Vaccines don't happen overnight. When Easter was canceled, we knew Thanksgiving and Christmas would be too. Now, with the pause in trials, I think a spring vaccine is questionable. How many more delays will happen? How many will be re-infected, by then? Would the vaccine help them? I get so upset when I think of how things could've been so different if we had leaders who reacted properly, instead of worrying about the damn market. I know there will be a huge surge during and after the holidays. Just like now, some people will not listen to science. This is far from over. All we can do is be prepared and stay as safe as we can.
Another excellent piece, Amee. We’re coming to terms with the fact that Thanksgiving, twins’ fourth birthday, Xmas, and a 7th birthday in Feb will all be cancelled. It’s too cold in MN to do outdoor gatherings. I just bought face shields for my entire family to get us through this.
So, Nebraska is seeing a large increase, but now is when we are sending our students back to the school buildings. We (in Omaha) had been remote, but our elementary and middle school kids went back to the buildings last week and we’re getting ready to welcome our high schoolers back next week. We are using a 3/2 model and a lot of students are choosing to stay remote, but I still feel like now is not the time. As a high school librarian, I am eager to see my students, but I’d rather wait until our numbers are going down, not up.
My own children are on their fourth day in their building today, and every day I worry about them bringing something unwanted home. Now is a tough time to be a parent and a teacher! Especially in a red state!
Our Family follows Fauci !! We had a 15 person wedding in a pasture. Two weeks ago worked out great , all family, separate tables , never more than four at one place , even food table . No TG for Us so far we are all COVD Negative and want to keep it that way. AlwAys a good piece Amee
COVID cases rising has been predicted since March, so no one should be surprised. I'm not. It means retreating again to a more monastic (well, that's an exaggeration, I know) lifestyle for the next several months; the alternative for old f**kers like me is serious illness or even death. I am not interested in dying for trumputin.
Halting vaccine trials is common, and for a variety of reasons - people in trials have other health crises, for example. Problem: 90% of the population know close to zero about vaccines or trials and anti-vaxxers wouldn't a vaccine anyway even if their God told them to. An approved vaccine for children will be as much as a year behind an approved vaccine for adults.
Thanksgiving and Friendsgiving, Christmas, New Year's Eve and Day - if you simply cannot resist gathering the clan and friends for these holidays, then take our chances. I expect huge surges all through the winter because people cannot control themselves for one holiday season.
Then again, only the people who believe the virus is real, don't trust the president*, and don't care about their friends and neighbors are the most likely to carry on like it's 2019. Let them. Unfortunately, we will be paying, in real dollars and real pain, for their immaturity.
Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday; since all faiths and USA peoples can celebrate! But if this saves some turkeys' lives, I am all for it! Be vegan and try tofurky, etc.
Cold is relative, it’s good if you have snow . I took my nephew and his wife to Iceland and we had a blast, ate outside. Dipped in thermal pools . You don’t have go home to Iceland just dress warmly. Really be creative you will have fun !
Trump supporter: "Hmmm. Who do I believe? A well-regarded, esteemed medical professional? Or, do I go with the compulsively lying reality tv host? It's a tough call, but I'm going with the reality tv guy!"
Vaccines don't happen overnight. When Easter was canceled, we knew Thanksgiving and Christmas would be too. Now, with the pause in trials, I think a spring vaccine is questionable. How many more delays will happen? How many will be re-infected, by then? Would the vaccine help them? I get so upset when I think of how things could've been so different if we had leaders who reacted properly, instead of worrying about the damn market. I know there will be a huge surge during and after the holidays. Just like now, some people will not listen to science. This is far from over. All we can do is be prepared and stay as safe as we can.
Another excellent piece, Amee. We’re coming to terms with the fact that Thanksgiving, twins’ fourth birthday, Xmas, and a 7th birthday in Feb will all be cancelled. It’s too cold in MN to do outdoor gatherings. I just bought face shields for my entire family to get us through this.
Now is time to let your creativity soar! The kookier the better for kids!
So, Nebraska is seeing a large increase, but now is when we are sending our students back to the school buildings. We (in Omaha) had been remote, but our elementary and middle school kids went back to the buildings last week and we’re getting ready to welcome our high schoolers back next week. We are using a 3/2 model and a lot of students are choosing to stay remote, but I still feel like now is not the time. As a high school librarian, I am eager to see my students, but I’d rather wait until our numbers are going down, not up.
My own children are on their fourth day in their building today, and every day I worry about them bringing something unwanted home. Now is a tough time to be a parent and a teacher! Especially in a red state!
Hold the line and keep everyone safe, girl. ❤️
Our Family follows Fauci !! We had a 15 person wedding in a pasture. Two weeks ago worked out great , all family, separate tables , never more than four at one place , even food table . No TG for Us so far we are all COVD Negative and want to keep it that way. AlwAys a good piece Amee
COVID cases rising has been predicted since March, so no one should be surprised. I'm not. It means retreating again to a more monastic (well, that's an exaggeration, I know) lifestyle for the next several months; the alternative for old f**kers like me is serious illness or even death. I am not interested in dying for trumputin.
Halting vaccine trials is common, and for a variety of reasons - people in trials have other health crises, for example. Problem: 90% of the population know close to zero about vaccines or trials and anti-vaxxers wouldn't a vaccine anyway even if their God told them to. An approved vaccine for children will be as much as a year behind an approved vaccine for adults.
Thanksgiving and Friendsgiving, Christmas, New Year's Eve and Day - if you simply cannot resist gathering the clan and friends for these holidays, then take our chances. I expect huge surges all through the winter because people cannot control themselves for one holiday season.
Then again, only the people who believe the virus is real, don't trust the president*, and don't care about their friends and neighbors are the most likely to carry on like it's 2019. Let them. Unfortunately, we will be paying, in real dollars and real pain, for their immaturity.
your chances, not our chances...
Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday; since all faiths and USA peoples can celebrate! But if this saves some turkeys' lives, I am all for it! Be vegan and try tofurky, etc.
Cold is relative, it’s good if you have snow . I took my nephew and his wife to Iceland and we had a blast, ate outside. Dipped in thermal pools . You don’t have go home to Iceland just dress warmly. Really be creative you will have fun !
yikes! Too cold!
It was warmer there than in NE that year !!
Trump supporter: "Hmmm. Who do I believe? A well-regarded, esteemed medical professional? Or, do I go with the compulsively lying reality tv host? It's a tough call, but I'm going with the reality tv guy!"