Sadly, I see that you have come around to my way of thinking, which is that Trump will not leave office regardless of what happens in November. Period. Yes, I too fear that we are on the brink of another Civil War, and the problem is that one side is vastly more heavily armed than the other.

Meanwhile, overseas, the Russians, Chinese and Iranians are collectively watching with delight as this country tears itself apart.

I moved to the United States in 1991 and became a citizen in 2008. I have never been more dismayed or saddened (and scared) to be an American.

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Nicholas Sevilla

There are far more of us decent Americans than White Supremacists that back Trump. More and more soldiers are disgusted by Trump. Some 50% of Marines detest him, according to some polling. Do not be scared you are not alone.

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You're correct, there are far more decent Americans than white supremacists. But the white supremacists didn't elect Trump, the "Christian" evangelicals did. The fact that support for Trump remains so consistently high among the evangelicals, despite all of his un-Christian activities, should tell you all you need to know about how they will vote in November. The evangelicals may not be white supremacists, but they are racists.

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I lump them all together as White Supremacists. Just one look at any of their gatherings cements it for me. Nearly 100% white people. As to the Republican Party today? About 70% white. White Supremacy is racism, no need to try to make them separate in your mind.

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So glad you are saying this out loud. That 2nd amendment reference was so obviously out of place, as was the way he held the Bible up. Pure photo op/dog whistle. No comment, no speech. Clearly a signal to the people who know what it means!

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You are correct. It's a civil war. These riots/protests are the culmination of events set in motion since Reagan. Racism, Gender, Income inequality, unemployment, debt, and now a pandemic. I actually pulled out some guns last night and made them ready. (Been in storage for at LEAST 10 years). I AM worried. Trump is not going anywhere now by any method except forcible removal. I don't expect there to be elections in November, or if there are, he won't honor the results anyways. There are no remedies, judicial or legislative, that will remove him from office unless a large group stand up to him and force the issue. I looked at the Declaration of Independence, it is as relevant now as it was in 1776. We have a tyrant and ineffective government. We need to declare our independence from trump and this government and rebuild it. You are correct, this will be a long term problem, the current generations are either too dumbed down or polarized to be trusted with anything. Start from the bottom up with education systems, science, respect. If climate change gives us the time maybe we can make a change for the better.

PS. Thanks for the posting site, I may not make much sense but it does let me vent a little!

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Trump is making sure that he is the cause of civil unrest, so that he can impose Martial Law.

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It's gravely sad that current conditions make this article true. Setting that aside for a moment, this is a wonderfully stated perspective, and in such brief form. Excellent selection of photos, too, with the loudest being the image of the church in the bg of the tear gas smoke.

"Trump would not enact the War Powers Act of 1941 in the name of protecting citizens from the deadly novel coronavirus pandemic, but he was quick to use the concept to dominate innocent people who were peacefully protesting inequality, as he was simultaneously saying he was focused on protecting them in his Rose Garden Speech." - poignant call out.

I'm glad I have the opportunity to read your work. Yes, I'll be contributing.

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No doubt. He has already declared war on this country when he purposely let COVID run roughshod over it. Now with the country already in such a vulnerable state he is using these protests to make his final move. Anyone who thinks an election can save us is dangerously naive. We have to physically fight our way out of this nightmare.

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Remember, the White Supremacist’s only language is violence. They WANT violence. We cannot give them that except as a last resort of self defense. What we must do is reform all our laws to expunge all the inequality that exists there. And shutter any business still practicing discrimination, no matter how large they are.

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Why is fighting to be treated equally so controversial

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It is “controversial” only in an Apartheid State such as America.

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Amee, thank you for this beautifully written, smart and cohesive article, you have done a wonderful job, compliments! I hope you can continue to find time to write here, few of us have the ability to write as well. Best!! ^ _^

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Trump cannot subjugate the law, if he tried pull such a stunt, inside-r police forces will mandatorially remove him, physically. This is not a tin-pot, third-world country, people will respect the enforcement of our laws. It's beyond imagination to think he would actually try make his stay -- one minute longer than is prescribed by law.

Granted Trump - is a damn fool - the pertinent question is "do rational people believe he's this much a fool or is he just a blowhard who stupidly plants that seed for his base?"

I'm confident it's the latter. Trump thrives on commotion, and he's causing a lot of commotion by nursing the thought along, inadvertently. Trump has only 'grazed' this idea, he knows it raises huge concerns, and, here we are buying into his lame psychology. Don't let this grow legs, doing that diverts attention from more immediate and pressing issues, new issues will emerge on a daily basis - the closer we get to the election.

This is the Donald Trump way to run a nation.

A similar event happened when the US had an 'almost equally' bad president, Richard Nixon, who resigned when barbarians were at the gate. Shortly after abdicating his seat Gerald Ford was inducted, the newly installed President Ford, whom no one had voted for in a general election, had this to say. Quoting: "I have not sought this enormous responsibility, but I will not shirk it. Those who nominated and confirmed me as Vice President were my friends and are my friends. They were of both parties, elected by all the people and acting under the Constitution in their name. It is only fitting then that I should pledge to them and to you that I will be the President of all the people."

Clear enough - "they gave me, Appointed President Ford, the Captains Chair."

Ford continued: "My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over. Our Constitution works; our great Republic is a government of laws and not of men. Here, the people rule. But there is a higher Power, by whatever name we honor Him, who ordains not only righteousness but love, not only justice, but mercy....let us restore the golden rule to our political process, and let brotherly love purge our hearts of suspicion and hate." -- Gerald Ford, August 9, 1974.

The USA has "a government of laws and not of men. Here, the people rule..."

No one ever said the best and the brightest would rule, at times turds also rise to the top, this is one of those times - we have to flush it with votes. As Trump creates new commotions, those will need to be dealt with as his "fake emergencies". Gaining control over the various protests and/or bad actors is for the hosting municipalities and States, Trump just sticks his nose in for attention.

Without the adulation and attention of his evangelical MAGA's, Trump is a toothless tiger.

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1992 during the unrest around the LAPD acquittal...things looked similar. Thousands of us were arrested. I along with them spent 3 nights at Santa Rita prison. This is a long haul fight but there are MANY MORE of us people who will march for justice than there are of the small men with big guns. BE BRAVE AND GET OUT THERE. The only way to prevail is to deepen our organizing and commitment to justice and peace.

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I actually just read a Danish article the other day, which also talked about a possible Civil War in USA. I've had that thought since Trump came into office, when I had an American flatmate who told me of the hatred between left and right. Obviously I do not hope it will end in war, but the fact that the turnout in 2016 was only 55% you kinda deserve that orange man.. Why Americans are not automatically eligable to vote from the day they turn 18 is beyond me. Here we just get our ballot by mail automatically and need not register. But there are so many things I don't understand about USA. Gun control (or the lack of it), death penalty, racism, gerrymandering, the flawed democracy, religion...

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(Sorry somehow I didn't finish a sentence...)

All this is because the Republicans know, from long experience and observation, that when the educated poor and minorities and oppressed can vote with knowledge of the issues and the ability to actually easily vote without obstruction... they tend to vote Democrat.

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Don't speak on things that you are ignorant about. You have no idea what kind of propaganda there is in the US, nor do you have any clue as to the kinds of voter suppression that has been in place since this country was founded. Educate yourself rather than commenting on our troubles and don't ask someone to to the leg work for you either, Americans have far more important things to worry about.

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Sorry Vincent was so sharp with you. But they're right, the right wing has largely been to blame for that list of strange problems we have, also along with the tax cuts for the rich, extreme income disparity, and lack of any sort of socialized healthcare. The right wingers are bullies who push and push, and the left wingers are too nice to push back. Because as soon as we do, the Republicans roar and wave their guns and scream that we're 'violating their rights', and use that as ammo against us. "See? I told you the Democrats are power hungry!"

But meanwhile, the Republicans vote against their own interests. The poor ones vote for people who cut their benefits. The sick vote for people who got rid of Obamacare (the closest we've come to somewhat affordable medical care). The racial minorities in the party vote for those who retweet messages from white supremacist groups. The elderly vote for the people who want to get rid of Social Security (the fund for them to live on after they retire).

This is because decades ago Republicans passed a law removing accountability for news organizations, giving birth to the modern Fox News network. They're an absolute talkpiece for the party's hypocritical ideals, having nothing but good to say about Republicans and nothing but bad about Democrats. And they lie, lie, and lie some more. And despite countless efforts of the people to denounce them, they continue to. They're the favorite network of the Republicans because as we say, "Truth has a liberal bias." They'd rather hear the sweet lies that make them feel good.

So they don't KNOW about the ways their leaders are harming them and everyone else. They don't bother to research, all they need to know is on Fox News so there's no need to think about it! So they'll believe the lies that the big bad Democrats are doing this or that. Even political ads keep lying and lying, and no calls to do anything about it are being listened to.

And that's the other thing: Fear is used to control them the most. The people drawn to the party tend to be those who are very easy to scare. "The Dems will take away your guns! You need those to protect yourselves! Because the immigrants will steal your jobs! But vote for me and I'll PROTECT you!"

And they're also fed the perception that human beings are like a totem pole: People at the bottom, the middle, the top. And if they're not on the top, then they'll be pushed around. Well then that means they'd better make sure they're on the top and stay there! So anyone who needs help, the vulnerable, the poor, the downtrodden, racial minorities, women... they have to be kept below! So that's where the racism, sexism, homophobia, and xenophobia comes from.

They don't realize that we're in fact more like a log. We're all on the same level. If pieces of us have fallen, we need to pull them back up with us!

But good luck ever getting them to see it that way. :/

And all of that is how Republicans have gotten away with gerrymandering (cheating to win by re-drawing the voting districts in their favor). Because they know that if elections went legitimately, they'd lose, because MOST people can see past the bullshit. So they have to move the goalposts and change the rules so they can keep winning.

They're also why they keep refusing to pass legislation to auto-register people to vote. Also why they're implementing more and more nefarious strategies to make it harder for the most downtrodden people to vote. Voter ID laws (office hours to get these are extremely limited, and if you're homeless/have no permanent address, you can't get one at all), closing the majority of polling stations in areas with high black populations so they're forced to wait in discouragingly long, long lines into the night to vote, many giving up from fatigue, pain if they're elderly or sick, hopelessness at seeing how they're being treated and beginning to doubt their votes may even matter... voting locations moved to remote areas forcing people to make long trips, who might not have transportation or time to get there... ballots found in the dumpsters, malfunctioning machines during electronic voting which nearly always happen to pick the Republican when people click the Democrat...

The list goes on and on. And the whole while the right wing says it's because of the huge problem of voter fraud... which many MANY investigations prove repeatedly happens SO RARELY it's very much never truly been an issue... but ELECTION fraud runs rampant and largely unpunished. And election day is not a holiday; a lot of people have to work or get fired. The poor need the money so they can't call off. The racial minorities are so lucky to have this job and if they ask for it off so they can vote, they might get fired. And so on.

All this is because the Republicans know, from long experience and observation, that when the educated poor and minorities and oppressed can vote with knowledge of the issues and

So what we have are people voting based on lies, and those who know the truth having hurdle after hurdle thrown in their way until they can't get to the polls, or are too discouraged by how crooked the system has gotten.

And to top it all off, even the Democratic Party has begun giving in to corruption themselves. They're moving further right, to the point they're now centrists. They think the far-left among us are just an extremist fringe and don't take us seriously. And when they saw Bernie Sanders getting more votes than Biden in the Primaries, they quickly got together and forced the delegates to pledge for Biden instead. Because they have this idea in their heads that they can try to pull Republicans to their party... and ignoring the wing of the party they're SUPPOSED to be on. :(

I wish we had more parties (we technically do, but the non-main ones never have a chance to win), and ranked-choice voting. I wish we were auto-registered at age 18 and were mailed our ballots without having to mail the county clerk, fill out papers, send them back, then get our ballots IF approved. I wish the news and political ads couldn't lie. I wish for a lot of things, and so do so many of us.

But everytime there's Republicans in the White House, even in the Senate or House of Representatives... these bills are overturned, denied, or even just left to rot. Google "Mitch McConnell unsigned bills" and look at the pile of bills he refuses to move on to work on becoming laws. :( He's been a major stonewall in several administrations, so proud and gleeful whenever he harms people through the policies he ignores and the harmful ones he passes.

He's the reason Obama had a hard time fulfilling any of his promises. Mitch and the GOP literally got together and took an OATH to get in the way of any policies Obama wanted to accomplish. That should've been illegal, but somehow it wasn't. It was public knowledge yet everyone had to just go on as if everything was normal, while they sabotaged the person WE THE PEOPLE elected.

And so many people are afraid that'll happen once again that they figure "what's the use of even trying?"

Anyway I'm getting tired so I gotta conclude: Democrats in our nation, and indeed those further left who are too sickened by the party to want to vote for it, have been facing massive walls to have any say in our country, and those walls are growing bigger and bigger. Trump has made them more massive than anyone else now. I hope and PRAY the majority turn out and give Biden a landslide... but it's worrisome because he's not well liked, he seems to have mental issues developing, and many Bernie supporters are understandably not wanting to vote for a centrist who stole Bernie's votes and said he'd likely put Republicans on his team. :(

But we have to. Because otherwise, it's Trump all over again. And nobody could be worse than Trump now. We HAVE to stop him.

But even if Biden wins... I fear the backlash. Trump will likely trash things on the way out. Set more chaos into motion. And drive his followers into a frenzy, whereupon they might finally get the "Boogaloo" (their nickname for Civil War II that many of them crave, also morphed to "Big Igloo") that they so much want.

And they know that Democrats will be too nice to attack them first... but they have no such compunctions. They've been indoctrinated to see us as subhuman, as unworthy, as simultaneously pitiful and dangerous. I really worry. :(

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Good article, as usual. Small point but I believe that Trump spoke of invoking the Insurrection Act of 1807 (not the War Powers Act) last night when he threatened to send the military into states if the local national guard didn't suppress the protests.

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I said he should have involved War Powers for COVID and did not and yes, he is attempting to enact the Insurrection Act over the protests. Thanks.

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Uh, I hate to be the one to tell you, but the President CANNOT "involve" the War Powers Act because the War Powers Act requires Congressional approval before a President can start a war.

Although he probably should have asked for a declaration of War against China for launching is Bio-Weapons attack against the US with the Covid-19 bio-weapon.

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‪I appreciate your article, but using the words “Civil War” or “war” in the headline plays into a white nationalist fantasy of starting a race war that has existed for decades and only gives those who want violence a reason to commit it. These people are in positions of power, cannot wait for a race war, and neither can their supporters. They are possibly even inciting violence across state lines for that very purpose. Please refrain from unwittingly fanning the flames‬ and please consider changing your headline.

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I strongly disagree and the whole point is to call it what it is. Furthermore, I won't even consider your words until you use your real, full name to back up what you say like I do. Have a nice day.

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Isn't underscoring the (previously unrealized) "white nationalist fantasy of starting a race war" the entire point of Vanderpool's piece? And when you say that a "race war . . . has existed for decades," let's be specific about what you mean. Yes, racism, race crimes and the governmental/societal/economic normalization of race crimes has existed for decades. But a full-blown war involving arms on both sides clashing in a militarized fashion all across the country -- that doesn't seem like a potential turning point for you?

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The commies are going to cr@p nails when Trump wins a clear victory in Nov.!!

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Great article Aimee. I too am worried about this. All of the right wing militias have been preparing for this. I am afraid that they will embark on the very enterprise our constitution is designed to avoid; a violent transfer of power or an outright war to protest the result of an election.

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