it.

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California resident here.

I will get my ballot in the mail.

After I fill it out, I will walk 1/2 mile to City Hall and drop my ballot in the County Drop Your Ballot Off Here box.

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I have voted by mail, but this year is far too critical to take any chances. I am voting early, in person.

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I have voted by mail for years, and my home state is a safe blue state, but I still might drop my ballot off because I am convinced that DeJoy is going to mess with the mail ballots.

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Unfortunately for us in Texas, unless you are 65 or older or have a provable medical condition you are prohibited from voting by mail. Our corrupt AG Ken Paxton has impeded the Democrats push for an expansion of mail-in ballots, fighting both state and federal lawsuits. Dems abandoned the state lawsuit and the federal suit is sitting in the 5th Circuit Appeals Court. I don't have high hopes. Texas also implemented a law that prohibits straight-party voting. Anything and everything to make it harder to cast your vote.

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