I'm saving this and sharing it with family and friends.

Yesterday was my birthday - I won't say which one but it's a big number. I had no intention of watching the entire service for John Lewis but I did and I am grateful for it. George Bush, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, and Barack Obama reminded me of what we had and what the country was, flaws and all, and that was healing; they also reminded me of today and what a miserable, woebegotten state we have fallen into. The contrast is so stark that it hurts, physically and emotionally. I will re-read this now and then to remind me that what we were is what we have been for so long and must be again. November is the last chance to end this. I hope everyone who hates what we are now takes that to the ballot box or mailbox.

Thanks, Amee.

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Happy Birthday, Tim! 🦁🎉

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Thank you, Amee! Those presidents' remarks were the highlights of the day.

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I hope you get raped by a pack of wild ferals you dog faced cunt

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I really needed this today as I, too, have been feeling deep malaise. Thank you for this reminder of what we still have to do.

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